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A Question for the Canadians

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Bruce Amacker

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Hey Guys:


I need an opinion. I doubt anyone has firsthand experience in this problem, but I really don't know many other sources to talk to Canadians.


Here's the situation: I've booked a class for Anthony next week for the City of Prince Albert, SK. I've taught in CA several times but always did it on the sly- told the border guys I was vacationing, etc. This time I thought I'd play it "by the books" and tell the border guys the truth. I started the process by filling out an online form requesting a Work Permit, which requires me to pay $150 (certified check only, no cash or CC) and the customer (City of PA) to do some paperwork on their end and get an "LMO". They started the process a month ago, which I figured was (hopefully) enough time to get the paperwork in order. Well, you can guess what happened, the LMO was supposed to show up today (Whew!) but instead they were informed that there is a backlog and the LMO won't show up for 6-8 more weeks. Well, I'm the kind of guy who likes to take calculated risks, so several weeks ago I bought a non-refundable ticket for Anthony 'cause a refundable one is a grand more. So now I'm in a pickle: If I send him, there is a chance he'll be turned away by the border dudes at Saskatoon, where he's flying in to. I do know of a similar situation where a trainer was busted at the Canadian border for lying, where he told the border guys he was vacationing but was busted because he shipped gear up ahead of time and they were able to cross-reference the shipment to him and catch his lie. They scared him, but in the end he paid the $150 WP fee and was on his way.


Like I said, I'm a calculated risk taker. I'm thinking of sending him there with the paperwork we have, tell the truth, have the $150 certified check, and hope for the best. Worst case, he's turned away, I lose a RT airfare ($500) and rebook the class another time.


Comments? Opinions? Criticism?




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Success! I wrote the authorities a long letter explaining the details, enclosed copies of e-mails between me and CityPA, and sent him on his way. No problemo at the border, took his money for a work permit and sent him on his way. Anthony called a bit ago to let me know he was through the border and all was fine. Yahoo! Time for a drink!



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Whoa... sorry, Bruce, I didn't see this post at all on the 20th... not that I could have helped much... For the most part, I think you will find Canadians a bit more laid back and less suspicious that Yanks...


Nice to see you booking dates in Canada.... But Saskahoovia????

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  Jim Warman said:

Whoa... sorry, Bruce, I didn't see this post at all on the 20th... not that I could have helped much... For the most part, I think you will find Canadians a bit more laid back and less suspicious that Yanks...


Yes, but in e-mails they were clear that he would be turned away at the border. Scare tactic, I guess.


Nice to see you booking dates in Canada.... But Saskahoovia????

Actually, I thought it was Saskachestan. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif


I've done a few gigs around Toronto, and have Calgary on the schedule for next May. I'm taking that one and looking forward to it. I send Anthony on most of the road trips, especially to the run-of-the-mill (crappy) destinations, but keep a few of the good ones for myself. I hope my wife goes with me and would like to tie in Calgary with Banff, Lake Louise, and the Rockies. I haven't been there before and hear it's beautiful. Still 300 miles from Slave Lake- but 300 miles is probably as close as I wanna get......



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Yes, but in e-mails they were clear that he would be turned away at the border. Scare tactic, I guess.

How else are they gonna keep out the riff raff up there? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cover.gif
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Living close to the border, from experience, both sides are great, works best when you tell the truth. To say one is better than the other would be very hard. On both sides they are trained to spot lying.

Recently a dew months ago,going to New York for dinner with some Friends. yes we are suppose to carry lots of ID when travelling to the US, pass ports and photo ID highly recommended.

Well, as we were at the point of no return. one of the passengers said they forgot their wallet on the dash of their truck after a ball game. Heck, we wanted food and beer, nothing would stop us now! We were prepared to leave our Friend at the border while we had fun. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif No problem, told the US customs officer our story, and we were allowed to pass with all occupants. Years ago, in my former life of a truck driver, there were times when my company made mistakes, some big mistakes regarding customs papers. I always told the truth, and I was always allowed to continue on my way, no mater which way I was heading.


THAT is how we get the riff raff out! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

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Bruce, what class are you doing in May? Can I still get in? My wife and I have moved, we're now only an hour north of Calgary, where greet each morning watching the sun shine on the mountains outside our kitchen window. Seriously, who do I have to kill to go to this class?

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Yes, you can attend as it is one of the few public classes we do. Anthony does about 80-90% of our classes now, which are almost all private classes for fleets and government agencies. Commonly we have customers request me specifically over Anthony for training conferences, but they don't realize that Anthony is just as good, or better, of an instructor than I am.


Tentative date is Saturday, May 30, 2009 for the Cochrane Automotive Western Canada Conference. It may be billed as Lindertech West, or some other creative name. John originally conspired with Jim Linder to expand Jim's annual Lindertech Training Conference to Canada. Jim Linder is probably the foremost independent training instructor/company in the US promoting not only the top national conference in the US but also his incredible "Guru" schools, which are the best driveability and scope classes probably offered in the country, if not the world.


John Cochrane, one of the Canadian automotive industry's driving forces, has assembled some of the industry's top educators three years running now for an annual conference near Toronto, which I've taught at two years now. It has been successful enough for he and his wife, Leah, to consider the Western Canada conference that I refer to. The classes are mostly automotive oriented, with scope topics, fuel control, and other terrific classes offered. I'll be the token diesel guy there. Google "Lindertech North" and you'll have plenty to read. They have not confirmed a topic for me yet, but I suspect it will be 6.0 PSD.


E-mail Leah at headoffice@cochraneauto.ca and ask her how progress is coming on the conference. Everything is in the planning stages now, and this was put in place before the economy crashed, so I hope it still happens.


John Cochrane is a great guy, and your (our) industry needs more people like him. He donates a ton of his personal time trying to persuade Parliament to pass laws conducive to making information more accessible and other important industry topics. Not only does he run a repair shop and parts store, but he is truly a one-man lobby group. He has earned recognition from various organizations and was selected "Man of the Year" or something similar recently by one of your trade magazines.



Some related reading:








PS Anthony's trip to Saskatchewan went off without a hitch and he returned without experiencing cuffs or jail time.

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Awesome, thanks for the reply. My brother Mike went to Cochrane's thing in Toronto last year, apparently you were there as well. I'll be expecting to be be wowed.

There's little chance of getting cuffed in Saskatchewan for something minor, like creative paperwork. Wearing a pink shirt, or sipping wine coolers, driving a Volkswagen, or cheering for the wrong hockey team, that's what gets you in trouble over there. Prince Albert is a special place.......

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