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How One Shady "Mechanic" Screwed Someone ROYALLY!!

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I keep making posts but they keep magically disappearing I don't think Rex likes me very much. Hey Keith have you invited Ford Girl to the site?

Keith probably won't have to. She most likely reads this site with her hubby over a few cold ones whenever he is logged in. Posted ImagePosted Image

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I keep making posts but they keep magically disappearing I don't think Rex likes me very much. Hey Keith have you invited Ford Girl to the site?

WooHoo!!!! May I congratulate you on being the first of our crew to be BANNED!!! Wow Larry. I don't think Rex likes you very much either. What's going on here? Are you forewarning too many potential victims......oops, I mean customers from darkening his doorstep? Is his business beginning to decline as a result of our efforts here?
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May I congratulate you on being the first of our crew to be BANNED!!!

Party time!!!! I guess my posts were just a little to rough for the big bad tough guy. I kept wondering why they all kept disappearing. Does this start to put me in Jim's league???? Although Rex seems to like Pogo. Yes I have put a word out to the local dealers to watch him... Please keep me updated on the site....Thanks Guy's/Girl
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  kridd12 said:

So Mekanik, oh I mean Lance. did you ever get yuor problem fixed. hehehe..., looks like rex is kinda confused about the situation.

Are you talking about the 6.0L with the rear main or the F150 with the broken plug?

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I have been following this thread and Rex's postings(rantings?) on his website. I assume its his, right? The thing that stands out in my mind, apart from the fact he doesn't know s--t about 6.0's, is how un-professional he comes across as. He disses everyone he doesn't agree with, makes nasty comments about those people, posts demeaning pictures and generally shows a very bigoted, woman-hating attitude. If I were a typical average consumer looking for answers on the web and came across the demeaning, totally childish postings of this "legend in his own mind" a--hole, I would never choose to darken his door. He makes himself out to be a professional knowledgeable technician/business owner, but everything he writes shatters that image to the core. Were I him, I would be totally embarassed to have words of mine out in the public domain where anyone with access to the internet can read them. I may not know everything about anything, and maybe I have ruffled a few feathers over the years, but at least I think I can hold my head up fairly high when it comes to my public image. I sure can't say as much for this joker. The acid test is for me to think, what would my mother(were she still with us)think if she could read my words, would she be proud of me? Does Rex really care so little for other peoples opinion of himself? Posted ImagePosted Image

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WTF is going on over there? Now, he has moved the thread about the "Powerstroke Mob" back to the F-series forum. I'm guessing this thread sat in "V8 Cafe" for awhile. I'm not allowed in there but who gives a rat's fuck.

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