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Parts discounts??????

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Just curious to know what can of parts discount you guys have at your dealer for your own vehicles?Here i get my parts cheaper at another dealer down the road. Trying to convince my boss on this issue at least for our own vehicle.Here we get 15% off list price which is close to trade price, Two of my buddies get cost plus 10% at there dealers.

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Francois, every place I've ever worked has been cost plus ten percent (plus shipping if applicable) on anything I buy... My boy gets cost plus ten percent on anything he buys, too. Thankfully, they always ask before allowing my kid to charge to my account (even though Dad is usually a soft touch).


Tell your boss that this is a perk that doesn't cost him anything and to stop being such a f!cking tightwad...


Our employee parts account has to be paid in full (we just OK the payroll deduction) at month end unless you make arrangements with the appropriate authority...


Back when I used to sign the front of the cheque, 10% was the figure I used, as well..

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Cost +10 usually covered the cost to run it thru the office. It's pretty sad that your dealer is already making money off of your work, and now they make more on the parts side from you. Sounds like your dealer has no consideration for you or the other employee's at your shop. Greedy SOB's /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif

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We are cost plus 10 here, which I feel is fair. But way back in partsguy skool, they told us that a part needs to be sold at 14-16% over to break even, after all accounts. I think some managers-especially the old-timers- still hang on to that theory, unfortunately.

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But way back in partsguy skool, they told us that a part needs to be sold at 14-16% over to break even, after all accounts. I think some managers-especially the old-timers- still hang on to that theory, unfortunately.

With all all of the web billing and easier ways of doing business 14-16% is out of date and incorrect. About 70-75% of our vendors are doing the monthly billing thru the net and have reduced cost substantially, anyone telling you differently is probably blowing smoke up your ass. With the electronic age among us everything has become just a click away. I can't say how much it costs for sure but 10% seems pretty affordable for the companies doing it. If you guys need it call me or PM me and I will hook you up with numerous dealers that will give you Cost +10. Cat, Cummins, Detroit, Ford. I'll try to get you the best price and guy's you can trust to deal with.
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Cost plus ten here also. We used to be able to carry a balance for quite a while but dead beats ruined that for us and anything purchased has to be paid in full before it crosses the counter.


I'm a little bit of an exception to that rule at the moment though. I own 5 Fords and have purchased over $5000 in parts in the past six years including an FQR 5.0l which I paid in full in 30 days. It worked out pretty good because they upped the warranty on FQRs to 75000 miles before I paid it off and the paperwork was submitted in time to get the better warranty.

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If you guys need it call me or PM me and I will hook you up with numerous dealers that will give you Cost +10. Cat, Cummins, Detroit, Ford. I'll try to get you the best price and guy's you can trust to deal with.

I can vouch for Larry on that /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif


and everywhere I've ever worked it's been cost +10 as well

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  fjubain said:

Thanks for your replies guys, i appreciate it but it just gets me going again about this issue at our dealer.

Frank, why don't you just print off this whole thread and show your boss what a cheap prick he really is? I have never worked anywhere that charged me over ten percent above cost.


How does he expect to keep techs or any good employee if he isn't going to give you proper bennefits. I hope you don't work any overtime or go out of your way to try do extra things for that place because they're sure not going out of their way for their employees.


Like the ole saying goes: What goes around, comes around.

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