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Oh Jim...

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Alex Bruene

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Since I've been working 24 1/2 hours per day lately (and the "new" DTS website will not work on my work computers), I have not had the opportunity to ask this yet, but what does the ever wise James Warman have to say about the current political situation in our land?

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I have to say as an American living 30 min from BC I have gotten a kick out of listening to the goings on up there. It sounds like you guys really really enjoy spending money on elections, and now this new twist. So ya Jim what says you?

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  jaysonfordtech said:

I have to say as an American living 30 min from BC I have gotten a kick out of listening to the goings on up there. It sounds like you guys really really enjoy spending money on elections, and now this new twist. So ya Jim what says you?

Correction: our Liberal ,NDP, Bloc separtist bastard oposition parties who are now a freakin coalition love to spend our hard earned tax paying dollars on trying to take our rightfully elected by the citizens Conservative government out of power. Dirty rotten sons a useless biotch's. Man I'd like to get my hands around their freakin little necks. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/boxing.gif

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Alex was sitting around one day and thought "HMMM, what's this? PA.... PANDO....... PANDORA..... Oh!! PANDORAS Box!!! I think I'll rip the lid off'n this puppy and see if Steven King slides out - or a least a poor impersonation of him".


Don't worry, I'm sure Dwayne will chime in, too.


Once upon a time, in the magical kingdom of Kanata (IIRC, this is Mohawk for "settlement"), the voters finally came to their senses and elected a Tory government. Along about that time, the economy of the west arm of the spiral galaxy slid into the toilet.... taking the economy of the entire planet (third rock from the sun) know as Earth, with it.


What were the whinging (if ya had to google that, you are a bloody colonist...) Liberal wankers to do? What were those beastly NDPers to do? What any patriot of a true north strong and free would do - climb into bed with some separatist batard.


Now... Stephan Dion can't help it... the man has no vision, no savvy and he wants so bad to be the king of the sandbox... Jack Layton would just about gargle to win acceptance.... Gilles Duceppe of the Bloc Quebecois doesn't give a rats ass... not about you - not about me- not about the Liberals and not about the NDP. Gilles would have your vision of Canada permanently changed.... Quebec would have all of the good shit it gets from Canada (especially the transfer payments we in the west send to their lazy little asses)... money, health care, more money, good roads, more money.


Anyway, Jack and Stephan are going to crawl into bed with Gilles... because they aren't happy with the way the voters have spoken.... WTF is that? Democracy worked that time because it went my way... but this time? I'll stomp my feet and hold my breath until we vote my way...


Jack and Stephan are praying that the GG is going to say OK guys.... we'll make the Tories sit in the corner and you guys can take over the sandbox... It is about this time that a democracy becomes a dictatorship.... Because what the voters stated at the polls isn't going to be accepted by some... and those morons will keep the focus of our country on anything as long as it has nothing to do with running the country.


What do I think? I think there are three weiners in Ottawa that need to grow up. So the election didn't go their way... The whole idea is that we have this large multifaceted business enterprise... Canada is the name of the country. We elected our current board of directors... but some of the lesser directors are jealous. They want us to think the higher directors are inept, inadequate and self-serving. So they are going to do everything they can to discredit the higher directors. And, in wasting all of this time and effort, they feel they are making our company function better.... Quite a stretch of the imagination...


I wasn't born in Canada - but I am a fuck of a lot more in tune with Canada than these "super patriots" who feel that when the going gets tough - the tough "squabble amongst themselves".


I wasn't born in Canada but I want to have a feeling of pride swelling in my chest when the world looks at us... but the world only sees schoolyard temper tantrums.


I wasn't born in Canada.... I can't get a Canadian passport, my Dad was a WW2 vet - my Mum was a war bride - I've been married to a gazillionth generation Canuck for 35 years - I've paid taxes since 1966. And I am more of a Canadian than Stephan Dion... more of a Canadian than Jack Layton.... And Saddam Hussein would have been a better Canadian than that 'cunnard' Duceppe who would love to see Canada split into parts (or at least have the rest of us - English, Muslim, Indian - both aboriginal and eastern, whatever - kiss froggy ass even though it was the Brits that won on the Plains of Abraham).


How do I feel? I am incensed. I am totally surprised that we aren't flying flags at half mast (that is an observation - not a threat).


Stephan Dion has made innuendos regarding the oil patch... I can only suggest that Monsieur Dion recall the Western Canada Separatist party (something from Mr. Trudeaus days) and that he also considers the fact that Canada is one of very few countries that has never had a civil war. He might also consider that the long gun registry hasn't been a resounding success....


These three blow jobs gone bad would have us address them as "Right Honourable"... yet they overtly act in a duplicitous manner... I can't fucking believe this...


If you have a little more time, maybe I can tell you how I really feel.


Until today.... I had an even deeper dread.... Michaelle Jean. This woman... unelected.... placed in power despite anything I might voice... held (and, in no small way, still holds) the future of my country in her hands... It was she that allowed Harpers prorogue... it will be her decision that either has us with a coalition fudgepack or an unnecessary federal election. One person.. and you, me, nobody you know gave her that kind of power... yet she has it. Ain't that fuckin' scarey...


This is horsehit... and if them pansies in Ottawa could ever bring themselves to say "Let's git 'er dunnn!!", we might have something.


Fuck me.... The US had John Kennedy, Adelai Stevenson and Bob Hope... We got Stephan, Jack, Gilles and no Hope!!!

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Everyone on stage was a friggin' drama queen. They are all praying that nobody in the audience has the balls to stand up and say enough is enough...


If these assholes pull it off, I'm looking for a green card - in spite of everything I've said about "right to work" states.


The really sad part is that this is the way the whole world is going.... We have become educated to the point that reality no longer has any significance.... Our schoolroom "model" says that if I kick someone in the nuts, he will forgive my profound indignity.... indeed, he will suggest that something in his demeanour led to my uncalled for action.... He better... he's a bad man for letting me kick him in the nuts....

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Wellllllll Alex, are you happy with the responce? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif I bet your suckin on an ice cold one right now laughin your ars off. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/drinkingdude.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hahaha.gif Guess what? I am having a freakin blast getting shit faced and sitting here and reading this right now. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/drinkingdude.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/popcorn.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/drinkingdude.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/popcorn.gif Is it any less than you expected?


By the way, now that you've had both Jim's and my take on this mess whats your take on the situation? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hahaha.gif

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  jaysonfordtech said:

I have to say as an American living 30 min from BC I have gotten a kick out of listening to the goings on up there. It sounds like you guys really really enjoy spending money on elections, and now this new twist. So ya Jim what says you?

Jay... I say this without malice.... The world has come to expect smear campaigns as something like a "right of passage" when it comes to American politics. Canadian politics are, traditionally, a bit "stodgy". Or have been in the past. A bunch of old farts tossing around ideas at a fairly liesurely pace... decisions right or wrong not-with-standing.


However... the !@#!?$! have recently come out of the closet (Keith, I am truly sorry if my real stripe is showing too hard) and we are having childish things thrust in our face... for all the world to see... Simply put... I cannot believe this shit is going down..... My folks trained me better.. Stephan and Jack? I imagine that they lived at home until they were well into their twenties... Stephan breast fed until his wisdom teeth hurt too much... Jack belongs to a political party that got caught trying to rig a bingo game in British Columbia.... poorly.


Gilles isn't a Canadian.... He likely has a poster of Charlse DeGaulle saying "Vive le Quebec libre" above his bed.


There is a lot of "history" in what is going on in Canada right now... but most of the young'uns don't realize how deep some of that water flows...


Many of us haven't learned from our history... and now we are reliving it.. worse than it ever was...


How can you tell when a politician is lying?


His lips are moving.....

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And I thought that our "Election" was a Clusterfuck. I think I'm going to get some /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/popcorn.gif and some /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/drinkingdude.gif and check out whats happening over there, can you say hello Google.

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  DwayneGorniak said:

By the way, now that you've had both Jim's and my take on this mess whats your take on the situation? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hahaha.gif

My take on this isn't too much different than either of yours. I am a Conservative through and through. I feel this matter to be so childish, I just want to take my ball and go home.


Celine Dion wants nothing more than to be in power. Must be small dick syndrome, or something of that matter. What I can't understand, is how a group of three parties that Canada did NOT elect can get in bed together and "take-over"... Do 3 NOs make a YES?


Now, this "coup" could back-fire tremendously for the 3 stooges, as it seems the majority of Canadians do not support this threesome. The latest Ipsos-Reid polls show that if an election were held today, the Conservatives would steam-roll to a majority with 46% support... that would be the greatest majority government that we've ever had!


I applaud the GG for making the right decision in this case, and hopefully cooler heads will prevail in the new year, and this "personal" attack on Stephen Harper will settle down (not that I consider him the BEST man for the job, but he is by far the lesser of 4 evils), and allow him the time and opportunity to do what we elected him to do.


I, unlike Jim, hold a Canadian passport, and I also hold a German passport... so maybe a few years in the Fatherland might be in order, while I patiently await the assasination of 2 francophones and an idiot with a stupid mustache!


And yes, I did enjoy Jim's musings as always /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grampy-jim.gif... and I feel a little better about life on Earth knowing we are on the same page... now, if we could only get Jim a citizenship, and a run at parliament... hmmmm... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif

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  mchan68 said:

Sounds almost as bad as the Brian Mulroney/Bob Rae days in my opinion. Just my /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/2cents.gif

Oh yeah... Bob Rae... didn't he do us wonders? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif

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  Keith Browning said:

I don't mind a spirited rant. I wish I knew what was going on up there! Maybe you could give me a summary? I thought our recent election was a disgrace and now we have President Select Obama and a Clinton cabinet.

The Canadian election saw us elect a conservative government... The Tories won 143 seats in the House of Commons out of 308 seats. The nearest opposition was the Liberal party - winning only 77 seats. The NDP won 37 and the Bloc Quebecois won 49. Two seats were won by indepedents - one has to wonder about that.


Even though only 59 percent of voters got off their asses on election day, I think that Canadians spoke pretty loudly with the election results. Unfortunately, the three opposing parties (with 77 seats, the Liberals are the "official" opposition) feel that they know what we want better than we do and are entering in to a coalition. This coalition doesn't want a new election... this coalition wants to sashay into power without any of that pesky burden of proof shit. "Hand us the keys to the country and send those little conservative toadies out to play - thenk yew".


The Bloc Quebecois has only one interest and that is Quebec. They do not care what happens in the rest of Canada as long as those transfer payments keep coming from the have provinces into a province largely populated by under-achievers. They would rather see a "free" Quebec.... one that still gets transfer payments but isn't part of Canada. And the Liberals and the NDP are more than happy to enter into a contract with these people to "serve Canada better????".


Kindergarten has more mature interaction than these whack jobs are showing...

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No one else weighing in on this one? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif I wonder what is going to happen with the coalition seeing as Dion stepped down due to pressure from the rest of his party. What a bunch of losers.

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Looks like Bob Rae is out now too. That leaves Micheal Ignatieff. I don't know anything about him, but I'm sure he can't be as bad as Stephane Dion. Now what the heck is a prorougue? I never heard of it before. I googled it and found the definition, so now I know. What I can't figure out is who is running the country now? Since the prorougue suspended parliament, the highly paid public servants who sat for less than 3 weeks after the election are now on an extended Christmas break while the country slides into a recession and the manufacturing industry looses thousands of jobs(not just the auto industry). /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/icon_crazy.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/flamethrower.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/stooges.gif(Dion, Layton and Duceppe)

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  DwayneGorniak said:

No one else weighing in on this one? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif

Okay, I tell you what, you can have President Select Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi abd Harry Reed.



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  AlexBruene said:

You know what, Bruno... the only person that scares me more than Celine Dion when it comes to running the country is Bob Rae... you do remember former Ontario NDP Premier Bob Rae, don't you?

....only to be replaced by Mike the "cuts, cuts, cuts" man Harris. At least he was able to undo most of the mess that Rae caused.
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  AlexBruene said:

You know what, Bruno... the only person that scares me more than Celine Dion when it comes to running the country is Bob Rae... you do remember former Ontario NDP Premier Bob Rae, don't you?

I'm sorry to say I do remember Bob Rae. How could I forget Ontario's short-lived(thank God)NDP venture. I'm embarrassed to admit I actually helped elect him by voting for the local NDP candidate, who promptly quit to run in the federal election when he found out he couldn't do much from his seat in Toronto to change the things he wanted to. Luckily, he never got elected federally and was never heard from again, and a conservative replaced him in the by-election. I learned my lesson and will never vote NDP again. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/blush.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/puke.gif
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