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Have you guys had to fix any SYNC problems? I had my second one in two weeks. The one last week turned out to be a bad AIPM module. The USB port was inop. The customer's MP3 playey wouldn't work. I unplugged the AIPM and then it worked fine for one day and stopped working again. The new AIPM fixed it.

The one I got yesterday, the phone would "SYNC", but if you waited an hour, it wouldn't work. You would make a call and it would wait about five seconds and say "call failed". The customer also said that the voice command would not work either. I ended up taking the owner's manual home to read last night, just so I know how to operate this system. This morning I SYNC'd my phone in addition to the customer's. My phone would work, but not the customer's. Thier's was not on the list of phones that have been tested by Ford. After calling hotline and then trying to SYNC both phones to a new Lincoln MKS, I was able to say for sure that the customer's phone is not compatible. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif It only took me 2.6hrs. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif

I feel like I should be working for "Geek Squad" these last few weeks.

Has anyone else here had to work on the SYNC system?

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I had one last weak that would not recognize the customers thumb drive with the update. Did the TSB for reprgramming the APIM and it worked fine after that. Pays 0.4 hours and it took me 2 hours because it had a brain fart half way through the reprogram and I had to install the updates for the sync system on the laptop. Nice.


Keith, you need to insert a smiley that portrays being bent over and possibly a bottle of Prep H.

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  DwayneGorniak said:

I had one last weak that would not recognize the customers thumb drive with the update. Did the TSB for reprgramming the APIM and it worked fine after that. Pays 0.4 hours and it took me 2 hours because it had a brain fart half way through the reprogram and I had to install the updates for the sync system on the laptop. Nice.

I had the same thing happen, I was reprogramming the APIM and it stopped at something like 46% and then had a b1346?(going from memory) code for an module failure. tried again, pinpoint tests,ckt tests, hotline, blah blah blah...... 2.5 hrs pays .4

The good part is that the APIM was in fact bad and it was causing the concern the cust had complained about.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I got paid the entire 2.6 hrs on the MKS. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif


I had a Focus yesterday that had a SYNC problem. The USB drive was not working, DTC 1342(faulty microprocessor) in the APIM. There is a actually a tsb that adresses this. Its a re-program and you need to use the USB port to re-program the APIM. Didn't work. Its getting a new APIM. A guy at hotline said that if I could clear the 1342, then I would probably be able to program it, but because I could not clear the dtc it won't work.


It seems that as long as it isn't a compatibility issue, it is usally the APIM module. I am the only one here that has worked on SYNC. I now have a USB cable in my tool box and bring my MP3 player to work everyday in case I have to fix one of these things. Oh yeah, and it is also nice to have a bluetooth compatible phone handy too.

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your dealership should have been shipped the Rotunda "multimedia interface tester" it will test the line in,usb,and blue tooth in one handy dandy little box.

just got an Edge in customer states "usb port inop".

popped the tester in and it all worked fine,writer says "the customer tried to update it with a download from sync my ride and it wouldn't work so update it for him".I say but it works fine it must be his usb device-----"just update it!" /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/fouet3.gif


poof..... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hahaha.gif "INTERNET explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close" /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hitthefan.gif guess what, now it has a b1342 and needs an APIM. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif HA it's only stocked in Detroit and takes about three days to get... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif it just keeps getting better.

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  • 3 months later...

I had a good one yesterday. We have a 2008 Fusion in the shop for a SYNC issue that I looked at on Monday. I was told to do the 911 assist & vehicle health report upgrade on the SYNC system. They just wanted me to do it, so we knew what to expect when someone wants us to do this on thier vehicle. Well, it was a total motherfucker of a job. First I had problems with the IDS. I followed TSB 08-21-02 to change all sorts of settings, completely lower the internet security settings, disable the firewall. Then I had to hook the IDS up to a lan line. After several attempts I called hotline. The first engineer I talked to seemed like a dick and wasn't much help. The second guy I talked to was really helpful. He thought that since I tried programming the AIPM and it didn't work, and then I tried and tried several times that maybe the IDS still had the original file and was trying to use the file that didn't work. He had me go into the C drive, go into this file, that file, look for this file, go into this file, and do you see this program? It was a zip file that was the update. He had me delete it and try agian. It worked!!! I'm a fucking diesel tech, not a IT guy working at Motorolla!!!

It took me 5.9hrs (I'm getting paid for all of it)to do the update, and I'm the "SYNC Guy" in the shop. My writer told me on Monday when I first looked at this car that he has to give it to me because I'm the only one that can do it. WTF?

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