DamageINC Posted November 7, 2008 Share Posted November 7, 2008 Keith Browning said: Too late. The markets have been reacting to the idea of an Osama presidency. The day after election day: the market tanks. Is that a positive reaction? Giant market fluctuations like that, from the way I see it, are largely "emotional" and don't truly reflect the reality-state of the market. Yes, they're still numbers-on-paper, but just like our 126 reports, it takes time for these numbers to even out and eventually the big picture becomes clearer. I still agree that there were definitely better people people for the job of Mr. President, though. Originally Posted By: Leith Browning The democrat party in Congress has caused most of this starting with the sub-prime mortgage mess - Osama was in the middle of it. He has helped to cause all this. He STILL has yet to tell us HOW he is going to change things. That's what kills me! This guy has been parading around like a messiah, some magical healer who's going to deliver this wave of 'change' in a gift wrapped box with a big blue bow on top and all of a sudden everything's going to be better. But he really hasn't gone into any detail about what he's actually planning to do to cause this blue-skies-and-puppy-dogs change to the USA. I am by no means an anarchist, but I strictly believe that to a certain degree, less government is better. The more control that the government has over our lives, directly or inderectly, the more problems we see as a result. This housing and credit clusterfuck is only going to get WORSE with these heinous bailouts. Simply 'birthing' all this new credit and printing billions of dollars out of the sky is doing nothing but making the situation LOOK better on paper. (Which is why the market falsely increases every time there's an interest rate cut) The reality is that every dollar in your bank account is worth less with every cut of the interest rates and every dollar that gets printed. More money in circulation = it's easier to get a hold of it now. And when there's a lot of something VS a little of something, it's value decreases. It's just making the situation worse and as long as the retarded government continues wielding executive power over all these unnecessary "tools" of the system, the thought process will never change and we'll end up in a bigger hole than the one we're already in. Dave Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DamageINC Posted November 7, 2008 Share Posted November 7, 2008 LARRYATSTI said: Well, we still haven't seen /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grampy-jim.gif Jim ring in on this yet...... He's probably still typing from his initial response 2 days ago, lol. Dave Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Keith Browning Posted November 7, 2008 Share Posted November 7, 2008 Listen, I don't want to come off as a bitter conservative but I have serious concerns about this situation. As we learn more about the people Osama is appointing to his cabinet the more I worry. Some serious hard line partisan left wingers. We are going to see change alright. I do share some of the optimism though. I was really jazzed up to see a black man and a woman running for the two highest offices in the nation. It does make a statement about our nation in a positive way. I don't see this as a sign that we have moved beyond all of our prejudices and fears but this is certainly a good catalyst and a good sign. This administration and congress have two years to do some real good or two years to fuck things up really bad. Pelosi and Reed have had two years to do something and they have done NOTHING. I guess time will tell so sit back and have a nice tall glass of Kool-Aid. What? Someone already drank it all! It must have been spiked too. That explains what happened! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif I think I had better sign off on this one. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rotz.gif Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DwayneGorniak Posted November 8, 2008 Share Posted November 8, 2008 Well, I hope I don't get kicked off the site for this and I hope you all find nothing more than humour in this. But here is what I've got ta say about it all: http://www.forddoctorsdts.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=544&cat=500 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jim Warman Posted November 8, 2008 Share Posted November 8, 2008 DwayneGorniak said: Well, I hope I don't get kicked off the site for this and I hope you all find nothing more than humour in this. But here is what I've got ta say about it all: http://www.forddoctorsdts.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=544&cat=500 I would have thought that, at this point in time, you would be busy determining your own bush status.... You are supposed to be getting damp, you dumb fuck!!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jim Warman Posted November 8, 2008 Share Posted November 8, 2008 DamageINC said: Originally Posted By: LARRYATSTI Well, we still haven't seen /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grampy-jim.gif Jim ring in on this yet...... He's probably still typing from his initial response 2 days ago, lol. Dave Actually, I'm smart enough to know that I don't know squat about US politics.... The fighter pilot rates high because I saw him on military channel - blowin' up Charlie.... Sarah Palin rates high because the alternative could have been Hillary.... and who the fuck is Obama? Is that even a real name? FWIW.... "King Ralph" used to run Alberta... hated by some, loved by some.... this man took our province out of defeceit spending. Some of his shit was hard line shit but he took us out of debt.... Social programs weren't outstanding but neither were they negligent... we help those less fortunate but we aren't going to give the farm away to do it.... Isn't it funny that "less" fortunate people sleep in in the morning... they don't have the worry and stress associate with going to work... they don't have to consider that perhaps they should offer thanks to "great googly moogly" and give food bank donations and charitable donations and warm clothing in the winter time donations.... Nope.... but, sometimes, they approach me and ask "Hey, misser.... you got a buck forty nine?". (the price of a bottle of "big bear" beer..... I vote conservative.... period.... I don't agree with my conservative prime minister... that little !@#!?$! bastard is trying to give away everybodies farm... but that is something I have to deal with.... While you guys might not have wanted Obama, you got him.... can you imagine how both our countries would improve if we had the choice "none of the above"? FWIW.... I was never sure if Obama was a black guy or something else... it's not like his name helped a bunch... John Smith or Abraham Cohen I can get a handle on... but that part doesn't matter.... I can't see where "first black president" should be such a milestone.... especially when it should have never been a barrier to begin with. What I would love to have..... a government that runs my country like a business..... and treats me like a stockholder...... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Keith Browning Posted November 8, 2008 Share Posted November 8, 2008 Jim Warman said: What I would love to have..... a government that runs my country like a business..... and treats me like a stockholder...... BINGO! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Keith Browning Posted November 8, 2008 Share Posted November 8, 2008 DwayneGorniak said: Well, I hope I don't get kicked off the site for this and I hope you all find nothing more than humour in this. But here is what I've got ta say about it all: http://www.forddoctorsdts.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=544&cat=500 I like you Dwayne. I also like women, and humor, but the picture crosses the line and had to go. You may stay. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jared_bortel Posted November 8, 2008 Share Posted November 8, 2008 My greatest concern with our president elect relates directly to gun control. His voting history on the subject is utterly appaling. If he had his way, someone could break into my house and proceed to kill my family but if I were to kill him back, I'm at fault. This is absurd. To be completely honest I am buying as many tactical style weapons as I can afford before Jan. 21 rolls around. Go ahead and outlaw them, but good luck coming to my door to get them. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DwayneGorniak Posted November 8, 2008 Share Posted November 8, 2008 Lord, I appologize. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif Thanks for cleaning that up Keith. But I hope you at least got a laugh out of it. Here's something interesting: http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/reuters/081108/us/politics_us_usa_guns Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeff_ Posted November 8, 2008 Share Posted November 8, 2008 Well I own guns too. If Obama wants restrict sales of grenade launchers to children over 12 only - fine. If he wants to take my guns away (like he promised he wouldn't) then he will have a problem with me. I'm going to wait and see what he does in this regard before I rush to judgment. I will admit there is a segment of the Democratic party that is anti gun. Clinton was part of that segment, but I don't think it's an issue Obama is passionate about at all. I further think the entire party remembers when they found out the hard way, that the majority of America is pro-gun, and how much political capital they burned in a losing battle with the NRA. I think they won't be doing that again because they care more about other issues, and re-election for that matter. I also take solace in how Democratic senator Jim Webb of Virginia got in trouble for packing heat in DC with a permit that was only good in his home state... Now there's a mans man I can respect /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/notworthy.gif I sure wish that I would have seen Dwayne's picture before it was taken down though... Maybe someone can PM or email it to me /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/popcorn.gif _____________ ...On edit, Thanks for emailing me that Dwayne. Perfect!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eastendpowerstroke Posted November 8, 2008 Share Posted November 8, 2008 I found the best sign EVER!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif EDIT PLEASE CHECK OUT THE LINK ADDED http://www.nraila.org/Legislation/Federal/Read.aspx?id=4221 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SteveS Posted November 9, 2008 Author Share Posted November 9, 2008 You have nothing to worry about, he only supports "reasonable" gun control. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif I expect that they will figure out what they didn't like about the Clinton Gun Ban (like It didn't go far enough), " fix it " , and then have enough cooperation to get it passed again. I believe that it was the epitome of Feel Good Legislation then, and we can feel even better now. Of course he promised that he would not take away people's guns, but he meant "good" guns. Just like Clinton supported a person's right to own a "duck rifle". Luckily, when the photo-op was set up for slick Willie as a sportsman, whoever staged it was sharp enough to give him an over/under to pose with. But that's just a mean, old, Conservitive White Guy thinking out loud. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChristopherH Posted November 10, 2008 Share Posted November 10, 2008 The most tragic part of all is that all of us have been sold down the river by both political parties. What ever happened to the days when serving our country as a politician was a patriotic duty that had to be endured with very little or no pay to represent your fellow citizens? Now we have career politicians that despite their campaign promises arrive in Washington and quickly fall into the trap of special interest groups, ear marks for their voters to ensure re-election, political and social perks, questionable contributions, and the allure of a life-long guaranteed job. I don't know about everybody else, but when I read the history of our country, the words of our Founders, and the Founding Documents--it shocks me at how far we have strayed. Anybody that thinks that the election of Obama is going to bring about any real change is in for a load of disappointment--the simple truth is that 4 years of Obama are not going to do our country any more good than 4 years of Bush 41, Bush 43, or Bill Clinton ever did. At best, things will remain pretty much a status quo. At worst, Obama's genuine inexperience will land the USA in an even worse state of affairs with our foreign policy. (Anybody following the news of Russia, Iran, and North Korea rattling their sabres in the face of an untested United States President?) Everyone is fixated on the economy right now, but remember that without national security--we won't need to worry about the economy! My heart is hurting for all of us--I would like someone to run for office who doesn't care about the power, money, or what anyone but the american people think for a change. We need; Less Government, Less Taxes, More responsibility, Less Lawsuits, More common sense, Less Handouts, Less Bailouts, More Hard Work, Less Welfare, More Pride in being Americans (Not Dems or Repubs or anything else!), More Self Confidence, More Gratitude For Our Blessings, More Praise for our Military, More Scorn for our crooked politicians, More steel in our spines, and maybe just maybe (I do not mean any offense here) More God in our life. Oh, and we need some more boken down Fords too! There is my 2 cents--thanks for listening. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Keith Browning Posted November 10, 2008 Share Posted November 10, 2008 Outstanding. Could not have put it better, been more accurate and real. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SteveS Posted November 10, 2008 Author Share Posted November 10, 2008 I hear what you are saying. It's too bad that someone has to be a part of the party machine to make it in politics. It would be refreshing to have people that simply wanted to repay the country for their success. An indication of the condition that you describe is the amount of money spent on campaigns; unbelieveable! For our local congressional race the 2 canitdates spent $5.8 milion; FOR A 2 YEAR TERM! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mlee Posted November 10, 2008 Share Posted November 10, 2008 good post christopherh. enter ron paul. why was he not allowed to debate, or when he was, why was he not televised? why was everyone so scared or what he had to say? the truth hurts i guess. no way was either party going to let this guy be heard. for those of you not too familiar with ron paul, check him out on youtube. he was on leno, larry king, etc. honestly he is probably the most honest, truthful politician i have ever heard speak(weather or not he would have followed through?). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DamageINC Posted November 11, 2008 Share Posted November 11, 2008 mlee said: good post christopherh. enter ron paul. why was he not allowed to debate, or when he was, why was he not televised? why was everyone so scared or what he had to say? the truth hurts i guess. no way was either party going to let this guy be heard. for those of you not too familiar with ron paul, check him out on youtube. he was on leno, larry king, etc. honestly he is probably the most honest, truthful politician i have ever heard speak(weather or not he would have followed through?). Whether or not he'd have followed through isn't the issue - if he'd just been given the same respect and media time as the rest of the candidates, then the mass population would have HEARD what he had to say. His followthrough wouldn't even be necessary because his points were so valid that, even if he'd failed to come through, the people would likely look to the next elect to have the same characteristics that he "displayed" during his campaign. I completely agree with many of the other posts here. There are a lot of things that I honestly believe about this whole situation that I feel funny about bringing up in a public forum (for fear of being called a lunatic, lol) but it all goes back to me being an absolute firm-believer that the Federal REserve system is a total disaster, and before we can address ANY of the nations 'current big issues', we need to eliminate the Fed first. Get rid of the fed, and eventually everything else will fall into place. Otherwise, I fear that America (and eventually the rest of the planet) will be metaphoric slaves to a much bigger, uglier government than we deal with currently. Dave Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SteveS Posted November 11, 2008 Author Share Posted November 11, 2008 Let's all chant: NEW WORLD ORDER! NEW WORLD ORDER! NEW WORLD ORDER! I'm on the way to exchange my remaining Dollars for Euros while I can still get something . Remember, just because you are paranoid it does not mean that they aren't trying to get you. I have to go now, I think I hear the black helicopters coming..... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif Added in Edit: I just saw Jim's new avatar; looks good! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DamageINC Posted November 11, 2008 Share Posted November 11, 2008 Hahaha, yeah, well, who knows. Pretty grim idea though. With the development of the Amero and what looks to be the ending of the dollar anyway, it really does make ya wonder what the hell's going on and why the news really hasn't said much about it. Paranoid, though? Nah.. what happens happens. It's definitely out of my hands. Dave EDIT: And if you Canadians don't know about it either, go do a little research on the "AMERO" as your new form of currency. Back in '05, Bush signed a series of documents that are basically stating the beginning of an open-borders policy between the USA, Mexico, and Canada, with a central currency amongst all 3, along with other interesting policies and whatnot. Dave Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeff_ Posted November 12, 2008 Share Posted November 12, 2008 Quote: the Federal Reserve system is a total disaster I absolutely agree 100% Most people don't know the federal reserve bank isn't even a part of our government. It is a corporation that doesn't answer to We the People at all. The Fed Chair wields WAY too much power for someone who isn't elected, and his actions have dramatic effects on both the value of our currency, as well as how much our stock market is grounded in reality. In my opinion, this is one of the greatest threats to our economy. If President Obama can nationalize only 1 bank, it should be the Federal Reserve without question. If the Fed is absorbed in to the US treasury Department, the dollar will once again be tied to the faith and trust of the American people, and not just the creation of debt based on the computer models of a private - for profit corporation. I further think the ability to adjust interest rates is too much responsibility for one person to hold, and it should be done with a super majority in congress to prevent such rate adjustments from being used for political advantage, as they often are. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/2cents.gif Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jaysonfordtech Posted November 12, 2008 Share Posted November 12, 2008 Guys I have to respectfully disagree about the job and the need for the Federal Reserve. While there have been mistakes all the way back to its creation, the job done is better than any other system that has been proposed. They are a creation of the congress and as such can be dissolved by an act of congress signed by the president. It is their independence that has insulated them from the pressures of the political system to make decision that are correct but hard to swallow, think 1980s high interest rates to knock down the inflation rate. There have been some great ideas about monetarism by Milton Friedman that can and have been used. That being said there are also great ideas by Keynes, Hayek and others that can be used during different times in our economic cycle. The decision of what to do with monetary policy is made by the Federal Reserve board of governors with the chairman as the person who is in control of the agenda. The chairman alone can’t change interest rates. While the they have not always made the best decision about monetary policy, there is way more risk giving the power to change interest rates to political hacks that will make decisions on their best interests not the countries. For a good idea of the risks of the gold standard or silver standard there are sections of Adam Smiths The Wealth of Nations about the discovery of new stocks of gold and silver that massively changed the value of existing savings and currency and its effects. Just as the Bretton Woods agreement was a good idea whose time has passed, the gold standard was a good idea whose time is gone. There may be a better system in the future, but it does not yet exist. But then again I may have drunk the Kool-Aid being an undergraduate in economics. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeff_ Posted November 12, 2008 Share Posted November 12, 2008 Those are some good points Jayson! I guess personally I'm more of a Keynesian than a Friedman. All I know for sure is I'm an undergraduate in automotive service - but despite my best efforts to the contrary, they make me work on this shit anyway. I keep telling my service manager I want to be demoted to a parts runner /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DamageINC Posted November 12, 2008 Share Posted November 12, 2008 ... I suppose that the thing that eats me up then, is that as long as we have a Democrat or a modern-day Republican in office (they're both the same to me in the long run), then they will never sign anything regarding a removal of the Fed. Big government requires control systems like that to maintain it's status of big government. Just because our economy is in the toilet, doesn't mean our government is screwed too. These bailouts are doing nothing but empowering the banks and weakening the dollar even more. They couldn't have happened without the aid of the Federal reserve. I understand why the Fed is important, to some degrees, but I firmly believe that its importance is greatly overshadowed by it's flaws and removal of it would be a much greater help than trying to fix it up some more. It's like a big cancerous tumor that sometimes looks nice when the light hits it just right. Just get rid of the fucking thing. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif Dave Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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