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03 F-450 From Hell

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This is gonna be long!


Got a good one that came in Thursday evening. They said "it's doing it really bad right now" so I grabbed NGS+ and went for a ride. No cont. codes, NO on demand codes. Here is the VIN for those that can view OASIS. EDIT:89000 miles.



It has had, since late May, several, 3 or 4 turbos, 5 inj (not including today), several egr's, FICM harness, EBP sensor & connector ,etc.....on the test drive about 7 miles out it started to lose power and pop out the intake, lots of smoke, "quiet" engine sound, ECT 215 at hwy speed, cackle......basically every symptom you ever heard of! Finally stumble it back to the shop. NO CONT CODES, NO ON DEMAND CODES, KOER PO2263. Viewed rec and didn't have anything "jump out".......I suspected EGR but it had less than 200 miles on "this one" so? Had another vehicle I had to finish so couldn't really get into it then.


This morning started from scratch. No fuel in oil, fuel clear and 49lbs at filter housing. The truck is long wheel-base so had to back it up some for walk around room. Felt misfire at start-up. Ran enhanced inj diag and found #1 & 5 inj down more than -20. Ran relative comp worst cyl 4% down so OK.


Decided there had to be a wiring chafe somewhere....bingo! Found chafe at EBP sensor next to where the connector was replaced. It had rubbed on the dipstick tube. I repaired that and insulated it with convoluted tubing then zip-tied it to the engine lift bracket. Replaced inj 1 & 5, they were the orginals, all RH (odd) have now been replaced.


Test drove in pouring rain and it ran like a new truck! It did have one concern though? On a coast down from 60 to 35-40, on tip-in, it seemed "flat" and would pop back thru intake 2 or 3 times ocassionally. Did this 3 or 4 different times in the last 15 miles of a 30-40 mile trip. The last 5-7 miles I was in traffic and couldn't duplicate. I will run the EGR test & VGT test on Mon. Only other thing was LOTS-O-BOOST! 29lbs was common.


I figured since it was SO bad on the first ride I would just fix the obvious stuff and drive it again. They said it had to get really warm before it got ugly so I'm wondering if the rain helped "fix-it"? Any suggestions welcome!


I love these things!!!! NOT!!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/poke.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hitthefan.gif

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The warranty history is not all that bad compared to some I have seen, but bad enough! I don't see more than one turbo or EGR valve being replaced, even in the "full warranty history" listing. Two different dealers as well, is yours one of them or are you the third? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif I see a lot of trucks that have been to one or more dealers without satisfactory results. I am sure this happens a lot.


.....on the test drive about 7 miles out it started to lose power and pop out the intake, lots of smoke, "quiet" engine sound, ECT 215 at hwy speed, cackle......basically every symptom you ever heard of! Finally stumble it back to the shop. NO CONT CODES, NO ON DEMAND CODES, KOER PO2263.
Although the EGR valve is new I would verify the valve position when it's supposed to be closed. The description above sounds like the classic complaints that accompany a bad EGR valve. Perhaps the intake is carboned-up and pieces are breaking of causing the valve to stick. I also see that recall 03T02 - CALIBRATION UPDATE PRIOR TO SALE has never been performed but has the calibration been brought up to the latest level???


Looking at the build date I would say that this truck is not going to be happy until all of the early build injectors have been replaced. Just my opinion. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif

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Did you get the fuel pressure while the concern was happening or just in your stall? These things have been known for killing injectors w/low fuel pressure under load and good pressure in the stall.


The 29psi is also a clue, does this truck have excessive idle time? If thats the case, you could very well have a sticking turbo and or carboned EGR with such short mileage.


Just a couple of thoughts, I would definitly do the EGR and VGT tests too. Sounds like thats were it is.

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We are the third dealer to take a crack at it. One of the last attempts required the turbo be replaced twice in 24 miles. I'm assuming they got a "bad" one? The parts list is quite depressing! I'll look closely at it and post accurate #'s on how many times it has had "what" replaced. I believe it does spend alot of time idling as it is a service truck for a truck tire shop. Changes tires on the Interstate, etc. The fuel pressure test was in the shop only. Need to come-up with a better set-up for fuel pressure testing as I hate using the guage bar for mobile testing.


When it started to act screwy on the intial drive I suspected compression getting in the fuel system. Now I kinda wish I had checked the torque on #3 & 7 inj while I had the cover off.


My biggest concern is the temp in traffic. How much should the temp vary in traffic? I need to review the parameters for fan operation I suppose. Have seen it mentioned that some techs are replacing the fans with the snow-plow option part #. Seems like it might be a good idea for something that has to idle alot?


I agree that the last orginal injector needs to go! I will start with checking the calibration. That may even help with the "over-boost". I don't remember seeing a re-flash listed in the history?


As it was Friday evening it was a 98% improvment over what came in. Now I need to fine-tune it.

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PVT is my recomendation as well. The lines you need should be with the WDS, they were trans test lines(braided hose). you'll still need to use the 6.0L fitting though. Its the only way to go, you can also make a recording of it to analyze with the other PIDS, it also helps hotline.


As for temps, monitor ECT and EOT. There should be less than a 25deg difference, if I remember correctly.

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  HGM said:

As for temps, monitor ECT and EOT. There should be less than a 25deg difference, if I remember correctly.

I think you are right on that spec. I just ran through that coolant over flow TSB and that was part of it looking for a leaking EGR cooler.
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  • 2 weeks later...

OK! Replaced 3 injectors, all have now been replaced & found ICP leaking profusely. Replaced ICP & connector. WDS didn't want to co-operate for fuel pressure test? Think the PVT stuck? It wouldn't let me calibrate it. Finally plumbed-up an old manual guage. 55lbs at cruise 48lbs at max load. Put gauge on another 03 model and same readings. Still over-boosting, sometimes to 30lbs!!!!! Ran like stink on a gorilla most of the time? Hmmmmmm?????



Sent recordings to hotline. They said "classic stuck turbo", replace turbo! I asked "how many turbos is it gonna take to fix one truck"? He insisted that was it. Ok? Replaced turbo. NO CHANGE! Sent another recording. Ahhh-hah! Found it! EPB_G is the magic bullet. That is the unfiltered/unbuffered input to the PCM for back-pressure. The reading was dropping out intermitantly for a millisec or so. That would make the VGT go crazy trying to "make" back-pressure. Result....Intake pop/backfire, stumble, smoke, etc....He rec replace EBP & connector. That would make 3 times in less than 4 months? Said to be sure the tube wasn't plugged. DOH! Tried to blow thru tube. Seemed to flow a little at first but then got "tight". Loosened end at manifold and blew thru it. Big chunk came out. Looked at fitting in manifold. PLUGGED! WHY WOULD IT PASS KOER TEST AND SHOW EBP PIDS NORMAL? I'm assuming when I intially started to blow it out I forced carbon back into a mostly plugged manifold fitting. Apparently it had enough flow to "pass" all tests. When it got hot it would restrict the flow enough to cause problems. I replaced the EBP and connector....Oh?Previous tech must have use a hedge trimmer to strip the wiring. Had to cut wiring back more than an inch past previous "repair" to elminate possible shorting due to hacked insulation. I had looked at this before but apparently didn't look closely enough.....it was hacked under/thru the tape!


Test drove.....23.5lbs boost and no concerns! YEE-HAA! So the moral is.....learn what ALL the pids mean/indicate. I had noticed the EBP_G go to 0 briefly when using the NGS plus but didn't know that was a concern. Still not convinced the NGS works correctly on these?


I'm sure glad it's gone! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/puke.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rockon.gif

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Ahhh, the 'ol plugged EBP tube. Don't see tooo much of that with the 6-0h. Dude I feel for ya. I hate those jobs that kick your butt for days. Hope you have some hair left /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smhair.gif

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Didn't have a whole lot of hair to loose!


Well....the traveling circus hits the road again. I resigned this morning! My heart just ain't in it anymore! I was the second tech in the door and by 8:30 everyone else had work while I was standing with my thumb in my.....ear.....you thought I was gonna say something else, huh? I talked to the SM last night about not being able to continue under the current situation and he gave me the std "I need to get out and drum up some more diesel work" and "things are starting to pick-up" speech.....that doesn't help me TODAY! I'm just not suited for "flat-rate" sell-them-a-flush type work......sorry for the off-topic but I'm bummed.....


Maybe try being a greeter at Walmart next?


Later Guys!

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