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6.0l surging at cruise

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I,ve got this 03 f350 auto trans and inferred ebp, customer complained about a surge and noise. I drove this vehicle home and sure enough at 1800rpm at steady cruise i couldfeel a slight surge and the turbo whistling noise changing constantly, as soon as you accel it,s ok and good boost 23psi, no black smoke. retreived code p006a,p0402 and p132b. i cleared codes performed normal diag, egr is new, no cooking in intake very clean,no air leak between maf and turbo. Iat2 is not clogged up,I have not inspected turbo but vanes do not seem to stick.After i cleared the code and re road tested with ids to monitor pids i was never able to reduplicate concern.I inspected the maf and is pretty contaminated, since this is the primary input for the turbocharger operation i thinking of replacing it. This vehicle as an after market waranty which is a one shot deal.Any other advise would be appreciated.If i could only reduplicate it to monitor pids.

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My feeling was thati should have a look at this turbo anyway, so i got the ok from customer to inspect it and sure enough that unison ring was almost seized and binding.By the way anyone have actually had a turbo cooked ? Personnaly i never had one, but here they are full of corrosion, rust build up which leads to chra replacement.

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Is this job retail? If so, quote a new turbo and VGT. This way if there are issues later, it will be FoMoCo warranty on the parts and labour, NOT Frank Jubainville warranty.

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Perform vvt test with ids. if passes. road test. watch egrdc and tp pids. if they fluctuate when engine surges, monitor vgtdc pid. if it correlates to the egr pids, its gonna be your vgt solenoid, not a egr problem.

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This is an 03 with infered ebp so i cannot perfome a vvt test .I final got the story straight from this truck,our local GM dealer sold this with a coast to coast waranty now they won,t pay for anything that is not in oil. So customer is pissed out this waranty that the GM dealer sold him.The last I've heard is that he is returning thetruck back.

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  fjubain said:

.By the way anyone have actually had a turbo cooked ? Personnaly I never had one, but here they are full of corrosion, rust build up which leads to chra replacement.

Yup, never seen any coked, lots of them with rust though. Posted Image
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