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speed limiter

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All F-450's have that speed limiter. Tell your customer to buy a sports car, not a work truck if he wants to go that fast. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif

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Maybe they should, that might stop some of the people that don't need a diesel from buying one /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/2cents.gif

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  jzitnikatbankspower said:

so all 250/350's dont have speed limiter..

If I recall, 6.0L trucks were limited to 94MPH and I would guess that is still true. To confirm, the 2008 F450 with a 6.4L PSD is limited to 81 MPH.

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I don't think it's a bad idea at all. Do we really need to go faster than 80mph? Why would Ford make a vehicle to go that fast anyway? I'm suprised nobody has sued a vehicle manufactuer for making a vehicle go 90-100mph and cause a accident. Thats just my **. I realize that people need to be responsiblr for thier own actions.

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Can you imagine the stress on the tires at 80+ MPH with a full weight load?


There's a fucking REASON that the trucks are governed. Not to mention extended operation at high RPM beats the hell out of engine and driveline components.


Like someone else said, if you really need to go that fast, buy a sportscar. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/2cents.gif

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And finally, one more twist of fate....


I'm reasonably sure that you will find that any new vehicle sold in North America will have a speed limiter... and this will be set in accordance with the speed rating of the tires that the manufacturer installs on the vehicle at the factory...


Why would we need to bypass or change the speed limiter? Aren't enough people dying on our roads as it is?

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These trucks were meant to do work, not Nascar. They are meant to pull a car to the track not go on the track. If you want a truck to go fast buy a Lightning and hop it up. Just please use the Superduty to pull it.(What it was meant for) /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rockon.gif

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There is always a reason for the speed limiter. Mid 90's Aerostars were limited to about 140 KPH because they had a driveline vibration above that. 97 Explorers were limited to 170kph because the tires were only good for 180kph(10 kph margin of safety). Whatever the reason, if you do not do something to upgrade the system that is used to set the limit, it is not wise to bypass the limiter(if it is possible to do so with a chip or whatever).

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The question of speed limit on 450s is why you must not delete your IDS session if something should happen during a reflash, as, if the session is deleted YOU just purchased a 1500.00 PCM.


I was told some time back by the hotline that more than a few shmucks reflashed 450s as 250/350s raising the speed limiter.


This was done using blank path reprogramming.


Seems someone lost a truck and trailer full of horses which had to be put down. Needless to say the owner seued Ford and everyone else he or his lawyer could think of.


Of course the fact that he was traveling at or near a triple digit figure(and I don't mean that funky canukistan metric stuff)with a full load had nothing to do with the crash. Dufus!


Ya just can't fix stupid!


I don't know what anyone else has seen but a 250/350 will do 100mph all day, I've seen 107 out of a stock 6.0 350 dually with miles on it.


These were empty trucks on clear highway.


Again, do not ever under any circumstances try a blank path reprogram on a 6.4L PCM

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After a "refreshing" trip to Edmonton /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/sick.gif and paying a dental surgeon a C-note for absolutely nothing /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif, I'll weigh back in on this sublect...


Where big trucks are going 110 MPH, I don't know... but the term "professional truckdriver" is an oxymoron, anyway. "Wahll, Ah bin drivin' thet fast alla time any I ain't never wrecked...." - but they always miss the "YET"....


Just because we CAN do something doesn't necessarily mean we "SHOULD" do it.... and it certainly doesn't mean that it is "WISE" to do...


I'm an older guy.... I spent many years as a rescue tech with our local volunteer fire department... and there is nothing so sad as scraping people up off the pavement. None of these people (innocents and causes alike) ever set out on that day with the idea that something was going to go terribly wrong...


Bad enough we exceed the limits of the road and the conditions.... exceed our own limits... but when we also exceed the reliable limits of our machinery - the deck is definitely stacked against us.


If a guy really, really needs to show us how big his "penis" is, the race track is a real good place....


Imagine, if you can, losing someone near and dear to the actions of someone else doing something wrong...


Maybe some of these things might appear a bit Draconian... but something needs to be done to reduce the carnage on our highways and byways....


Sorry to hijack the thread... but it would be nice if common sense was a bit more common....

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I agree with everyone...I was taught as a young pup not quite as long as Jim but a while ago...And I quote from somebody near and dear to me, MY FATHER.

A Drivers license is not something earned but a priviledge, respect the machine that is the deadliest weapon you will ever come in contact with.



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Dont get me wrong Im guilty of speeding pretty regularly but lets be reasonable. 10mph or so over isn't a deathwish but with a 70 mph limit 40 over is. I lost my best friend to that exact shit on his down here for my 21 birthday. Worst part was he crossed the median and killed a man and put a conversion van full of highschoolers on their senior trip into the hospital. Tell you what if he walked up to me right now i dont know if id hug him or swing at his jaw. Like you all said common sense...

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