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Dealer to Dealer Realations

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I'll start off by saying we all make mistakes, and shit happens. all we can try to do is make things right for the customer, and sometimes that means the dealer eats a bill(the lovely service policy account).


anyway, long story short, good customer was working out of town for a few months, took his '04 6.0(300,000km) into the local dealer for a rough run, smoking concern. the dealer sells him 8 injectors, fuel filters, an egr valve and a turbo clean all on one bill(cha ching), and attributes the failure to poor fuel/lack of maintainance(which is a load as far as i'm concerned knowing this customer) but whatever.


fast forward 8 weeks and about 25,000km. truck comes in to me for a no start hot, low icp. testing narrows it down to a leak on the lh bank. found #4 and #8 injectors have broken snap rings and missing seals. upon further inspection found that #2 and #6 also had very slight o-ring damage where the rail goes in(but snap rings were still intact). installed 4 injectors, and retested for air leaks, all seemed good. road tested truck, shut it off hot and attempted restart. no go. air test, now i have a leak on the rh side. again, 2 injectors with o-ring damage. installed 2 more injectors on rh side. road test. all good now.


3 days later, customer calls, truck is acting up again. same thing low icp. this time no air leaks, but found the screen off the ipr was sucked off. replaced the ipr and all good. so now the custome has a $4000+ bill from us. i was not aware of the previous repair until he came to pay the bill yesterday. so now i say, hold the phone. you had 8 injectors replaced at another dealer 25,000km ago.


my gut tells me poor installation of the oil rails at the previous dealer. so i tell him to make a call, the dealer shuts him down. so i make a call, and they shut me down, no way did we screw up he says, we do lots of injectors without a problem.


i really can't see anything else causing this type of failure. i even called hotline, and it was pretty much a straight up "poor installation" response. it is a shame that a customer gets raped once by another dealer, and then we have to charge him again to do the same repair over. i never like to call out another dealer or tech, but mistakes get made. he is now considering legal action all because someone is too proud to possibly admit they may have made a mistake.


what do you guys think? can anyone else come up with some other explanation of the failure?

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When Ihave seen injectors with damaged O-rings,circlips,or an injector just blown apart at the middle. It was due to a really dirty fuel filters. Lack of maintance.I too have seen trucks come in after having injectors replaced 2,500 to 5,000 miles ago come back in as a no start or hard start. The engine wants to make boost. It will ramp up the IPR to compensate for lack of fuel. Full throttle cold will do it most of the time. I have had many customers come in complaning that the injectors were just done.We'll asked them if the last dealership asked for a filter change. 75% of said the dealer asked,but they were going to do it themselevs. I will not release a truck with this problem unless they change the filters. Telling them we just put 700 to 2600 dollars of injector into it. Sways them are way. If you don't see more than 18 psi on any 6.0 after injector replacement. Find out why. Just watch your IPR next time you know a truck needs filters. You would be suprised to see how high the IPR and ICP pressures are. Besides when you work with junk. Replace it with junk. You still have junk.

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It's too bad you didn't know the whole story when you started, you could have just put D-rings in some of the injectors (assuming the snap ring groove was not damaged). You do know they are available from the aftermarket, right?


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Good Luck!




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yeah, it would have been nice to know. and i guess the kits would have saved 3 injectors, the other 3 were tore up pretty bad. the other issue with that is those kits are not readily available where i am at.

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  Bruce Amacker said:

Originally Posted By: Aaron
Gotta buy them from International

The injectors or the D-rings? Last I checked, the D-rings were not available from IH.


Happy Turkey Day!




No kiddin! We got told at 6.0 school IH was the only place you could acquire them.


That was awhile back though.

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