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bio fuels

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its really not that loud, before i could almost never here the pump but now if you listen close by the door you can here it.. i have the mixture of the fuel 5gal of veggy and 5gal diesel in an (switched)aux tank.. would you be conserned or just wait for it to go and get a better 1 later..

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k i did a small 2 gal mix last night and ran 5gal veggie and 5gal diesel.. seems to be running pretty good. the only thing im conserned about is the fuels a little thick... i did 5 gallons veggie, mixed with kerosene, reg. unleaded gas, diesel-kleen and dse additive..

Question???? You put all this crap in the tank???

I think I would rather spend the $3.00+ gal. and be secure that I would start tomorrow.
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  Cetane said:

Originally Posted By: AlexBruene
Speaking of which, our fleet rep. was mentioning to me the other day that they were going to get some hydrogen powered Econoline busses to use as a trial... has anybody heard of this, or is it just steam?

I am not sure how many of those we built, I know we arent building anymore. I think some of them went to Canada as a test fleet for the government, some of them went to Florida, and a few stayed here in Dearborn. I went for a ride in one a while back, aside from the lack of power the fact that they are hydrogen is pretty transparent. Be careful though, I am pretty sure every one of them is fully monitored with a telematics system that is recording all the time and monitors everything. The info can be accessed by the H2 engineering staff anytime they want.

I just found out that I'm having my training on this next week. Recieved the training guide yesterday, and it's for a 2007 MY, so I guess it's been around longer than I thought.
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ok now i have 100% veggie(alternative diesel) fuel in the truck and put more than 500 miles on it.. no problems just changed both fuel filters last night wasnt really dirty.. and only $.45 a gallon.. and the fuel pump noices are gone.. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif.. lost 1.5 mpg's and less smoke.. also tried it in a 6.4 with no problems. beat that.. when i first tried this out on the 6.0 i used a 45gal aux tank in the bed hooked to a switch valve..

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That sounds pretty good, but I can't stop thinking about the guy's up in the great northern woods of Canada, -40 below just scares the shit out of me. In Cal. or the south I think that if this system proves reliable would be awesome /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif considering the cost of it per gal. As for the 6.4 I would be a little leary being the fact that it is still a fairly new engine and the Warranty Nazi's at Ford are just that, and I could see them kicking back warranty claims just because of the bio.

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thats the thing its not (BIO) its (alternative).. diesels were basically born on veggie oil.. the main thing in the cold weather to be worried about would be gelling and thinkining of oil.. there are ways to keep it thin and stop the gelling factor just by a couple of simple additives..

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  jzitnikatbankspower said:

would you be conserned or just wait for it to go and get a better 1 later..

We seem to have lost a little bit of what we're after.....


"wait for it to go"???? Our customers are relying on us to keep them from sitting alongside the road waiting for a tow truck. We can't "wait for it to go".... Our customers want the damned thing fixed... fixed now and fixed right. They want the benefit of a national service part warranty system.. They DON'T want us scratching our heads trying to make heads or tails of someones modifications or variations from the norm.


"get a better 1"???? We're a Ford store... we sell Ford parts.. when we open the hood on a customers truck, we like to see familiar things... this makes our jobs easier and should reduce the time spent both diagnosing and repairing.


While there are things that we can learn from the aftermarket, the aftermarket desparately needs to realize that one change will, in most cases, beget other changes. And by the time we are done compensating for this, that and the other, the truck more resembles something Frankenstein might create than the truck the owner originally purchased.

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