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I wanted to like what this guy is doing. This website was mentioned here before but I recently caught a topic on upper engine oil changes on TDS and this site was mentioned. I revisited this site and sat down to watch his videos. How many inaccuracies can you spot in this video alone? Do you think this guy really know what he is talking about? For someone taking pot shots at dealership service departments I expected better. There are more videos @ powerstrokehelp.com It reminds me of that Diesel Radio... sales pitch.





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/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/surprise.gif Ohhhhh mannnn, don't make me go through that again. That was like Chinese Torture. Mohommy please make the big bad man go away! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crybaby2.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/boink3.gif

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The embedded YouTube video in the this topic has been removed.



Apparently some sort of relatively aggressive virus is affecting certain embedded YouTube videos. Some are saying it affects IE and Firefox users, while others say it's only going after IE. The virus is called Actns/Swif.T and seems to contain a redirect to a phishing website embedded within a SWF file. The site apparently installs Antivirus 2009, which is malware. Be careful because this one appears to have just broken out today. If you find yourself being automatically redirected or experience other weird pop-ups, especially for something called Antivirus 2009, don't click on anything.

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Brad.... the fountain of knowledge can be an odd place.... A student may visit - but there is no assurance that he might carry away all that was offered. An instructor can only offer knowledge.. the rest is up to the pupil.


Though I have only seen one of this gentlemans productions, I have already begun to form an opinion about the rest of them. It ain't real flattering.


I would suggest that you look beyond the messenger... look at the message and base your judgement on that....

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I'm just kiddin'. I have never met that screwball, but I did live in Marietta GA which is a stones throw from Atlanta.


Wanted to see what kinda reaction I could get out yous guys. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cover.gif


And I must say that you were very proffesional and it would have saved me a trip to the corner of my room hugging my teddy bear in the fetal position for a couple of hours, if I had know this guy. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif

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Brad - you are a "ralph".... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif


I make one attempt at something close to diplomacy... and you wasted it....


Then again.... maybe you did teach this wonderboy all he knows..... HMMMMMMM

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I can't believe that jim actually tried to be diplomatic, he's always been the freak out first then review the situation later kind of guy. I now have seen that hell must be getting ready to freeze over.

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  flimsy said:

I'm just kiddin'. I have never met that screwball, but I did live in Marietta GA which is a stones throw from Atlanta.


Wanted to see what kinda reaction I could get out yous guys. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cover.gif


And I must say that you were very proffesional and it would have saved me a trip to the corner of my room hugging my teddy bear in the fetal position for a couple of hours, if I had know this guy. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif

Wheewwww. I was thinking that I may have had a real bad case of hoof in mouth disease again. I have been known to chew on my own feet once in a while in case no one's ever noticed. That was just completely unacceptable on your behalf and also scary thinking that you may have taught this less fortunate soul what he really knows. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/whew.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/eeeesh.gif

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This must be the video on the fabled "top end oil change", but since the video had been removed, one can only assume... It seems the worlds greatest techs (found at TDS of course) now put Bill Hewitt next to God himself... this was my response...


  alexb said:

I'm sure this will piss alot of people off, but I have to get this off my mind...

Okay, so I finally made the time to watch the video on the almighty "top end oil change"... It took the whole first clip, and up to about 3 minutes of the second clip for me to realize that it is no more than snake oil. First of all, the dude contradicts himself over and over... first he says that the oil in the top end never really gets changed, then he goes on to say, "ever notice how your new oil turns black right after you start the engine, it's because of the 3 quarts of oil caught in your top end"... yadayadayada... so, if it remains in the top end, how does it get down to the oil pan to make the oil black? Then it was a bunch more BS and trying to sell stuff off his website... then the final nail in the coffin was when he said not to leave the plug off the HP resevoir because the HPOP can make 3000 psi... well, yes the HPOP can make 3000 psi+... but all that's in the resevoir is base engine oil pressure, which is in the area of 40 to 70 psi... yes, it too will make a mess, but the statement just leads me more to the belief that it's just somebody that's trying to sell/upsell another "unnecessary" service to people that are looking for the miracle cure.


The key is proper maintenance to (hopefully) prevent issues from arising. Don't expect that you can 100% prevent fuel injector failure. Change your oil regularily and all should work well. We service 7.3s with well over half a milllon K on them, and they still have functioning injectors. Yes, some have been replaced, but not all... And have never heard of or even dreamt of such a scheme. Just my 2 (or 20) cents.


I was certainly hoping to ruffle a few more feathers than I actually did, but I feel kind of "shunned" there because I may actually know something about diesel engines...

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I'm not sure if this will be an issue with Keith or not being that we are worried about viruses coming from YouTube. But I think a link won't affect Keith's site as it will open a new tab for whoever clicks on it anyway. This is the link to the video that Keith had originally posted:

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I made it 2 minutes into this one....


We will be judged by this person (notice I didn't say "man")


Every time I've had a 6.0 lock, it has been because coolant has been leaking out of a right side exhaust manifild.... and nothing to do with a head gasket.


Sadly, if we use this boys ideas, we might be "right" often enough to look good...

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  DwayneGorniak said:

I'm not sure if this will be an issue with Keith or not being that we are worried about viruses coming from YouTube. But I think a link won't affect Keith's site as it will open a new tab for whoever clicks on it anyway.

It wont affect the site at all. It will affect YOUR computers if you open up one of the infected videos. The video I embedded in my post was indeed infected and having it embedded means that you guys would innocently get hit.


How do I know that the video was infected? Every time I opened that post my anti-virus real time scanner picked it up and deleted it then splashed a big warning on my screen. This is a new virus which is a Trojan. I suspect it is an new version of the one my wife innocently allowed to open. I could not get it out of our kitchen PC and had to completely wipe the hard drive clean and reload everything.




Surf with care and USE ANTI-VIRUS AND ANTI-SPY-WARE. Do NOT click on any pop up that says your computer is infected, offers free anti-virus software or security check.

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  Keith Browning said:

Holy shit! This guy is a bigger idiot than I thought! I watched more of his comedy tapes...

Right, but every "average Joe" that sees those videos believes it... do we need to post "Bill Hewitt inaccuracies" videos on You-Tube now??


BTW, have you noticed some the the faux-pas on engine disassembly in the 6.0 video?

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  AlexBruene said:

Originally Posted By: Keith Browning
Holy shit! This guy is a bigger idiot than I thought! I watched more of his comedy tapes...

Right, but every "average Joe" that sees those videos believes it... do we need to post "Bill Hewitt inaccuracies" videos on You-Tube now??


BTW, have you noticed some the the faux-pas on engine disassembly in the 6.0 video?

That is what I am reacting to. I saw the one that looked like cylinder & hydro locked and he said the oil cooler failed. Nice.

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Ummm I think i'm going to start creating youtube video's that bash him.


PLESE PLEASE watch the 6.4 video and pay attention to how he describes the turbo and how it works when he grabs the VGT actuator.


And I Quote " This is the part that makes it all go....the servo that decides which turbo get's how much"



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  AlexBruene said:

Originally Posted By: Keith Browning
Holy shit! This guy is a bigger idiot than I thought! I watched more of his comedy tapes...

Right, but every "average Joe" that sees those videos believes it... do we need to post "Bill Hewitt inaccuracies" videos on You-Tube now??


BTW, have you noticed some the the faux-pas on engine disassembly in the 6.0 video?

Can i start the first video? I think this should be a group effort.


I think we should just have a youtube video of us sitting watching his clips and just laughing our asses off.

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