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ICP Hash

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How much ICPV "hash" in the graph do you guys think is normal? This one seems a bit more than normal to me.


This is a 2003 with an intermittent no-start, no ICP. The ICPV is .15 KOEO, which is just out of range low. I suggested they hang an ICP, IPR, and ICP pigtail for PM.




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First, Bruce I am always amazed at how many tools you have open at the same time as shown by your screen shots. But as for the ICP voltage I sometimes wonder myself. Yesterday I had a 2003 with a P2285 and the MIL was on. The KOEO voltage was 0.12V. The ICP sensor was leaking of course and it also received a new harness pigtail. I looked at the PIDS again after the repair and notices that the ICPV was similar too what you show in this screen shot. I usually dont agonize over this because it seems normal... probably hydraulic noise causing the hashed signal. I always do a double take but dismiss it as normal.


Is this recording pre or post repair? My signal looked the same afterward as it did prior to replacing the ICP and pigtail.

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I'd say it's screwed Bruce. Pull the connector off and you will probably find oil in it. .18 to .24 is the spec. I see lots at .15v giving all kinds of driveability issues. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/2cents.gif

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  Keith Browning said:

First, Bruce I am always amazed at how many tools you have open at the same time as shown by your screen shots. But as for the ICP voltage I sometimes wonder myself. Yesterday I had a 2003 with a P2285 and the MIL was on. The KOEO voltage was 0.12V. The ICP sensor was leaking of course and it also received a new harness pigtail. I looked at the PIDS again after the repair and notices that the ICPV was similar too what you show in this screen shot. I usually dont agonize over this because it seems normal... probably hydraulic noise causing the hashed signal. I always do a double take but dismiss it as normal.


Is this recording pre or post repair? My signal looked the same afterward as it did prior to replacing the ICP and pigtail.

You think this is a lot? You should see my Windows with about 20-25 applications open, including 5 or more Powerpoints, each several hundred meg. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif Even with 2GB ram, I can still clog it up. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif


This was pre-repair. Dwayne, there was no oil in the pigtail but I thought it was a safe bet to change it....

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Remembering that the ICP is a variable capacitance sensor.... and considering the EBP is also variable capacitance (but not knowing for sure what this truck will give you for EBP readings - I see VGTLRN PIDs), I'd consider comparing the two traces to see if EBP has similar hash....


If it doesn't, life goes on.... if it does I'd have to say "HMMMMM".


FWIW, with all the green guys I have (and the intense supervision they require), I'm starting to lose "hands on" diesel stuff.... I still discuss a lot of stuff with my diesel guys, but I know that there's stuff they're seeing that I'm missing out on. I'm looking for you guys to help keep me in line on some stuff....

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I had an 03 with the same graph even after replacing the sensor and connector for oil contamination which repaired the vehicle. I know the 04 and later trucks dont have that much hash

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The last time I saw one that looked that noisy, the HPOP was starting to come apart and an almost microscopic piece of spring was stuck in the check valve.


The drive symptom though was quite different, that '03 had a high speed miss, or you would have to rev and hold it at 2000 to 2200 rpm.


Just the same that is what the signal looked like, but then sometimes I see funky signals (noisy) on trucks that have no issues at all.


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