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"W" Manifold Injector Oil Feed "Pucks"

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Hey Guys:


Happy Fourth! I'm hoping the hangover isn't too bad and your fingers and eardrums are intact./forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif


OK, back to the 6.0 injector feed puck o-rings. We covered this before and neither FMC or IH service these o-rings. They both expect you to buy a new $500 oil manifold.


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Left: "W" manifold. Right: DTEGR Puck



I found the o-ring size buried in IH's literature. IH says the industry number is #118 with a dimension of .862" x .965" and I have been telling students this with a caveat. I have now had two of them successfully replace the o-rings and ship the truck without comeback. The next problem is this: I thought the tool for removing the hex plug was a ZTSE 4725, but it finally came off of backorder and I got it, to find it does not fit the 6.0, it fits the DT466(EGR) engine.


Q1: Is there a tool to remove the goofy pucks? My students made them.


Q2: Is there a torque spec for the puck? I can't find one.







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  flmmaz said:

I've got a question for your questions. Did that truck ever get an oil change? That things disgusting, looks like something out of a marine application.

Pictures can actually be deceiving, especially when they're mine. The manifold on the left (as all of my parts used in class) is actually sandblasted and painted with clear paint to prevent it from rusting. I think that manifold was involved in a fire several years ago and was rusty from exposure before I cleaned and painted it. IIRC, it was a fire/insurance job on a "then new" '04 truck that the FD had soaked with water to put the fire out. I think the engine was filled with water and then quickly rusted. The red tint is probably leftover rust from a quickie sandblast job.



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