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New Battery Tester

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Anybody run into this little gem of a tool? Yet another TIME WASTING piece of crap dreamed up by the bean counters. 3-1/2 hours to test, charge and retest a battery I knew was bad to begin with. What are we supposed to do with a customer that has been jump starting their car for a week and want to wait while we "test" their battery?


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It's the GR1-190. Nice tool but it can take a considerable amount of time to complete a full test with charge. We are bound to using it for warranty codes. We still use the hand-held units for quick testing and for completing the QCRC inspections.

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Mind you, this is a new tool and I was told by my service manager that it must be used for warranty. I don't know if that is "the law" or if it's etched in stone where getting claims paid is concerned. Since it is expected of me, I do as I am asked. It just amazes me that we are asked to do more paperwork, fill out more check sheets and use more and more of these silly tools. Posted Image Then they ask why productivity is down! Do they have a Quality Care sheet for that too?


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  • 3 weeks later...

We nicknamed the hand held unit(micro490) "The Battery Seller". Our service manager told us that the new tester (GR-1 190) replaces the micro490 and to use it on all warranty batteries.

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We had another one today! Posted Image


A three hour charge and it passed the battery, the battery failed a hydrometer test and won't hold a charge overnight. Another "better idea" to keep those warranty numbers down and piss off customers. This new tester get's the "atta-boy" award in my eyes.

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  • 9 months later...

Dredging up old posts is going to be my "project" for the day, I think...


We were drop shipped a brand new GR1-190 last week.... This is just shy of $900 CA.... and Ford gave us one for free........


because our battery claims are too high.


The guys hate this thing....

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  • 1 month later...

yup got one here too. we had to hire a "battery boy" because issues with trucks that have 4 batteries it takes 2 hours to test the batteries. oh first one worked 1 time and they had to ship it back for replacement

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yup got one here too. we had to hire a "battery boy" because issues with trucks that have 4 batteries it takes 2 hours to test the batteries. oh first one worked 1 time and they had to ship it back for replacement /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hitthefan.gif

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I complained about this one in a different forum. Imagine an F-650 with 3 batteries, each of them get the 3+ hour charge. A bay was tied up for nearly 10 hours for a 0.4 battery test. We mentioned it to someone at ford, who said that we should have parked it in a spare bay (which we don't have too many of that can accomodate a truck of that size), or done it outside while getting other work done. Well, that spare bay is cable of making the company a few hundred dollars per hour, not 40 dollars in one day... but we could have blocked the entire parking lot for the day with this 30+ foot long truck. BTW, the dollar saver tester passed all the batteries, but the hand held tester and load tester failed them... ahhh! that's better.

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  • 5 months later...

Remember, the bean counters at Ford don't care about YOUR PRODUCTIVITY, they care about THEIR PROFITABILITY! While I certainly don't condone replacing good batteries, or any other part for that matter, some of the tools and tests Ford has shoved up our asses over the years are solely to protect Ford's bottom line. That battery tester is not perfect and I trust my hydrometer and a good load tester more. If you know the battery is bad, replace it and get the truck out of your shop and the customer back on the road. Let the battery sit in your shop with the tester connected to it while you move on. Just don't forget to add the ACES and DTC codes to the repair order!

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Remembering that this wonderful new battery tester can pass a bad battery then fail it, then pass it again and then.... you get the picture. One now wonders if this new technology is dependable....


If I know the battery is bad, I do what Kieth does.... with a twist or two... I still use the Micro490 along with a load test and the hydrometer if I need to....


At the risk of having my integrity called to task (remembering that we are already sure that the battery is bad), if the tester refuses to condemn the battery, I know where I can find the required codes for the RO....


FWIW, twice now, I have had the tester pass a battery with flying colours... even though I have to boost the truck to get it out of my bay.

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Jim, I don't think you need to do that, really. In the past I have had a few batteries that had a bad cell proven by a hydrometer test that passed using the tester. Likewise, I have seen the tester pass a few batteries that simply just would not hold a charge over a day or two. Perhaps I had the good fortune of having a good factory Rep that knows how to make the proper judgment call. All I needed to to was show my Service Manager who gives me the nod to replace the battery. All he asks is that I document my findings with an accurate description and write the RO# on the battery. The Rep has no problem approving the claim when we play fair. Am I repeating myself? Sorry if I am...


But I am not going to screw around with a bad battery and a stupid tester. I have a lot of shit to get done! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

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Actually, my biggest problem is with guys that can't copy the DTC and ACES codes down legibly.... The system wont swallow the claim and now I have to get codes.... usually off whatever battery I have handy...


The only time we ever see our DOM is when he wants to impress his bosses....


Ford tells us our battery claims are high... not surprising considering the pounding these things take on some of our oil patch roads and the extremes in temp we see.


One thing that I am pi$$ed at is having to resort to "creative" techniques to replace a battery that the machine is too stupid to recognize as being bad....

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  Jim Warman said:

I have to get codes.... usually off whatever battery I have handy...

We keep one "KDB" (known dead battery) around just for cases like this .

If it's bad I know it's bad it tests bad with the load tester and hydrometer and it won't hold a charge but none of the three testers will fail it use the KDB to get codes and "FIX IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME".

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It just amazes me that we are asked to do more paperwork

Speaking of, have you seen the new end of oasis reports? we are now required to fill out radio forms instead of parts.
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