This is our water cooler. Discuss anything related to your job, dealers, the manufacturers or customers. Please do not make technical posts about vehicles or engines here. Rumors are definately allowed!
The tools and technology of the trade and the World Wide Web. Computers and the Internet are fast becoming the most important tool and source of information available. Post any question or topic related to the equipment we use daily and share sources and links on the Internet.
Discuss any recall (FSA) Technical Service Bulletin or Special service message here. Do NOT post full copyrighted documents. Please paraphrase and share details only as necessary. Otherwise, post all you want.
Use this Forum to discuss ANYTHING from bio-diesel to synthetics, fuel additives - whatever! Share with us shop products and chemicals along with their uses.
Discuss anything related to warranty issues such as coverage, policies, administration, warranty actions and write-ups. Be RESPONSIBLE. Be RESPECTABLE.