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  2. I acquired one like that, used it for a year and a half, now it's gone. I hope someone gets as much use out of it as I did.
  3. 2016 F550 service body, 6.7L. 169,730 KM We believe they have the tuner cranked.
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  5. Nice find Casey, I don't think I would have thought to see if the rail was plugged. I seen this once on a 6.0 that had something blocking the oil rail on an 03 rail style oil log.
  6. Thanks Gary ! wpt-1306 looks like the right one. I will double check on Monday
  7. I have given up on a lot of the "Ford brand parts" for 6.0 diesels. Who is making reliable parts for the 6.0. Do the Alliant power stand pipe/dummy plug seal kits last longer than a year ?
  8. So these are for a 2023 F-150 inside the mirror Funny if I look up a f-350 shows nothing available Done a few sensors that are bad but never need a connector yet
  9. Pigtail Kit Part Number: WPT-1548 https://www.fordservicecontent.dealerconnection.com/pubs/content/connectors/images/WPT1548.gif Service Part Number:AU2Z-14S411-AGC Gauge: 20 Pin material: Silver Cavities: 2 Vehicle Uses: Sensor - Ambient Temp Sensor - Side Impact Pigtail Kit Part Number: WPT-1306 https://www.fordservicecontent.dealerconnection.com/pubs/content/connectors/images/WPT1306.gif Service Part Number:AU2Z-14S411-AGB Gauge: 20 Pin material: Silver Cavities: 2 Vehicle Uses: Sensor - Ambient Temp Sensor - Side Impact
  10. I have a 2023 that needs a pigtail or pins for the AAT connector. Has anyone found part numbers, our customer does want to spend the big money for a mirror. In the mean time they are looking for junk part to cut the pigtail out of.
  11. I agree on Duramax. The placing of things just over the top of something else by a few mms where it seems to not make any engineering sense raises my BP. The only thing they have going for them is the no struggle fender liners they've used for a dozen or so years. I hope Ford figures out to put the liner on top of fender edge instead of behind it.
  12. I teach 9 months out of the year and work at a local diesel shop during the summer. I love it because I make some extra cash and it keeps me in the game. This is super beneficial for teaching. Most of my colleagues are stuck in what ever year they stopped wrenching. The big advantage is this shop works on all of the big 3. The worst of them being the Duramax. I am convinced that Chevy absolutely hates mechanics. Right now the shop looks like a Dodge dealership. The redesigned Cummins with hydraulic lifters are coming apart at an alarming rate!!! @Keith Browning are you seeing a lot of lifter failures on the 6.7's?
  13. Best thing that ever happened to my career was becoming a teacher at a local automotive community college!
  14. Well, a good two years later and we can close the case on this file! Just kiddin'. I forgot to post that this truck went bye bye and I never got an update on what happened.
  15. I know this is an older thread but, I figured I would give an update to what I found. I replaced the turbo and still same concern. checked for any leaks and found none. I found the fuel pressure was dropping but I wasnt getting a code. So after checking injectors and found a couple that had excessive return still the same problem. removed cp4 disaster prevention kit and vehicle would not start. replaced high pressure pump and now vehicle is fixed. there seems to be enough fuel fed through the VCV hole on the disaster kit to allow vehicle to still run. There was no signs of metal from pump in the system.
  16. So after checking injectors and found a couple that had excessive return still the same problem. removed cp4 disaster prevention kit and vehicle would not start. replaced high pressure pump and now vehicle is fixed. there seems to be enough fuel fed through the VCV hole on the disaster kit to allow vehicle to still run. There was no signs of metal from pump in the system.
  17. Awesome, thank you! I will give it a go when it comes back.
  18. I looked on the Ford BBAS site and it looks like all of the older stuff has been purged from existence. But if the e-series are the same as the f-series you need to find the blunt end wires for the pto and connect the solid orange wire to a 12 volt powered switch. The parking brake will have to be turned on to make it work.
  19. Hello I am trying to find some instructions on how to install/activate elevated idle control. This is a fire rescue van with a patient compartment on the back, would like to get some increased airflow through the rad/condenser when they are parked/idling on these hot days. Looks like there should be a way to wire up a switch to the pto wires but I can not find instructions. Any one able to point me in the right direction?
  20. Out of desperation I replaced #8 fuel injector since it is the cylinder that set the code and no surprise it did not fix anything. The line to the injector is getting fuel but i cracked the injector supply line with the engine running and there is barely a trickle of fuel leaking out. So the FRP sensor is on bank 1, which is working fine and that is why it passed the high pressure fuel test. I then cracked the line coming into the rail and had lots of fuel spray. I have removed the rail, no debris inside but the fuel feed port is plugged. It looks like there is an orifice in there that has shifted and is now blocking the passage.
  21. #2)380, #4)400, #6)400, #8)380. Valve cover is off, can hear the injectors all buzz on self test, injector resistances are within spec, all circuits between injectors and pcm are good, valve train is all good.
  22. 08 f350, deleted, got towed in last night. Check engine light on with p0284 #8 low contribution. Monitor power balance and all cylinders on bank 2 are missing, injector kill on those cylinders make no change in rpm. Relative compression all 0%, no exhaust smoke, Injector electrical test passes, high pressure fuel test passes, no metal in fuel bowl, will not complete a KOER self test, wiggle test on harness makes no change. Any one run into this or have some thoughts? My 6.4 experience is very limited, could there be a fuel return issue? It seems electrical to me even though the buzz test passes. Thinking I will pull valve cover and test all injector circuits next but would like some other opinions.
  23. Gotcha. I looked in my storage container tonight to see what I have and I don’t have that number.
  24. Well I found a cable that works from NAPA #NUP 97292. I think the bigger problem is my parts department makes 2 call and puts there hands in the air leaving other people to do there job.
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