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6.0 horror story found on internet

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I was googling the internet looking for patch panels for my wife's Ford Windstar when I came across the following website. http://action.publicbroadcasting.net/cartalk/posts/list/986009.page Scroll down to skipper's posting of April 21 of 2008 (and follow-up postings)to read about a real 6.0 horror story. Sounds like the 6.0 from hell. I thought it might make interesting reading, even though it comes from a customer's point of view and part of the cause is his need to use the truck as an office and having left it idling all day. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/readthis.gif

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They assigned a new case guy to me. He calls and says he's researched my problem and I've put gasoline in my diesel engine and the mechanic he's talked to with 30 years experience working on diesel engines told him that I would need to change the spark plugs and ignition wires and distributor on my engine. I offered to set up him a place to bring that dumb ass down to change the spark plugs in that diesel engine complete with bleachers for 200 of my buddies to watch this magical feat. He says I'm harrassing him again and hangs up. I guess he gets his feelings hurt easily.


Next morning put the rest of the either in it and got it to work. Left at lunch time with the help of a new can of either. Limped it into the Dodge dealership. By some miracle of something, it started when the Dodge dealer went to test drive it. We agreed to a price but I'd forgot title at office. Had to pour more either in it to go get title, just left it running until I had a Dodge and they had it. Next morning Dodge Dealer goes to move truck to back of lot and calls to ask how to start it. I tell him there's part of a can of either under rear seat. Haven't been to the Dodge place since, and don't suppose I'm welcome there any more than I am at the Ford place.

now THAT had me rolling.
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I'm having a hard time believing all of that story... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/drinkingdude.gif

I agree. Like most long winded stories, there's probably some truth and some fiction to it.


I do have fleets that have problem vehicles. (Don't we all?) It makes no sense- identical vehicles with similar build dates and some will have nearly no service history at all, and some will have enough to fill a book. Running an Oasis commonly sets the record straight, ask him for a VIN. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif




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Furthermore, this is also probably one of the mis-guided individuals getting spun up over at the Diesel Stop. Some of these poor bastards just don't know any better then some idiot gets them all wound up and fills their heads with bad information and advice.

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Checking OASIS doesn't always work though, especially if the dealer knows how to manipulate the numbers..


I can't tell you how many times we've avoided potential bad surveys and 126 numbers for possible repeat-repair scenarios by just not submitting the paperwork for a given RO until we're ABSOLUTELY sure that the 'problem vehicle' has been fixed. And obviously, this will also only result in one documented visit on OASIS.


It's a pain in the ass because there's a lot of money that gets left in limbo while we hold the paperwork and it's hard to properly/accurately get paid, but this is a technique that we've gotten very used to using and it's been very helpful to us as a dealership. If the vehicle does come back in week, we still have the original RO on hand and don't have to generate another RO for the issue again.


(We obviously reserve this method for issues that we know are far enough out-of-the-ordinary that they've got a higher chance of coming back in)



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I call bullshit!


There is an obvious truth in that story but the rest of it is simple embelishment.


His statements are simply not believable, and the story has obvious incorrect facts stated in it to draw sympathy from the rest of the malcontents.

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I call bullshit!


There is an obvious truth in that story but the rest of it is simple embelishment.


His statements are simply not believable, and the story has obvious incorrect facts stated in it to draw sympathy from the rest of the malcontents.

+1 If he didnt like the dealer, it's not that hard to switch them. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/icon_crazy.gif

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