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2007 f-550

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I did cylinder heads on this truck 3,000 ago for fuel in coolant. The truck came back yesterday with the complaint of no power, smokes, wont go over 35mph. Went out and drove it in the shop , i never heard a 6.0 sound the way this one does.Codes were low icp ,low icp cranking and cylinder contribution balance. relative compression showed no major problems. power balance was all over the place. degas bottle had fluid in it very dark, maybe mixed with somthing but wasnt overfilled. pulled the oil filter out and it had this greenish /gold color tint to it and it was covered in metal shavings and copper looking shavings. drained oil and the drain plug magnet had shavings all over it as well. Im guessing this thing had a bottom end failure all that metal prolly bearings right? Anybody ever run into somthing similar?

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What about icp pressure/ voltage? Why exactly is it running so poorly? It might be good to have a little more info before you start taking it apart. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/2cents.gif

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ipr would ramp up to 45 50% when starting then stay at about 30% idling icp would stay at 900psi when idling. did a leak check in high pressure system no leaks icp voltage koeo .26v

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  robp823 said:

ipr would ramp up to 45 50% when starting then stay at about 30% idling icp would stay at 900psi when idling. did a leak check in high pressure system no leaks icp voltage koeo .26v

The ICP numbers are all slightly out of range high for a warm engine but probably OK on a cold engine. I like to see ICP KOEO at .18-.24v.


These numbers are not enough to get worried about, but just enough to mention. IPR is usually 24ish at a hot idle and ICP about 585PSI. I have seen ICP leaks that caused hot start problems but the IPR was still only 23%. If it's 30% at a hot idle I'd probably look a little closer. FMC says 30% max at hot idle on the diag sheet. I've never seen one that high that wasn't broken. Has anyone else?


Merry Christmas!




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Its very long crank, even when hot in the cab it sounds like its knocking, outside the cab it just sounds like a real bad miss again had had copper and metal particles all over filter and oil drain plug. I think im gonna pull the pan.I was reading in the wsm the procedure says you need this special cross brace that goes over the top of the engine like one you would use to remove a front wheel drive transmision and take off all the pulleys from just browsing through it. Anyone know any shortcuts? I was thinking maybe just getting our engine hoist and picking the front of the engine up.Because our shop def does not have any of these tools.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just to let you all know what happened with this it ended up having to spun main bearings and a cracked flexplate ,almost cracked right off.Could this wipe out bearings like that??? ,It had to be that or the fact that when i pulled the air filter out and put it face down about a gallon of dirt fell out of it, go figure.

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