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Jim Warman

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If you go in to their "sample" replies, their "experts" have no qualms about cutting and pasting from factory manuals... Perhaps this may not be direct marketing for the material, but it is included with a "for fee" reply...


Maybe I'm just a little too straight laced.....

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I just read a question on that site about a stalling 2004 E series with a 6.0l. The guy that answered the question told him to take his truck to the dealer. I don't think its a big deal.

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The doors knocking, why not if you can make a few bucks, but share with us too. If there are stupid people out there and willing to pay why not??


On edit piss on that Keith keep it to ourselves, I would be happier with that choice. Don't sell yourself cheap and give the Joshs from Banks in the world the answers to the problems we have worked so hard to come by.

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On edit piss on that Keith keep it to ourselves, I would be happier with that choice. Don't sell yourself cheap and give the Joshs from Banks in the world the answers to the problems we have worked so hard to come by.

I have a feeling that this topic will be locked also.

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On edit piss on that Keith keep it to ourselves, I would be happier with that choice. Don't sell yourself cheap and give the Joshs from Banks in the world the answers to the problems we have worked so hard to come by.

Did somebody piss in tour froot Loops today Larry? I just sill cant believe that with all of the free advice around that people would pay for it.



Originally Posted By: Tony302600
I have a feeling that this topic will be locked also.

Nah. It is very rare that I will lock or edit anything. As a matter of fact, I think there has only been the one locked thread in 3+ years other than information only topics I started like the SSM list.

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On edit piss on that Keith keep it to ourselves, I would be happier with that choice. Don't sell yourself cheap and give the Joshs from Banks in the world the answers to the problems we have worked so hard to come by.


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