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broken glow plug

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it is a 2001 7.3 and it broke like a 5.4 3v spark plug, do you guys have any tricks to get broken glow plugs out without taking the head off,I tried vise grips and a slide hammer on the little bit that is sticking out,it is on #5 I am letting it soak in juice overnight but I think that I will just have to take the head off

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I have gotten a couple broken ones out. First I put vice grips on the end so it dose'nt fall into the cylinder. Tap it down just a little bit to loosen it from the head and then just kind of work it out. If your lucky it will come out. You have soaked it with pennetrating oil and that may help your situation. The problem is the tips get swollen and it won't fit out of the glow plug hole. I have had to remove heads for this too.

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got the thing loose,will not pull thru,removed the injector and used a borescope,droped the plug in the cylinder,used a magnet and I can get a hold of it just can't pull it thru the hole,if I removed the injector cup would that give me more room?

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No... the hole in the injector cup is pretty much the same size as the hole in the head.... I came back to this thread to mention that patience is going to be a virtue.... but I guess I'm a little late.


From experience... set yourself a time period - "I will spend <point whatever> trying to fish this thing out"... make this a reasonable amount of time and don't get swayed by "AAAAAKK! -almost had it!!" things. After that time has run out, resign yourself to removing the head....


In this business, even the simplest things can take a giant leap sideways in a heartbeat.... If your are feeling frustrated... walk away from it for a while.... frustration will only breed more frustration... If you find yourself rushing.... stop - getting in a rush breeds mistakes....


While some extra patience with the GP may have kept things from getting this far, there is no assurance that it wouldn't have broke off, anyway.... It isn't really your problem and, unpleasant as the idea may sound, the customer needs to be told that there is a problem and that he will have to pony up for it.....


We didn't design them.... we didn't build them.... and we didn't break them...


When any of us got into this trade, did we ever consider that we rarely (if ever) get to give anyone good news????


Years ago, I spent a good portion of my youth engaged in recreational pharmacology. During that period, I didn't really care what I said to who... One winters day, a woman had her car towed in to the Chev dealer I was working at. There was a thump, a "horrible sound" and the charge light came on in the cluster.... Being the tactful young man, I wandered in to the customer "lounge" and asked if she used to have an orange cat.... "Yes, I do..." sez she..... "No you don't", sez I.... And that got me one step closer to changing jobs....

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  Jim Warman said:

Years ago, I spent a good portion of my youth engaged in recreational pharmacology. During that period, I didn't really care what I said to who... One winters day, a woman had her car towed in to the Chev dealer I was working at. There was a thump, a "horrible sound" and the charge light came on in the cluster.... Being the tactful young man, I wandered in to the customer "lounge" and asked if she used to have an orange cat.... "Yes, I do..." sez she..... "No you don't", sez I.... And that got me one step closer to changing jobs....

Hahahahaha!!!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hahaha.gif

I'm laughing my ass off right now. Thanks.

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  Mekanik said:

Originally Posted By: Jim Warman

Years ago, I spent a good portion of my youth engaged in recreational pharmacology. During that period, I didn't really care what I said to who... One winters day, a woman had her car towed in to the Chev dealer I was working at. There was a thump, a "horrible sound" and the charge light came on in the cluster.... Being the tactful young man, I wandered in to the customer "lounge" and asked if she used to have an orange cat.... "Yes, I do..." sez she..... "No you don't", sez I.... And that got me one step closer to changing jobs....

Hahahahaha!!!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hahaha.gif

I'm laughing my ass off right now. Thanks.

OHHHH CRAP! Jim is my kinda guy! Just wish he could fix the heat up in his area of the country...I get cold at 40 above F much less trying to deal with -40!

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Having two cats of my own I am trying not to laugh but it is funny... Jim's response. I have had run ins with glow plugs stuck in the head. Damaged plugs with melted tips usually don't come out. The aged ones bound by carbon do for me. I'll repeat that patience is your ally. Soaking with penetrating oil and working the plug up and down proved worth while for me. I recall also borrowing a small slide hammer that threaded into the end of a Vice-Grip wrench.

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