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Interesting...Superchip Warranty

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Keepththth.. You gotta do something.... All that typing and all that pruuf redding to avoid typos and spelling errors - PFFFFTTTT! Makes me feel like on inFord...


Back to Larry and SupperChips (sp)... I spent some time skimming over this fantabulous warranty.... They tell the customer near everything except that he is expected to bring his own vaseline for the boning he is about to get....


Let's start with registering the warranty.... First off, Supperchips (sp) has to "approve" the application... and you won't know if it approved until after the electronic piece becomes "unreturnable".


Looking at warranty "inclusions" - there ain't no surprises. They could have lifted this out of any warranty manual, anywhere.


It's the exclusions that should worry people... if for no otyher reason than they spell out the conditions where "inclusions" become "exclusions" because of the fine print.


Where to start.... Any and all intake (air filter) systems are included... They wont pay for a dusted engine... Duh... are we surprised? Interestingly... Exhaust mods are restricted to "cat back" systems.... Notice I said "interesting" and not "surprising"... They are obviously worried about "something".


I'm going to dance all over for this... bear with me...

At the top of the page are several links... nothing out of the ordinary... mostly boring lawyer talk... WHOA!!!!! Lawyer talk???? Uh-oh.....


But first.. let's get something out of the way... Everybody and his dog is churning out diesel programmers these days... Compared to a gasser, it is just too damned easy to get massive power gains from a diesel... Throw in some more fuel, fool the VGT... "BAMMMM". How can we get more "market share"?? Easy.. offer a warranty that covers engine and transmission repairs...


While we are doing this, let's not try to point out that there is a payout limit for these repairs. $5G for the motor and $3G for the trans.


While we are doing this, we can recommend Cortex (look at "Cortex @ work') for guys that use their PSDs for "work"... but one of the exclusions is a PSD used for "delivery"... 'scuse me.. If I'm using this truck at work, am I not going to be "delivering" stuff?


Looking, one more time, for the delivery reference, I encountered several more other "really interesting" inconsistancies. This thing is starting to read worse than a whole life or partial medical policy in how it's going to play...


Blown head gaskets is mentioned in the "exclusions" - information only.


In a market flooded with performance chips, how do you sell more chips and remain "safe"?


Offer a warranty where you limit your exposure.... Offer a warranty full of loopholes that cause "inclusions" to become "exclusions" more by how they are read than by anything actually done.


SuperChips has found a "hook"... and they have found a way to make "us" look like the bad guys....


Look at it this way... they have found just the right wording to make their product look good.... And now we are left to decide if it is Ford that is wrong.... or SuperChips that is wrong.


We were the "fall guy" before... now we have it in writing.


Consumers are gullible.... you can tell them the realities and be branded an asshole... promise them a chip with a hard part warranty... you know where this is gonna go.... You had nothing to do with it,,, but make sure you bring an extra large vaseline.


Thanks, Larry, you fucked up a fucked up day.

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You're welcome Jim :evil: No really I figured this would give us all a little better insight as to the marketing these companies have out there. It sucks that they can make the consumer believe that they stand behind their product when it's all really a big smoke screen.Hey Jim feel better yet??? :banghead:

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  Jim Warman said:

Keepththth.. You gotta do something.... All that typing and all that pruuf redding to avoid typos and spelling errors - PFFFFTTTT!


Jim: I'd suggest downloading the Google Toolbar, which is free and quick. In the toolbar, it has an instant spellcheck that spelchecks any webpage that you're typing on. It works grat.


Posted Image


Good Luck!




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Yes, Bruce... I see the "spelcheck" does indeed work "grat".... Now, if they could get that toolbar to make sure my replies don't go to the "lost sock dimension", I'd be laughing.


I'm almost thinking or rereading the SooperCheeps warranty so I can poke more holes in it.... I'm not a lawyer in real life - but I read a lot of John Grisham novels (and I've been thinking of staying in a Super8).

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  Jim Warman said:

and I've been thinking of staying in a Super8


Do you get bonus points for staying there????Bruce Gym likes to mis-spell things so that Keepth Doesn't catch it, it's a fun little thing, makes lite of things here.

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No, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.


Firefox has a built in spell checker and it doesn't clutter up your browser with extra junk.

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  Jim Warman said:

Now, if they could get that toolbar to make sure my replies don't go to the "lost sock dimension", I'd be laughing.

Jim, when I type a long winded post. I right click and highlight the whole post, then "COPY" it before I post it. That way, if it gets lost in a black hole, I can restart a reply or post and just click "PASTE". I have had to use it a few times. works great.

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  Aaron said:

No, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.



That's the one I was trying to think of...


Sadly.... the bigger the TV I buy - the less I watch it... And now I can't even remember advertising "jingles".

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Dwayne... there is far too much common sense rolled into that simple act for me to actually use it.... If I did that, there would be one less thing for me to bitch and moan about... If that kept up - then there's be more and more things added to the "can't no longer bitch" list... Then where would I be?

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