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Could you fellas click on the file attachment and tell if I am right that this HPOP is bad? I have not seen a bad one on a 2003 engine but I cant think of anything else that would look like this screen shot.

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The pulses look very suspicious, but I'm a diagnostic freak. Before it gets a pump it gets an air check and a known good/new IPR. It could be an o-ring that seals up to 300psi before it burps. I check the low side, too, I just had an '03 no-start in class Friday that would not fill the oil filter. They're checking the pan for chunkies and pulling the LPOP now.....



I assume the KOEO ICP was in range?




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  Keith Browning said:

Could you fellas click on the file attachment and tell if I am right that this HPOP is bad? I have not seen a bad one on a 2003 engine but I cant think of anything else that would look like this screen shot.

Really? The majority of ICP issues I find on early build engines turn out to be the pump.

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It got a new ICP and pigtail because it was leaking oil and showing 0.10V. Oil flow is good. He air checked it and the sound definitely changes when closing the valve. What you see on the graph is with the IPR closed manually with a jumper while dead-headed, sorry I didn't add that in the original post. If this was a high pressure leak I would not expect to see the very even pulses varying from 175-psi to 400-psi, just an even line indicating any pressure that is allowed o build. That is what led me to think its the pump and the tech is in the process of replacing it... so we will see. I have just never seen that pattern before and have never seen pulses with any leaking system.

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I find when they go, it almost seems like there is a dead stroke in the pump. The last one I recall doing, would reach about 1000 psi (dead-headed), and would drop to about 200 psi, and keep up that pattern.

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Keith, wasn't there a recent post where someone had replaced a pump on an '03-'04 engine that where the o-ring at pump supply inlet had torn? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/2cents.gif

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The pulses have me thinking of the possibilty of a pooched vane in the HPOP.... Icp ramps up and when the bad vane comes around, it dumps.... Any crap in the IPR?

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The first '03 pump I replaced came with a new cover. I was a little confused until closer inspection revealed that the original cover was putting pressure on the discharge tube. The new cover had a notch in it to give some clearance.


Just something that comes to mind not sure if it has any relavance.

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It was the pump and because I am the type that HAS to know WHY I ripped the pump apart to see what I could find and found broken stuff. This part spins inside the pump and houses the seven pumping elements. I thought I had a HPOP guide that showed the pump broken down but I cant find one in the hundreds of documents I have. Anybody know what this part is called? Is there a pump manual/guide/book?




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  • 11 months later...

Keith this part is the Carrier for the cups in the pump. I spoke with my fuel shop manager and we are going to take one apart so I can take some pics of it. Maybe Bruce has one of those great cutaways in his barn.

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Isn't that a cutaway of a 7.3 pump not the 530? Dual output ports give it away as being a 7.3pump. Not that it really matters though. Nice cutaways though!

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You're right, I think it's actually a mishmash of parts. I was thinking DT by the small gear, but the dual outlets definitely says 7.3/T444E. Maybe it's a 7.3 pump with a DT drive gear. That's the only cutaway I have that I didn't build myself personally.



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