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Remote Start

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I don't know how many of you do remote starts but I had a taurus today that didn't have all the ignition wires hooked up and it was setting a code for low resistance in the fuel sender. the wire that wasn't hooked up was for the fuel gauge and other warning lights. so when remote started. The fuel gauge wasn't being energized so after a few starts with the remote start it would turn the light on.

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  • 1 year later...

Ive seen wayyyyyyy worse ones than that, wishing now i took pictures. I knew who put them in too, thought of removing one and ramming it somewhere!!!

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That was a pretty common thing on LS's if I remember correctly, also.


(The check engine light thing for the fuel sender)


And to reply to your avatar?


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  Bruce Amacker said:

I've got pictures of a truck dash opened up with DOZENS of Scotchlocks crimped into the wiring. Ugh!



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And what part of "our <trained technicians> can install it cheap..." didn't you understand?


If a Big Mac is a buck 99, how come I am willing to spend 10 bucks for a HAMBURGER?


I'd like to digress for a moment here as we mourn the loss of Gusto Burger. Located in St. Albert, Alberta for many years, Gusto-Man was only open for a few hours a day.... the noon crowd and supper time. No longer a spring chicken himself, his wife also suffered from the ravages of time. Never-the-less, GustoMan would take prime Alberta beef and form it into patties - by his hand, these would become a thing of beauty and a joy to the palate. If you have ever been fortunate enough to experience the GustoBurger you will understand - A full dressed Gusto Burger could cost you as much as $12....


Now... why would I bring up a subject like this? A Big Mac is a sandwich made with scotchlox. A GustoBurger was a sandwich with soldered and heat shrinked connections....

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  Jim Warman said:

A Big Mac is a sandwich made with scotchlox. A GustoBurger was a sandwich with soldered and heat shrinked connections....



HOLY CRAP I have seen/heard alot of comparisons over the years, but this one is going to be a classic. Jim I'm impressed.( By the way planishing was the word of the day at work )

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I do all of the remote starts in at our dealer (wow, only diesel tech and the remote start guy, I'm lucky) and I would NEVER use scotch locks on an install. It's not always the easiest to put the module up under the dash, but I do my best. Those pictures are horrible.


Anyway, I had the same trouble with an aftermarket remote start system on a fivehundred. It wasnt powering up the cluster/fuel gauge and caused a MIL

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