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Engine Hours Data

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For some reason I cannot find the engine hours for a 2008 Soooper Dooodie w/6.4L anywhere! Not in the cluster, the PCM. Is it recorded anywhere? I am looking at PID's now...



Okay, found it in the cluster, I am blind apparently but the data does not appear to be valid. ENG_HOURS = 1.8? With 14020 miles? I think not!



My apprentice Dan pointed out that if I run the cluster system check... sure as shit, first item displayed.



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I think you're correct Tony. I have had to fish around for it and I think I remember it being in system check. Try that Keith.

I did. Go up a few threads and see! Thank you though. I was having difficulties thinking the other day. But you know, my confusion really stems from my "recollection" that the 2008 trucks have an engine hours PID in the PCM... you know, like Caterpillar does along with other info like fuel used and logged events.

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Something I "think" I saw in programmable parameters on an 08 (job 3 truck if I remember right) was an engine hours "reset". I had several large caliber work orders pointed at my head at the time so there was no time for further exploration.

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