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fire ring head gasket kit

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took a head off a 04 6.0 friday to replace a rocker box because someone does not know how to screw in a valve cover bolt and Ifound steel rings around the cyl on the block my ? is can I remove and put stock head gaskets back on I think they cut a groove in block to install any help hotline did not know what they were but he taged vin no more warranty for this truck

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Fire Rings. These are part of a high performance cylinder head gasket installation and a groove must be machined to accomodate them. Supposedly they will withstand much higher cylinder pressures than the stock gaskets. Was this engine also upgraded with head studs as well?


hotline did not know what they were


I call bullshit on that. They know exactly what you were asking them about.

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I wouldn't advise throwing stock gaskets back on there, just think of it this way.... now you have less material to make contact with. I would however find out where they got the gaskets in the first place and order another set.



Any reman tags on this thing?

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they are not studed and it is only one head another dealer did the work I think and only about 800miles ago used car man bought truck from wholesale lot said it looked nice Iwarned him about this truck when I saftey ckecked it I told him to get rid of it but he said it looks nice

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don't know why the cust would not tell you he had an aftermarket gasket,its not like ford has a listing for the gasket,it just puts you in a bad position because if you put a stock gasket in it may not seal or now you have to wait to to find out what gasket it is , where do you get one and how long is it going to take to get one, working on stuff that other people have modified is hard because you never know what has been done or what kind of parts are being used till its to late and it's apart in your stall

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That can actually be done either way - in the head or in the block.... We've had heads done for two customers (yes, we do high-perf work when the proper opportunity arrives... bring your chequebook) - makes for less labour and easier shipping even though keeping the rings in place can be a little bit of an adventure when the heads are the "receiver".

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  • 2 weeks later...
  dieselman456 said:

well I slamed the truck back together they did not want to pay 600$ for a new gasket set so yes I sprayed some copper gasket spray on the old gasket and new bolts torqued it a little extra runs ok but for how long is anyones guess.

<GROAN>.... I'm not sure of where you work, your status and all that kind of stuff.... This is one of those times that stepping back from the truck and saying "I'm sorry... I take too much pride in my work to do that....".


We have the ability and the impetus to control, to a point, what we deliver to our customers. I, for one, am not about to give anyone the opportunity to impinge the quality of my work. Your reputation and integrity are the things that will separate you from all of the hacks that are far too easy for a customer to find. These are assets we should not squander.


There's a LOT of techs out there making substandard wages.... They do this by choice... primarily for the choices they make (Hey..... sailor.... wanna get lucky?). As individuals, we have the ability to rise above that conception. It may be the customers truck, but it is "my" repair... and I am not about to do anything I feel uncomfortable with... because my reputation and integrity hang in the balance.


One of the major components missing in this new world is pride in our accomplishments.... we should take pride in what we do and we should avoid doing those things we can't take pride in....

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  dieselman456 said:

well I slamed the truck back together they did not want to pay 600$ for a new gasket set so yes I sprayed some copper gasket spray on the old gasket and new bolts torqued it a little extra runs ok but for how long is anyones guess.

Dude that thakes balls! I hope the owner continues to research this becuz I have a feeling he is going to revisit this failure again. no knock on you but reusing headgaskets? I hope this was the owners choice and talk about buyer beware

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I agree, I would have told him I wasn't putting it back together.


Love your avatar, Torqued-Up! HAHAH /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

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  dieselman456 said:

well I slamed the truck back together they did not want to pay 600$ for a new gasket set so yes I sprayed some copper gasket spray on the old gasket and new bolts torqued it a little extra runs ok but for how long is anyones guess.

Why wouldn't you have quoted cost of NEW gaskets and bolts into the labour equation BEFORE you took everything apart? If he didn't want to pay $600 for the new gaskets, I would be hard pressed to believe that he was willing to pay for the cost of your labour for teardown.


Next question: WHO is going to pay for YOUR labour to tear it down AGAIN?

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  dieselman456 said:

my used car manager bought the truck from a wholesale guy who took it in trade

A. this isn't the customers truck anymore


B. I've done some seriously stupid shit because the used car manager didn't want to do it the PROPER way, I argued, lost, did it, and laughed. I'm sorry but i'm not going to have a downed rack because he's a dumbass.


I'm sure it's not his call Jim.

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  Tony302600 said:

Originally Posted By: dieselman456
my used car manager bought the truck from a wholesale guy who took it in trade

A. this isn't the customers truck anymore


B. I've done some seriously stupid shit because the used car manager didn't want to do it the PROPER way, I argued, lost, did it, and laughed. I'm sorry but i'm not going to have a downed rack because he's a dumbass.


I'm sure it's not his call Jim.

One day, it will be a customers truck again... and there is every chance that your name may be written all over any and all travesties encountered. Certainly the trade that serves your bread and butter isn't making any great strides if we bow to greed and perform substandard repairs.


A "downed rack"? This might sting and I'm sorry if it does. But it needs to be said. I do MY repairs MY way. Oh, there's things I'll prioritize.... but if I am going to perform any particular OP.... I don't gamble. I can see your used car guy sitting back saying "Yeah.. Tony worked on it... every now and again we get some pretty ratty work out of him.... ".


If I have to do something that is just plain wrong just to keep my job... I'm speaking volumes about myself. Let's add that this is one of the biggest problems in this trade.... Performing a repair... ANY repair is going to cost <THIS MUCH MONEY>. There are a LOT of techs out there that will try and attract that job by short bidding it. This is where a lot of comebacks originate.


Everything I do in my life IS my call... If I have to turn into a whore to keep my job... then it couldn't have been much of a job. Wrong is wrong.... saying "OK, I'll do it.." only serves to drop us to a lower level. If we don't take the steps to improve the way we are perceived, we will be forever asking "Hey, sailor... wanna get lucky?".


Yes... I have landed my "dream" job.... But when I got this job, I was looking for one. I am not about to squander my integrity for someone elses financial gain. You can always buy tools... integrity is a little harder to gain.

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Now that's interesting. I did the "repairs" after arguing for a week, service manager was on my side, all the tech's were on my side, but the DP got involved and the rest is history. I made document of everything, I wrote exactly how it needed to be repaired correctly, and then what was forced out of me. They did not put my number on the ticket, they used a generic code for it. Now we have a used car guy who is willing to do the work asked of him, cheaper, "quicker," but wont last.

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I did not want to do it trust me this is not how I roll this is a used truck my ucm bought this truck from a wholesaler all he kept telling me this a nice looking truck. I told him to wholesale it you are getting into trouble but it is a nice truck did't want to pay 13000 for new motor and would not pay 600 for new set of headgaskets. can't say I did't warn him.

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If you guys feel trapped into this kind of shit... make sure you cross your "T"s and dot your "i"s. A signed and witnessed waiver or disclaimer is a good idea.


Me? I'll tell my DP we can't do <that>.... We'll look like thieves if someone else sees it. Push hasn't yet come to shove and for this I am grateful. I don't see it happening...


FWIW, if I have a unit in the shop and we discover anything to make this truck unfit for use on public roads, I cannot legally impound this unit. Consider this. If I hand the customer the keys and let him drive it off the lot.... I have just indicated that I DO think this unit is safe to drive. Instead, the customer is told he can take the unit but he will have to have it towed. If it only makes it out to the street, I am absolved of any complicity should the worst happen.


CYA is a game you need to start playing... I know I sound like an absolute dink most of the time... Being THAT dink has been very rewarding....

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