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Hot Water

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I am sure you have all heard of cleaning battery terminals with hot water and some may eve have, or do it. Hot water does clean the oxidation as it helps most things come clean. But for me that is not enough because it does not do enough to neutralize the acid. What is more, I do not like the fact that since it does not neutralize the acid the water running off the battery has now carried that acid to the battery tray the surrounding metal and possibly wiring harnesses. So when I tell one of my co-workers that the hot water trick is not enough, am I being a douchebag or a legitimate argument?


I agree the hot water cleans but you can't argue that the acid has to be neutralized. To me it is like taking a shower or rinsing a wound with water and not using soap.

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Somebody call you a douchebag down there Keith? Step on somebodys toes did ya? I guess some people don't respond well to ideas that aren't there on. Personally if you saw me using hot water only and came over and suggested using a nuetralizing agent also, I would thank you for your input and give it a try. Then I would make the idea available to anyone I saw that didn't know about it, giving you credit of course.

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It was the other way around, the tech was regaling us with the use of hot water and how good it is and that the BG battery cleaner was not as good as cleaning... Yes. Okay, the hot water is MaG!caL!! My point was dismissed. He did not call me a douchebag, I was just wondering if I was BEING a douchebag about it. I guess you had to be there, I can be a real prick sometimes.



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The hot water by itself is more than adequate.... the only problem is that it is rare for anyone to use enough hot water.... It takes a LOT of flooding to dilute the acid run-off to the point where it will no longer be a factor....


In true old timey guy fashion, you could simply make a slurry of bicarbonate of soda and water and slather this over the battery. Let it sit for a while and rinse.... The bicarb will neutralize the acid....

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In true old timey guy fashion, you could simply make a slurry of bicarbonate of soda and water and slather this over the battery. Let it sit for a while and rinse.... The bicarb will neutralize the acid....

I'm with Jim on this one, Bicarb. slushy and flushy well. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
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I was just wondering if I was BEING a douchebag about it............ I can be a real prick sometimes

Ooooohhhhh, that being the case, if you saw me watering a battery and came over with a better suggestion then I would tell you where you could stick it. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
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I take the old baking soda boxes from the fridge to work and what I personally do is.....

1- wet the offending terminals with my spray bottle of room temp water.

2- sprinkle with the baking soda or "Bicarbonate of soda"

3- let it sit while the service whatever, it may be is performed

4- swing by the wash bay door and hose it off.

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  flmmaz said:

I was just wondering if I was BEING a douchebag about it............ I can be a real prick sometimes


Ooooohhhhh, that being the case, if you saw me watering a battery and came over with a better suggestion then I would tell you where you could stick it. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif





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