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P0128 & P0196

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P0128 is the stuck thermostat code that was turning on the Check Engine light on early build trucks. Apparently the parameters were too narrow for warm up time. This was corrected with a recalibration some time ago. I actually had a handful of trucks come in with this code and cured it with the calibration. I had one such truck in a few weeks ago and flashed it. Came back today with the P0128 in it. The pinpoint test for the code has you clear the code and perform the KOEO and KOER self tests. No codes means "unable to duplicate." In my opinion the PCED totally throws caution to the wind.


Okay. I decided to review all of the testes and decided to monitor ECT and EOT temp and volts. Normally a truck will reach 180-ish idling in the bay. Not tis truck. EOT maxed at around 122 degrees and ECT maxed out at 95 degrees. I raised the idle and the temps dropped, probably because one of the t-stats is stuck open and that fan that wont stop engaging kept the coolant temps down. Stats will be in tomorrow.

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We have just had a rash of P0196 codes being set because of T-stats this last week. We also upsell a winter front to help them warm up faster. If you look at the Freeze Frame data they all set at the 10 minute run time mark around 1100 RPM/TP at 0%/VSS 0. Seems people fire'em off and go back inside to let the truck warm up and it takes too long. I wouldn't be surprised to see a re-flash happen here, too.

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interesting. We just had one of these the other day that we just did a program on and let it go. I was wondering if we where going to have this issue sooner or later. the gas engines, more in the rangers had issues with programming setting the p0128 codes.


We probably wont see as many here in az as the cold states, we are only in the 65* here during the day, maybe 45s at night on cold nights.

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We have '08 units on the lot stacking up like cord wood around here. There moving about as fast as Mustang GT's in January with 3 feet of snow on the ground. We live in a small area and people are kinda gun shy about the new powerplant. I think I have worked on a total of 3, one out of towner, one a lot unit with injector recall, and the boom truck.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  G. Bedford said:

We have just had a rash of P0196 codes being set because of T-stats this last week. We also upsell a winter front to help them warm up faster. If you look at the Freeze Frame data they all set at the 10 minute run time mark around 1100 RPM/TP at 0%/VSS 0. Seems people fire'em off and go back inside to let the truck warm up and it takes too long. I wouldn't be surprised to see a re-flash happen here, too.


Had one today, same scenario. Talked to the Hotline and they know its an issue and are looking into it. As a matter of fact, look for a new SSM on it tomorrow. For me, the system tested good and no problems with the sensor. Advised to clear the code and release the vehicle, continue to monitor the PTS web site for a TSB with a reflash.


By the way, customer uses a block heater AND starts the truck before venturing off in the morning... hasn't been below 25 degrees yet in NJ! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/icon_crazy.gif

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And there it is!






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I had one three weeks ago that I reflashed and came back afew days later setting the code and this time the customer said that it is was slow to come to operating temp. and intermitent no heat. Removed the thermostat housing and found one stat had not been latched down in the housing. I replaced stats and all is well.

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How long did the stats take to do? I have parts waiting for a truck to return and finally read up on it. Looks like the shroud and fan have to come off and then the vertical EGT cooler bracket. That reminds me, I only ordered one clamp. I think it needs three.

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don't do it the way the book would have you do it,order one clamp and one bolt because it does not come with a bolt in the clamp kit,half of the time it takes you to do the job is spent trying to get the braket and the thermostat hosuing out,I have a hard time getting the themostat housing out and in

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My truck came back yesterday with the same code. When I did remove the thermostats, the top one was badly scored. Hotline had me reflash the PCM this time though. Will most likely come back again.


As Mutter said, don't remove the shroud. I just removed the right hand battery and degas bottle assembly. Then remove the bottom verticle EGR cooler bracket. The hold down for the thermostat housing is a bit tricky. Once you figure it out though, it's not that bad. You have to flip the back of the hold down up toward the front of the engine and turn it slightly counter clockwise and it will pull right off of the housing. Then the housing slides right out. I made money on that job. Took about an hour and a half for my first time. The next one will be much faster.


However, the whole design of this engine is still "RETARDED"! WTF were they thinking? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif Oh yeah, right, they don't think. Computer designing and engineering does it for them. Looks great on a screen, right? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/icon_crazy.gif

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  DwayneGorniak said:

However, the whole design of this engine is still "GAY"! WTF were they thinking? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif Oh yeah, right, they don't think. Computer designing and engineering does it for them. Looks great on a screen, right? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/icon_crazy.gif

I would love for Dwayne to get a phone call from Ford stating...."you think its sooo easy...come to Deeetroit and assist us in designing the next diesel"


We get that truck in our bay..... wiring harness has 3 inch thick insulation....no egr, or cooler... go to workshop manual to find out how to remove turbo... " step 1....go to fridge and get special service tool (labatts er crown)... step 2 unbolt 3 dem der mounting bolts....step 3 remove dem der turbo" /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif

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  Bruce Amacker said:

What do you mean by mangled?


I mean, MANGLED!


Posted Image


I did not do that to this thermostat. As a matter of fact, I tried to bend it back by hand and I couldn't. It's not a flimsy valve and the spring is not strong enough to bend it if something were to get caught in it and there were no marks on the rubber coating. This had to have been installed that way or damaged during installation. Anyway, the engine reaches full operating temperature now, ECT and EOT are much closer and maybe, just maybe her fuel economy will improve from 9 MPG.

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Just a thought... Could this have been built around the time Ford and Nav. were having there little lovers spat. Re: lawsuit against one another and somebody might have been pissed off on the line? What's the engine build date? Was it around this time period?


By the way that stat is really (f)trucked up!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif

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Just a thought... Could this have been built around the time Ford and Nav. were having there little lovers spat. Re: lawsuit against one another and somebody might have been pissed off on the line? What's the engine build date? Was it around this time period.

/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif Gee I think I might have heard that somewhere before. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif MAYBE HERE

Originally Posted By: eastendpowerstroke
lookie here


"PowerStroke 6.4-liter Diesel


March 1, 2007




Navistar International Transportation Company has been ordered by the court to resume building and shipping the 6.4L PowerStroke diesel. Earlier in the week, they had announced they were stopping production. Ford has always honored its agreements with Navistar, and will continue to take the necessary steps to resolve this issue. The Kentucky Truck Plant is operating on one shift today, and will be closed tomorrow. Production will resume on Monday, and the plant will return to its regular operation schedule as quickly as possible. We'll update you when we can provide additional information."


if you think they were going to be problematic before wait till we start getting "COURT ORDERED" engines /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hitthefan.gif

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  • 4 weeks later...

All you guys that are getting the p0128 code with the messed up thermostats, is ure ect going above 170.6 degrees? Especially your's keith, did your messed up thermostat show weird ECT readings or just had a hunch?


I have my first 128 ( the rest are 196's ) and my ECT stays dead at 170.6 - 172.2 at idle letting everything stabilize. j/w

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  Tony302600 said:

All you guys that are getting the P0128 code with the messed up thermostats, is ure ECT going above 170.6 degrees? Especially your's Keith, did your messed up thermostat show weird ECT readings or just had a hunch?

Most of mine were cured with the new calibration and were early build trucks. The last one I had gave me the P0196 ant had a stuck t-stat, the mangled one i mentioned. I think the key to diagnosing this is to look at the freeze fame data and the runtime as mentioned. Then drive the truck to fully warm it up. Look at ECT and EOT, they should be fairly close. On the one I had with the bad t-stat the EOT was at least 25 degrees (f) higher than ECT. The EOT never got over 160 degrees before replacing the t-stat.



Edited to fix the acronym imbalance. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/blush.gif

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