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DPFP sensor tube.. a little tip.

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Ok, so I ended up having to put a DPF and a DOC in this truck because both EGR coolers were bad and flooded the exhaust with coolant.


During the removal of the DPFP sensor mounting tube, the tube appears to have been cross-threaded in fromt he factory. Before I knew it, the entire bung had ripped completely out of the exhust pipe and the tube was frozen inside.


Cost on the tube was $97!!! And of course we'd have to order one and the customer was expecting the vehicle this day.


I found that a 1/4" male NPT air fitting (for your air-tools) works PERFECTLY in place of the stock tube. The hose will fit over the end nice and snug and the thread pitch is perfect.


So in case you ever need to replace one of these things, a 1/4" air fitting works perfectly.



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  DamageINC said:


During the removal of the DPFP sensor mounting tube, the tube appears to have been cross-threaded in from he factory. Before I knew it, the entire bung had ripped completely out of the exhaust pipe and the tube was frozen inside.

This fitting was stripped severely on my DPF also, spinning around without coming out. It gave me a huge fight to extract it. I wonder what monkey assembled it. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif




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