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2001 F350 7.3 diesel

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I have a problem child that i am beating my head against. i havea 2001 f350 with a 7.3 that when cold it misfires and smokes. if you leave it in the shop where it is warm it is ok still has slight misfire. I have done manuel compression with 400 psi across the board, replaced all injectors due to having 2 out and customer wanted all replaced (ordered from pensacola diesel) ran fuel tests ok changed cam sensor even used oscilliscope and watched pattern from crank wheel ok Has had idm replaced within 6 months prior. check for any wiring chafes, no codes present except contribution codes #3 and #8, also went back in and replaced #3 and #8 again figuring bad injectors talked to hotline with them telling me to replace the injectors again still no change i am stuck!!!!!!!!!!

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If they were rebuilt injectors I'd not trust them for anything. Sorry Ford, been burned by your remans too.


Our shop's been using Alliants exclusively and have not had smoking issues, only had one injector that just quit delivering fuel, took over 2 years before that happened though.


Does it have a grey cam sensor, isn't there an issue with false contribution codes on some trucks with that sensor installed?

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I have a 2002 that has the same damn problem, smokes heavily and misses cold warms up and purrs like a kitten.....perdel pids indicate cylinder 2 & 4 with Positive readings, which to me means the performance loss is on those cylinders. letting it cool down and gonna retest it.


Alliant Injectors you say??

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Usually good advice but it's a hard sell to most customers, especially lately... it seems everyone wants to spend a little as possible and expect it to run like a brand new unit.

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  Shlep said:

Usually good advice but it's a hard sell to most customers, especially lately... it seems everyone wants to spend a little as possible and expect it to rum like a brand new unit.

I can relate to that very well, believe me.
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I have been bitten by this myself. You replace two or three injectors that are obviously misfiring then the other five or six start to act up because they are nowhere near as good as the new injectors. Thing is, if you get an older truck with a ratty running engine that has a couple bad injectors, all eight were subjected to the same bad fuel, lack if maintenance or whatever abuse the customer has subjected it to. This is also a great time to run a compression test and do a base engine health check... before you install the injectors of couse. Posted Image

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