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Finally killed a superchip sale!!!

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Had a customer come in today to pickup his Audi Turbo, Of course what was he driving but a 05 F350 6.0. He asked about the tuners that we sell, I responded with the obvious questions being the person I am. Any mods done to the truck,what do you use it for and the such, basically trying to see what he was looking for...Needless to say, nothing done to the truck uses it for work and trying to get more mileage out of it. Had to use some of the old things already said here, I think...

My take on tuners...If you buy one why not buy it all,Intake system,exhaust and tuner. (I pretty much blew him out of the water by the time it added up) The best thing that turned him off was that the Superchip DOES NOT GET ANY BETTER MPG'S just more power. Not to mention I clued him in on what's to come if he does install all these goodies. The head studs and EGR and Cooler and Turbo cost pretty much changed his mind, then he brought up changing out the trans. fluid with some A/M stuff. I put the stop to that pretty quick, and informed him that he was better off to stay with the Mercon/SP and change out the filters than taking a chance down the road with something else. He has 70K miles on it and had no problems, I asked why he wanted to change it and of course fuel price came up. So in a nut shell I killed a sale because he didn't need it he was told by "friends" to get it. Hopefully he comes back when he need something for his truck and I will help him, but I think I helped him more today.

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