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My Pain with Vista

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Hey Guys;


I just want to share my recent experience with you.


I run my PC's hard. I commonly have 10-15 windows open at any one time, and several of them are usually huge Powerpoint files. I am commonly editing pictures and have a graphics browser open at the same time, and I store over 50,000 photos on my PC for writing purposes.


My PC guy has told me for years that the laptops I use are borderline for the work I do. My main PC is a custom built high end Compaq laptop with a 2.1 processor, 2 GB Ram, and 2 hard drives totalling 160GB. I get error messages and lockups and consider a little bit normal.


I've been having trouble with Powerpoint lately and decided since my laptop was 2 years old I'd take the plunge and buy a tower. I went to Best Buy and got the biggest, baddest, most powerful HP tower they had- 2.6 quad core Intel processor, 3 GB ram, 720GB HD. This is the bomb! It comes with Vista, as that's all you can get in stores these days. I proudly took my new toy home and began loading all of my programs and files on it. This is about 10 hours with all of the restarts, internet updates, and online registrations that have to take place.


Vista is a challenge to get used to. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif Everything is moved around when compared to XP Pro, and it is a constant search to find things that were in a very familiar place. It's like moving into a new house with a completely new look. Better? No, just different. Constant popups from Vista are a real irritant, even when you turn off "Protected Mode".


The real problems began when I had troubles with some of my programs- ISIS isn't compatible with IE7, and Vista doesn't support IE6. Ugh! Adobe Acrobat 5 isn't supported by Vista, either, requiring purchase of Adobe 8 as a minimum, which is several hundred dollars. This is not good.


I've kept my AOL e-mail address because I've had it so long. (Yes, I hate AOL as much as the rest of the world.) The only version of AOL which is compatible with Vista is 9, which is absolutely LOADED with constant advertising popups and banners. I hate it!


After working with Vista for 2 weeks, I had my PC guy come over and try to work out as many bugs as he could. I saved 7 pages of screen captured error messages which took a few hours to get through ($$$).


Final Chapter: I am not a quitter, I generally work at something until I am successful. After fighting with Vista for 2 1/2 weeks and getting more frustrated and pissed off by the day, I threw in the towel. This has undoubtedly been the worst 2+ weeks of my life regarding computer problems. I've been unhappy, can't sleep, irritable, pissed off at the world. I went back to BB and they allowed me to return the tower and order a similar tower in XPPro. It will be in in a couple of weeks and I get get back to WORK.






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I went back to BB and they allowed me to return the tower and order a similar tower in XPPro. It will be in in a couple of weeks and I get get back to WORK.

My question my be dumb but why didn't you just install XP PRO onto that machine /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif
I haven't had the pleasure of removing vista, yet but I did do my moms laptop from xp home that came filled to the brim with trial software and so much useless stuff it would take almost 10 min to boot up, my busted ass old 500 MHz dell was faster. I noted all hardware and downloaded the drivers for them and burned all to a CD then created a "slipstreamed" XP disc with the SATA drivers needed for the SATA hard drive and it is a great running machine now.
on edit, what about setting up a "dual boot" pc http://apcmag.com/5485/dualbooting_vista_and_xp
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I bought my laptop almost a year ago when Vista was nearly new. I reasoned that it was better to get the most recent operating system rather than something that would go obsolete sooner.


Then I found out that some things would not run on Vista (like IDS) and that most of the 1 gig RAM, which I thought was a lot (previous Windows 98 machine had 64 meg), was consumed by features that I didn't use.


So I bought XP Pro. I'll admit it, I was scared to install it and loose the stuff that I already had and/or create a big project getting everything working again. Took it to the company that does the computer support for my work and paid to get it over with. The guy that owns that company usually comes and does the work for us himself, but for something simple like my operating system swap he let one of the junior employees handle it. They called the next day to say it was ready, and I was anxious to have the full use of my RAM.


Got it home and started it up to find out that all the drivers had been put into a folder marked "Backup". Sort of like if they had brought their car in to us to have the engine swapped and we gave it back with the transmission, brakes, radio and heater in the trunk.


Anyway, I got some of it sorted out, they fixed the rest and I'm now running happier on XP than I was on Vista; and I have not missed any of the Vista features. However, I now realize that I could have bought a better laptop (than the semi-budget minded one I have) with XP already installed for the same investmant I have in buying a Vista equipped model and converting it. Live and learn.

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  slim said:
There has been a thread on FMC dealer talking about Vista not being compatiable with the newer versions of IDS 53. Seems like alot of techs are hating Vista.

53 will not work with IDS at all, not a single version nor patch level i have tried will work.


i never did install ver. 52 on my vista machine, so i never had a backup copy of it. however, a good person on IATN is sending me a copy of it so i can actually have flash files now too.


there are quite a few issues with the new release, mainly in communication protocols. i guess they wanted to cut out the aftermarket support for the cables (using the AE tool adapter and a CAT5 cable through a network bridge) and added software coding to change the comm. strategy. a simple resistor is all that is needed now to fix that though.


the wireless range sucks balls too, in addition to having to disconnect from the car to hook to the internet.


I went back to BB and they allowed me to return the tower and order a similar tower in XPPro. It will be in in a couple of weeks and I get get back to WORK.


most new machines have hardware that is not supported by XP pro. i tried it on two different laptops, and neither had on board WLAN or Video cards that had drivers supported by XP. after installing the software, i had to reconfigure it back to Vista and figure out software tweaks.

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I have personally gotten extraordinary life out of computers. The PC used to create and maintain this web site is approaching it's 10th birthday since I built it and its still running well. Oh, I have had to upgrade stuff here and there, a new video card, more ram, added a DVD burner and upgraded the operating system twice. I also have saved a few from family that had been retired and they are still in use. I have done quite a bit of hard disk formatting and OS upgrading.


Two things to keep in mind as you use your computers. Keep all documents in your My Documents folder religiously. This makes it easier to back up and transfer and you don't have to go hunting to find them. Second, keep a list of all the programs you install and use. IF you are like me, installing a lot of trial versions before buying, you will need to keep track of programs to help you when you remove un-used programs filling your hard drive. An external hard drive is also a good idea for back ups. There are some really good ones now and the prices are reasonable even for the larger capacity drives 500Mb and up. Thats a lot of storage. They even have software that will automate data back ups for you.


Before upgrading any OS, I also have a list of the system's hardware. Since my main PC was built by me, I have all of the disks with the drivers and software to install. But when a new OS is installed and drivers are not on the Windows disk and you don't have a separate disk(s) with drivers for your machine, the set up will usually install something that will work at least well enough to make the machine usable and then you can download the necessary drivers provided you know the manufacturer of the devices. On occasion you will find a device that is disabled though. So, that list of devices I mentioned? Unless they are really old, all manufacturers have a web site with updated drivers that you can download which I recommend doing BEFORE performing an OS upgrade. Burn them onto a disk and you will have your own no BS install disk. Doing this to a Dell I can tell is no problem. You can go to Dell.com and enter your machines model number and get a list of the drivers for the devices in that computer. Other than IBM I don't know if you have that option but my guess is that you can.


I have removed the installed OS and software on every PC or laptop I bought new as mentioned for the same reasons. I then reinstall the OS and if you monitor the installation, you can bypass the junk that comes with the OEM set up disks. I feel it is better to start clean so I actually reformat to ensure everything is removed.


I will very likely be treating myself to a new PC this year and unless the option is not available, I WILL be ordering Windows XP Professional...


Oh, about Windows Vista, This is a topic about Vista and IDS... Well, if the PC or laptop you are using is primarily used for that use then why even waste your time forcing the issue? I have TWO laptops at work. One in my box for "me" that I log into FMC dealer, visit the DTS and noodle around the web and email, and the other is strictly my diagnostic computer. I loaded Windows XP-Professional and I run IDS, Cat-ET and MD-Truck on the same machine exclusively. Life is happy on that one and I also access FMC dealer and Caterpillar SIS Web while I am using it. Everything is compatible and more importantly, SUPPORTED. By the way, the diagnostic roll cart I was putting together is basically complete. I am still debating on using a DC/AC converter to extend the life of my laptop battery. I have two 900 CCA batteries on the bottom shelf for "ballast" but I should put them to use. Then, all I would need to do is add a small charger to bring them back up at night.

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  Keith Browning said:

I am still debating on using a DC/AC converter to extend the life of my laptop battery. I have two 900 CCA batteries on the bottom shelf for "ballast" but I should put them to use. Then, all I would need to do is add a small charger to bring them back up at night.


Thats a hell of a good idea, I've got a couple batteries sitting there doing nothing as well, guess it's time to find another inverter and wire those babies up. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif

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Yeah, I always seem to be in the middle of a test or programming a module when the battery in my laptop gets low, the battery light turns red and starts a flashing. this usually happens when I forget to plug in my cart when I put it back against the wall where I park it. I have a two bay shop off the side attached to the main shop and I roll my cart around a lot. It's kinda like my own little Private Idaho.

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i have a MAC roll around with all my diag equipment in it. has my scope, Tech II, IDS, DRB III, StarMobile, Mentor, and VAG cables. in addition to that, there is quite a bit of meters, leads, and such in it also.


there is a 8D deepcycle marine battery on the bottom, wired to an inverter. i have a trickle charger wired up also for night charging twice a week. that battery will run the inverter on full tilt for two full days of work.


just dont knock that bastard over. goddamn its heavy to pick back up!

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  Joey Kaylor said:

there is a 8D deepcycle marine battery on the bottom, wired to an inverter. i have a trickle charger wired up also for night charging twice a week. that battery will run the inverter on full tilt for two full days of work.


Bingo! That is what I am looking to put together. I have some gift cards... I should go shopping.

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Have any of you guy's used a MAC???? I went to the mac store, messed with a iMAC....couldn't leave the store. Not only is the picture fricken awesome, but it doesn't have all that pop-up, memory consuming bullcrap. No virus's known on mac's (that i know of) and i heard it pretty hard to hack into a mac. I was sold and i'm saving up for one. I'm soo sick of all the program's, internet security's, etc etc etc you gotta run to not get a virus, mac's dont need that stuff. MAC ALL THE WAY!!!

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there is a 8D deepcycle marine battery on the bottom, wired to an inverter. i have a trickle charger wired up also for night charging twice a week. that battery will run the inverter on full tilt for two full days of work.

All you need now is a BBQ mounted on one side of your toolbox, and a Fridge on the other with a Plasma HDTV on top. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif

I haven't seen the Mac but have heard my share of horror stories about Vista. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif
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Horror stories about Vista??? I'm probably the only guy out there who enjoys Vista by the looks of things, mind you it took a while to tweak it just right but now that I did it runs fantastic..... as for running older software, forget it. I did some updating to pretty much everything except Office (I have 2003) which runs great on Vista..... as for the Mac, I was just at Best Buy playing with one and I really liked what I saw, maybe it's time to grab one of those puppies and see whats under the hood /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif

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