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6.4L starts and stalls after LOF

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Hey guys,

One of my students in Wyoming has a concern.

He says that after every LOF on a lift, the truck will not stay running once they let it down. It starts then shuts down. They put it in Neutral and it starts and runs fine. Shut it off, put it back in park and it will then start and run just fine. He says that this same thing happens after every LOF. They have several of these units and this is the only one that does anything like this. It is a 08 F250 6.4L. He also added that the "wrench" light comes on too when this happens.

Any ideas?

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Another quick question to throw out.

I've been asked what would happen to a hot DPF if it suddenly came in contact with enough water to drown it so to speak.

i.e. backing a truck in to offload a boat into the water.

Would it or could it crack? Or have no effect at all for the short period this may occur?

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  Anthony Crespo said:

Another quick question to throw out.

I've been asked what would happen to a hot DPF if it suddenly came in contact with enough water to drown it so to speak.

i.e. backing a truck in to offload a boat into the water.

Would it or could it crack? Or have no effect at all for the short period this may occur?

AJ: Good question, you saw the DPF before it was cut but not since it was cut.




The honeycomb is not in direct contact with the steel shell, but rather trapped in place with some kind of fiberglass insulation. This would inhibit heat transfer a bit and allow some room for expansion and contraction of the shell.


Also, the DPF is mounted up front under the cab. To immerse it would require water up to and nearly into the cab. I'm not a boater, but from what I remember at the docks the trailer is submerged, but the cab is usually dry. I have a hunch that a 6.4 launching a boat might not even submerge the DPF.


Boaters? Is this correct?


I'm sure FMC thought of this long before the release of the 6.4. Think of the nightmare results if they had not.



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I have a hunch that a 6.4 launching a boat might not even submerge the DPF.

Boaters? Is this correct?

That's generally correct, but up to the person launching the boat as to how for they back in. Usually the rear tires will only be submerged about half way up.
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  Anthony Crespo said:

Hey guys,

One of my students in Wyoming has a concern.

He says that after every LOF on a lift, the truck will not stay running once they let it down. It starts then shuts down. They put it in Neutral and it starts and runs fine. Shut it off, put it back in park and it will then start and run just fine. He says that this same thing happens after every LOF. They have several of these units and this is the only one that does anything like this. It is a 08 F250 6.4L. He also added that the "wrench" light comes on too when this happens.

Any ideas?

Are there any codes in the ECM? If the wrench light is on there would have to be unless he notices the light after the stall.


Are they draining the water separator when they perform oil changes like many of us do? Perhaps they are letting it drain too long allowing too much air into the system. My shop experienced a few issues concerning the first few fuel filter changes and not purging the air well enough. Its a long shot but these engines seem a little sensitive to air. This truck may just be a little extra sensitive.

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  Bruce Amacker said:

I'm sure FMC thought of this long before the release of the 6.4. Think of the nightmare results if they had not.


You can't possibly believe that Bruce?

Bad DPF's, injectors,fuel pump harness's,and egt sensor's just to start. So much for the "100k + miles of "REAL WORLD" testing" /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif

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No we did not because this unit was stationed at another location. It would have been nice! There were no codes using the Genysis according to the technician who had been working on it.

I'm not sure how long they are draining the FCM, but they have more than one in their fleet. I could assume about the same time for each unit serviced but...

I'm waiting for a reply from this tech so we'll see what happens. I'll try to keep you posted.

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