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Pulling my first 6.0L

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04 350 Crewcab Dually Auto Trans.


Started at 3:15 yesterday afternoon and it was ready to lift at 3:00 today with the normal 4 or 5 interuptions. Had to stop and do a couple of recalls and other shit. Also didn't have a rack to do the bottom with either. I hate crawling around on a creeper! It really wasn't as tough as I expected though.


Tommorrow I get to tear it down and see what's wrong with it . It came in locked-up. They said it got hot and they poured water in it then it wouldn't crank. Another tech checked it out and found it was hydrolocked. Pulled a couple of glow plugs and it started right up. Ran a compression test and it had 3 low cyls. It has had at least 15 repairs previous to it getting towed into our shop.

Head gaskets

EGR Cooler





Now I get to pronounce it dead! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/poke.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hitthefan.gif

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Hey! How did you make it so long without pulling a 6 liter? Man, i have done FIVE of these truck stuffers and I still can't get one out in much less than a day. Make sure you document all of your time and everything you do to get paid some of the extra time that you WILL spend. Do you have the hoist brackets that mount to the front of the block and rear brace? I'd love to smack the jack ass that did the R&I for the time study in 11.6 hours. Good luck.

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  Torqed-Up said:

Hey! How did you make it so long without pulling a 6 liter? Man, i have done FIVE of these truck stuffers and I still can't get one out in much less than a day. Make sure you document all of your time and everything you do to get paid some of the extra time that you WILL spend. Do you have the hoist brackets that mount to the front of the block and rear brace? I'd love to smack the jack ass that did the R&I for the time study in 11.6 hours. Good luck.

How did I avoid them till now? I quit for nearly 2 years! Just got back in the dealership last week. I actually asked for some diesel work as I got tired of doing recalls on other stuff! :rolleyes:
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  • 2 weeks later...

It had previously had a head gasket replaced and started puking coolant out while they were on a trip. They let it cool awhile and then put water in it. When they tried to start it it hydrolocked!It was towed to us, I was unloading my toolboxes when they were pushing it in the building, and another tech pulled the glowplugs out of one side and cranked the water out of the cyls. Reinstalled the GP's and fired it up for a few minutes. Pushing water out of coolant bottle.


The truck had a big "book" of previous repairs so they went strictly by instructions from techline. Ran comp test and found low comp on 2 cyls on one bank and 1 on other. Techline said "pull motor and tear-down". I had only worked 3 days and wasn't getting any diesel work so went in and asked for some! Be careful what you ask for! Whomever did the first headgasket used a "wizzer-pad" on the block & head. JUNK! The EGR cooler was leaking as the EGR was clean as a whistle!


I was suprised they (FORD) approved a complete motor. When I say complete I mean complete. The only things I had to bolt on was the motor mounts and 2 idler pulleys! It had all wiring, FICM, flywheel everything! I pulled the turbo to get it back in but it really wasn't that bad. Great way to start a new job, HUH? I'll lift the cab up some on the next one so i don't have to remove the turbo.


I checked it this morning for leaks and checked for CMDTC, cleared, parked in lot.


We have another that did basicly the same thing. They pushed it in today and found it got so hot they can't get the GP's out to do a comp test! Not sure if I will get to do that one too or not. I don't really mind it if I get to do several fairly close together I'll figure-out the tricks, right?! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/eek.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hitthefan.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

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congrads on the pull,as for myself I am ashamed to say that I have done 16 6.0,and 9 heads,8 head gaskets.


Man this is pitiful.I have only done 8 7.3's and they have been around for over 10 years.


God this sucks.Got an 05 550 with 5 miles on it in the bay,pulled the body and right head due to breaking rocker arms in #7,found rusted and gouged cylinder walls,inspector came and today I was informed that a new motor is on the way....guess this will be #17.


Ohh yeah have also done 5 bedplates....yeah fun

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I guess I'm a twisted individual as I don't mind working on them just wish we had some parts in stock. My week consists of this.


Monday checkout half-dozen cars/trucks and order parts while also doing 6-10 bullshit recalls, then while checking out Tues cars and putting on parts ordered Mon I'm doing more recalls. Wed as I'm putting parts on ordered mon & tues.......


Well you get the idea!


The pay rate here is several dollars an hour lower than I'm used to, actually $6.00 an hr less than I made in NC, but they will fully pay for my ins. plus a $15,000.00 life ins policy and no weekend work. 8-5 Mon-Fri with hour for lunch. They will let you stay late if you want which I've found alot of dealers won't. If your doing an engine sometimes you can get more done in the hour or so after everyone leaves.


Tommorrow I have a 550 to put an EGR cooler in while I do another 32,000 recalls and an EX-ambulance with the rear brakes completely worn out. It almost chewed the rear drums completely into! At least it's customer pay.....I think? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif

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I agree. My store has taken a beating with the 6.0, or to be more accurate, lack of a decent, open-minded tech to take-on the engine. We've had a hard row to hoe in rebuilding trust in our customers, so many of which buy the diesel.


My first 6.0 removed with a standard crane and factory lift points, which wasn't too bad. I had removed the turbo and other surface bits, however, installing the new complete unit plus turbo was difficult. I padded the upper engine with about 50 shop towels and shoved, shoved, shoved, prised, swore....then it buttoned-up. Friday i submitted a request for a new crane and engine lift shortly thereafter!

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