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HPOP Oil Change

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Can you believe the knuckle heads over at TDS are still arguing over this? Clickie to see What a waste of time - draining the HPOP reservoir during an oil change. I can't believe people agonize over this kind of stuff.


But I do want to know how fast the oil flows through that system end exchanges completely.


Didn't we discuss this before? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif

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I guess we will be hearing Jim call the whole lot of them Wieners. Maybe we can suggest that they need to change the air in their tires each time the weather changes, Summer Air, Fall Air, Winter Air, Spring Air. Makes about as much sense as they are with those posts.

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Can you believe the knuckle heads over at TDS are still arguing over this? Clickie to see What a waste of time - draining the HPOP reservoir during an oil change. I can't believe people agonize over this kind of stuff.


I don't even bother reading the posts' date=' much less scrutinizing them. Slow at the shop today? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif




But I do want to know how fast the oil flows through that system end exchanges completely.


Pretty frigging fast. Remember that the HPOP has capability to pump much more volume than the injectors require. If your LPOP is junk or loses it's prime, the engine runs about 15-20 seconds on the pint of oil in the reservoir, so that would give you an idea of the volume output of the HP pump- probably near 2 quarts per minute at low RPM. I'd like to see the vent hole near the drive gear during normal operation, I'm betting it looks like a flood coming out of there and back to the pan.


Didn't we discuss this before? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif

Don't recall it.[/quote']




Ahhhh vacation. Drove 900 miles yesterday and 300+ more today, mostly in the rain, and I'm beat. It's a balmy 75 here right now in south FL and I'm looking forward to some R&R time. I teach 2 6.0 evening classes next week, but not much else for a while.....





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Ohhhhh, Mannnn. Not that video retard again! And no I'm not making fun of Handicapped people. Handicapped people are just simply handicapped. But this guy is just plain friggin retarded.


Maybe some of you folks who have been around for a while may recall. But I slightly remember in 94' and a half when the Powerstroke first came out that Ford recommended changing the oil on High Pressure reservoir. And then about six months or so later they said not to worry about it and just change the crankcase oil.


Or am I just drinking too much lately? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/drinkingdude.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif

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Bruce... we're talking monkeyhouse, here... most of those guys are talking "big oil" or suffering with P1211s as the chip proves that the HPOP is sized about right...


Some of those guys agonize over the oddest things.


Not to try and hijack the thread, but I'd be interested on seeing how many shops use distilled water when servicing cooling systems?

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  Jim Warman said:

Not to try and hijack the thread, but I'd be interested on seeing how many shops use distilled water when servicing cooling systems?

We used to stock it... you can buy it for less than a dollar per gallon at any drug store though... I think when the parts department finished marking it up, we were looking at about 4 dollars per jug...


I seem to recall reading somewhere that the system originally comes from the factory charged with distilled water and coolant, and that's why the first change interval is so long... but when the system is flushed or charged with tap water and coolant, the interval decreases... or something along those lines... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif...

I guess it's highjacked now... oh, I guess the answer to the original question is, not us. Fuck distilled water, I'm gonna drink a shit-load of beer now. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/drinkingdude.gif

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