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Happy Holidays!

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Alex Bruene

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Well, I've reached that time of Friday that it's time to wish everybody a happy holiday and stuff like that. Now, I'm off to excercise my liver for 10 days... CHEERS! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif

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10 Days??? Oh yeah you guy's to the north get that Hallmark holiday, oh what's it called oh yeah Boxing day. I'll be happy having the next 4 days off. If it was anymore than that I don't think my liver would survive.


Happy holidays to everyone and if I don't talk to you before the Holiday be safe and do everything I would... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/drinkingdude.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif

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Happy Ho Ho and merry holidays to everyone as well. I'm off till the 27th so I'll probably be checking back in then. Gonna do some drinking and quaddin and have a blast. Not all at the same time though.


Don't drink and drive everyone. Keep safe and keep your sticks on the ice. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/drinkingdude.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif

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  Keith Browning said:

I am taking one of my four weeks paid vacation! I too am off until after the new year so I will have plenty of time to play with the kids and screw up the site!

ditto been off all week gotta go back for one day newyears eve then two more days off.. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/king.gif


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Like Dwayne, I only get 5 days off but somebodies sons truck needs ball joints and an alignment so that makes 4 days off..... but someones new livingroom is getting it's new couch on Sunday and I still have to finish drywalling and taping first... so that's three days off... and then there's....


Ahhhhh, to hell with it - where's my glass?


Wishing EVERYONE a safe and merry Xmas....

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That totally sucks, I think I can say this freely that we all feel bad that you get screwed both the day before and the day after. Sorry Aaron.... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif


I had the same thing when I was at Motor City Ford. Got screwed all the time. Owner/Dp to damn greedy.


Don't have that here at Superior but Monday is unpaid, that's okay for me a 4 day weekend(priceless)


Sorry man!!!

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You Ontariario guys are nucking futs, anyway.... You live way too close to having to say Joyeaux Noel...


FWIW... back in the latish 60s (I went to Expo 67), we lived in Montreal.... Where we lived, there were more people that spoke Hebrew than French... It was rare to see a house that didn't have presents colourfully wrapped, laying under a gayly decorated Hanukkah Bush.

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I posted a little too hastily there, I found out that we have the option of working either the 'eve day or boxing day. That's how they are getting around it.


So far 0 appointments for monday, 1 appointment for boxing day. (LOF at 1pm)

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(places hands over ears, kicking and screaming)






Oh well. We'll see what the future brings. Back to work tomorrow, my birthday.

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"Here's your birthday and christmas present, i combined them all into one!"


Wow, thanks, never heard that one before lol!


I think my favorite birthday gift EVER, the one I get EVERY YEAR is the $75.00 for license plate renewal.

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Sorry Aaron I can relate to you, my daughters b-day is Dec 25th and she always has seemed to get screwed, but I try to do her b-day a week or two early to try to seperate it. As for me mine is like Jim's in July maybe thats why I'm getting as bad as him...

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It does in a way, mine just passed on the 14th. You are already in that holiday spirit and your birthday isn't as special feeling or exciting I imagine. My daughter's best friend (son of my best friend) was born on Christmas DAY!


Happy Birthday to us my fellow Sagittarian! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif

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