Coffee Table Books
There are many publications published by the manufacturers that include service manuals, training information, sales promotions and other various materials. Perhaps some of the most valuable items have been what Ford and International call "Coffee Table Books" that typically contain "Features, Descriptions And Unique Service Procedures" for a variety of engines and "Tech Guides." These publications are intended to provide technicians and service personnel with an overview of technical advancements, features, changes and new systems. Most of us have seen at least one of these but most of us have never seen them all. A couple are quite old now but may prove useful regardless. Everyone in the service departments should have a copy or access to them when they are first made available and our understanding is that these were supposed to be freely distributed to us. A broadband Internet connection is recommended because some of the files are very large. Adobe Acrobat Reader® is required to view all of these and decompression software is required for the ZIP files - we recommend using 7-ZIP which is free (consider a donation) or you can get WinZip® which has a free trial but is worth purchasing.