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snw blue by you

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After almost 5 years, management and I have had a parting of the ways. May even get ugly but the service manager at the shop I'm going to does not seem to be concerned as he said "My reputation proceedes me"


He asked questions, and I gave honest answers. I think it irked him a bit that I was being blacklisted, and as management he even said the law is supposed to prevent that from happening but hey this is the real world.


I am looking foward to this as I will no longer be flatrate and workwise it is a lateral move.

I will also no longer be responsible for story writing, billing, labor times, or customer contact, which means I may actually be able to make some money for a change.


I start Mon. at Interstate Ford Truck in Hartford CT. It will be my first foray into a truck only dealership but what do I care, I've done nothing but 250-550 diesel work for the last 5 yrs and that is what they are hiring me for.


As he said "Good Ford diesel techs are not a dime a dozen and are hard to come by"


It feels like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

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You will definitely notice a difference being at a truck only shop. Good for you /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rockon.gif I know how you feel and sometimes it is scary but feels good at the same time to make a change. Depending on what side of the water your on it must be Miller/Labatt Blue Time. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/drinkingdude.gif

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Congratulations! I've always been a truck guy and would hate working at a car shop. I think you're making a wise move for several reasons. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif


Good Luck!







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  Tony302600 said:

U Lucky bastard...they took our guarantee away because it's slow. So now we have no guarantee, its slow. I gotta a 17 hour check 2weeks ago because there was no work.

...which makes NO sense...the guarantee is supposed to cover YOU when it's slow...it's the SHOPS responsibility to get work in the door...but this is also why I bailed out. Last shop I worked at in SC, I had a 30hr guarantee and had to remind them about that the second or third week I was there...we would run out of work every day by 2:30-3:00 except for one guy. He always had a stack of customer pay work to do and almost NO warranty...I should have handled that deal differently though and just asked for more money...probably wouldn't have gotten it but still???

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  ktmlew said:

Originally Posted By: Tony302600
U Lucky bastard...they took our guarantee away because it's slow. So now we have no guarantee, its slow. I gotta a 17 hour check 2weeks ago because there was no work.

...which makes NO sense...the guarantee is supposed to cover YOU when it's slow...it's the SHOPS responsibility to get work in the door...but this is also why I bailed out. Last shop I worked at in SC, I had a 30hr guarantee and had to remind them about that the second or third week I was there...we would run out of work every day by 2:30-3:00 except for one guy. He always had a stack of customer pay work to do and almost NO warranty...I should have handled that deal differently though and just asked for more money...probably wouldn't have gotten it but still???




Heres the best part...2 months ago i applied for a loan for a condo,(we still had gaurantee and made my manager promise he wouldnt be getting rid of it for a while), got approved, found a condo, seller chose me, started doing the loan process. Week later hurt my back at work, was out for 3 weeks ( i paid for my own chiropracter bills because i needed realigning), came back to do very light work per doctors orders. Work got real slow, only booked 10-15 hours (was doing very light work), then my beater broke down needs a engine, week after that they took gaurantee away, next week got real real slow. Barely making money.


Thank god my parents have been helping me out.

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Geez-louise hope things turn for the better for u bro! maybe a job description change is in order since your backs not too good. You have the technical backround maybe time for u to work smarter not harder!

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  snw blue by you said:

After almost 5 years, management and I have had a parting of the ways. May even get ugly but the service manager at the shop I'm going to does not seem to be concerned as he said "My reputation proceedes me"


He asked questions, and I gave honest answers. I think it irked him a bit that I was being blacklisted, and as management he even said the law is supposed to prevent that from happening but hey this is the real world.


I am looking foward to this as I will no longer be flatrate and workwise it is a lateral move.

I will also no longer be responsible for story writing, billing, labor times, or customer contact, which means I may actually be able to make some money for a change.


I start Mon. at Interstate Ford Truck in Hartford CT. It will be my first foray into a truck only dealership but what do I care, I've done nothing but 250-550 diesel work for the last 5 yrs and that is what they are hiring me for.


As he said "Good Ford diesel techs are not a dime a dozen and are hard to come by"


It feels like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

Good luck. I decided to make a move last October. It is scary, but when you realize that you made the right decision it is a really great feeling. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

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  Tony302600 said:

U Lucky bastard...they took our garuntee away because it's slow. So now we have no garuntee, its slow. I gota a 17 hour check 2weeks ago because there was no work.

That really sucks. My wife and I have both had good luck with chiropractors.

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  Mekanik said:

Originally Posted By: Tony302600
U Lucky bastard...they took our garuntee away because it's slow. So now we have no garuntee, its slow. I gota a 17 hour check 2weeks ago because there was no work.

That really sucks. My wife and I have both had good luck with chiropractors.

I'm hoping everything will be ok, this guy has worked miracles with people. 3times a week for 8 weeks and then 52 sessions. That's how bad i am out of alignment. From the letters on the wall, hes helped people with cancer, kidney failure even kids with ADD. When you listen to people that work with him and how he turned their life around with it was amazing. I'm 2months in a feel better, but im not 100%.


im writing this on friday, 3 10hour tickets that have not been ok'd waiting 2 day's and only 15 hours booked this week. I've never had trucks not get ok'd longer then a day. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hitthefan.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, got past the first week, starting the second.


Same work, different place. The atmosphere is much different and the crew is somewhat older. I like it.


The writers give me a job and I do it, simple as that.


No place is perfect, however, I am glad for the change. Now I just need to stay away from the hourly mentality, and I should be able to make some cash.

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