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How One Shady "Mechanic" Screwed Someone ROYALLY!!

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Those of you who have the time, have a read through the link below:




I couldn't believe what I read in this thread. If I understood the contents, and ICP sensor and connector would've fixed this guy's truck.

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It's the same post over and over again. I try not to put people down but if you admit that you have no clue what you are doing WHY would you waste your customer's time and money like that!?!? GOD FORBID you defer the owner to the dealer or at least someone who knows these diesels. The lack of test data alone scares the shit out of me.

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I didn't get all the way thru the posts, but have observed that he made it to 40 posts before being banned. Just think these are the same people putting down the factory trained stealerships we keep hearing about all the time. This is a scary thought of someone like this "working" on a truck and in the end it being pulled in on the hook for us to fix correctly.

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I didn't get all the way thru the posts, but have observed that he made it to 40 posts before being banned. Just think these are the same people putting down the factory trained stealerships we keep hearing about all the time. This is a scary thought of someone like this "working" on a truck and in the end it being pulled in on the hook for us to fix correctly.

....actually Larry, it looks like he's in YOUR neck of the woods by the looks of things. Where is Canton Michigan? Can you actually find out if this guy is still in business? To tell you the truth, after reading through the posts last night, it lit fire under my ass enough, that I would actually be willing to help the poor owner of this truck to sue the guy to get his truck back!!!
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  Torqed-Up said:

I dont know if I would call this guy shady. I would say he doesent know anything about the 6 0h or much about diagnosing.

You don't know if you would call this guy shady? Then tell me how in the hell a guy that brings his truck in for a repair ends up with a $12,000 "repair" bill resulting in the loss of his truck? Jesus Christ, a used 6.0L engine doesn't even cost that much!!! I definitely agree that this guy sure didn't know much about diagnosing 6.0Ls, or diagnosing ANYTHING for that matter after reading through his posts. I'll even go a step further and say that I don't think this meatball has any business even TOUCHING vehicles PERIOD.
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People talking about the high pressure oil system however I fail to see how this will cause it to loose power, considering the oil gauge shows more than 3/4 pressure at all times.

I'm not very smart, but I'm a hard worker.

I think i saw that dude's name over one of the seats on today's shortbus adventure....
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about half way down on the left side is "SELLC" the ass clowns user name it come up as a computer company?.

address for it is

8211 Ronda Drive Canton, Michigan 48187 (734)459-0007

also from this page

"In the year 2001 Stellar Enterprise LLC, Michigan becomes legal entity in Michigan, doing business as "Auto-Trend Repairs & Service" Now servicing Canton, Plymouth, Westland, and Northville areas."

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Yep Rex's shop, he's been a real pain in the ass for almost 25 years. This goes back into the mid 80's when I was at NAPA and then got over to Sunshine Honda/Acura. He tried working on everything. Never turned anything away even if he was way over his head. Which by the looks of it still is. When I was at Cummins we heard from him and when I was at Motor City Ford the same, always fishing for info never buying to much. Have to say though haven't had the "pleasure" of dealing with him at Superior yet. Posted Image He has a habit of changing locations every couple of years, and seems to change business names as well. He's like the giant cockroach that won't die. Maybe I'm to far in the city for him to bother me here. It's kinda like the Midas/Brake shop guys that screw shit up and need us to bail them out without them wanting to pay to fix it correctly. If his shop is still on Ronda Drive I'll find out tomorrow being the fact I'm going over my parents house. I'll let you all know, I think he's probably moved again since that was from 01.

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Looking at the public profile for SELLC, we find http://www.autotrend.us/ Auto-Trend Repairs & Service 7970 North Lilley Road Canton, Michigan 48187 (734)358-7050 24/7 come up as an address.


Originally, I felt that this was a case of gross stupidity (and I include the customer in that blanket - where the f@ck was he during this rape?). But I'm beginning to think that this charlatan is a black eye to this profession and to each and every one of us.


Looking further into autotrend, it appears that Larry is quite right. Rex Umney is the guys name and he is promising the world... But I imagine you have to bring your own vaseline - and forget the kiss....


I had a real bad day - and I think it is a crying shame that Rex isn't standing on my doorstep.

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  Aaron said:

We need someone that has an account over there to rebut the statement made by TRUFRIEND...



Looks like our "friend" TRUFRIEND has been banned as well. Man oh man, this guy must have true talent for making enemies very quickly.
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  Jim Warman said:

Well, it looks like that thread was pulled.... <SIGH> I NEVER get invited to the GOOD parties Posted Image



Yes, indeed it was. It appears TRUFRIEND (aka SELLC) has been banned yet again. Apparently, he's been in there stirring up shit again. You want to get a good laugh, go visit http://autotrend.activeboard.com/. I can't believe some of the stuff I'm reading in there. And this guy actually customers?
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This should tell you something about his world. Most people on line at the same time 2 members and 3 guests. How pathetic.


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  Jim Warman said:

It appears that WE will account for a sudden surge in hits on this website.. this might get that wiener all excited...

Well, it looks like Aaron and myself have already riled him up pretty good. Care to join in Jimbo?
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