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Prior Approval

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See that on June 1 we will be required to call in before repairs/replacement to oil or EGR coolers, HPOP, or head gaskets. Why did we go through all this training to be second guessed by someone on the phone, who will come up with even more tests that won't be paid for? Deep breath, slowly exhale.....

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Our techs are furious also. What a time waster. You get a extra .3 to make the 1/2 hr phone call. Level 1 dealers do not have to call. We are not level 1 because we work on 6.0s. We have 11 PSD techs. Getting to level 1 is impossible with the amount of work we have.

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We ARE a level 1 dealer with 3 PSD techs (however myself and my partner are the only 2 that actually work on them).


Our service manager is a NAZI about the 126 reports and shoves them down our throat in weekly meetings. I suppose I understand why, things like this make it nice every now and then to know that you won't have to deal with what everyone else does, but by the same token, I have to wonder if it evens out in the long run.


We literally are forced to undercharge things to warranty and claim less diag than normal just to appease FoMoCo and that ridiculous 126 sheet.


Somehow, miraculously, our numbers are better than everyone else and we still keep our repairs per 1000 section low too.


It's very hard to "FIRTFT" when you have to 'ignore' other areas of concern that aren't being complained about. Yes, the overall Repairs per 1000 would go down even further if we fixed everything at once, but then the $$ per RO area goes up and we get asspacked that way.


It's a terrible position (pun intended) to be in but what other options do we have? Ford makes the rules, we just sit here and laugh.



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  Jimmy_Megginson said:

Our techs are furious also. What a time waster. You get a extra .3 to make the 1/2 hr phone call. Level 1 dealers do not have to call. We are not level 1 because we work on 6.0s. We have 11 PSD techs. Getting to level 1 is impossible with the amount of work we have.


You guys down there get paid .3 for phoning Hotline? How long has it been like this? We get JACK SH!T!

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The .3 is just for these components. Kinda like what you get for engines or trannies when you do prior approval. All other Hotline call times are still freebies.

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  DwayneGorniak said:

You guys down there get paid .3 for phoning Hotline? How long has it been like this? We get JACK SH!T!

I guess we're lucky... we punch a seperate ticket and get paid internal...

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not bad! .3 to enter oasis, get contact id,call 800 number,finally get an engineer and have him say shit do what you said you thought you were going to do. According to my calculations, we got beat out of another .5. I think Prior approvals should be left to engine,trans concerns only. Who the f&%@ wants to call in a friggen egr cooler. You already know its bad the day it rolls out of the dealer brand new. Hey everybody have a good weekend!

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Hehe, I can see this conversation already.




Hotline: What needs to be replaced?


Tech: The EGR cooler has failed and resulted in oil cooler damage. Both need replacement.


Hotline: What kind of vehicle?


Tech: 2005 F-550 19,000lb GVWR loaded dump truck.


Hotline: Oh. Ok.



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  DamageINC said:

Hehe, I can see this conversation already.




Hotline: What needs to be replaced?


Tech: The EGR cooler has failed and resulted in oil cooler damage. Both need replacement.


Hotline: What kind of vehicle?


Tech: 2005 F-550 19,000lb GVWR loaded dump truck.


Hotline: Oh. Ok. We are sending an inspector.



My scenario /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crybaby2.gif

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Just to make most of you Jealous I'm a level 1 dealer Nah Nah /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rockon.gif

I as a rule hate calling hot line, you tell them that you did this test and that test and got this result and replaced the (name of part) per the WSM but it still has the same concern and you can almost hear the crickets chirping............

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It's all the bad apples causing all the problems making them 2nd guess us. I've heard of warranty getting head's back with the gasket still on the head itself, who the hell does that. Thing's like that make them do this. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/2cents.gif

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Maybe if we all piss and moan every time we call...


I think it may be more likely that Ford is ratcheting up on tightening down on costs even more. In all honesty I almost cant blame them but it is becoming almost unbearable to work like this with the constant changes, prior-approvals and phone calls. Oh, hey guys? Don't forget to fill our the HotLine surveys. That is one place your voices will be heard...



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Maybe Jim or Alex may know, but has anyone heard if this going to happen up here? I heard the message while I was on ignore with Hotline this morning. I asked my service manager if he had heard anything about it and he didn't even know what a level one dealer was. I assssuuume this may be U.S. only. No? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif

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Haven't heard a thing, Dwayne. I was actually thinking about asking the same question... but I don't want to jinx anything...


on edit: I just called in an old hotline contact to listen to the message myself... I don't know what a "level one dealer" is, maybe someone in the know can elaborate a bit.

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Maybe it's where you hold up your middle finger and say YOU'RE NUMBER ONE! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif Just Kiddin, but it would be nice to know. And I sure don't want to jinx ourselves either.

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Just do a few "non authorized repairs". If you're not a level 1 dealer, you'll know.


I heard that bullshit announcement when I was on the warmline phone the other day.

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I don't know what a "level one dealer" is, maybe someone in the know can elaborate a bit.

Basically to be a level one dealer you have to nothing but customer pay work. No warranty, PO5's PO1's PO7's you know AWA's. And if you do warranty work it can't be engines and trans jobs, just light trim work or something that is cheap. Oh and send all your diesel work to another dealer. Then you can be level 1 certified and be excempt from jumping thru all the hoops.

This obviously is extreme and full of sarcasm but it's also true.
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