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tsb 04-15-4

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a guy in my shop is doing this tsb on a ranger.Its the one for replacing the jackshaft gear and crank gear along with the tensioners and chain.He keeps saying there is some quick easy way to do this without holding the cams or anything...Is there im just curious and would like to help him out too if there is. thanks

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Well, if he doesn't mind having to replace head(s) for free, by all means try and shortcut this procedure. Those engines are BIG TIME interference engines that WILL bend valves without fail, if it is mistimed.

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I used to work with a guy that was REALLY fast at those. He used the tools to make sure everything was locked down. I don't think he really "short-cutted" anything.

I agree with ya - if you do something enough times, you do get pretty quick at it.


I'm beginning to get pretty good at those 6.4 radiators... Posted Image

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The 4.0 SOHC's are a clusterfuck, for sure. But that TSB can be done lightning quick if you're careful. And I mean careful. Ripping through a job is never good if you're just trying to be fast. But EFFCTIVELY tearing ass through a job because you've got enough experience with a particular design / system is certainly an advantage. I know the 4.0's pretty well but wouldn't feel comfortable trying to set a speed record on them. My buddy can do that TSB in his sleep though.


3-valve 5.4's (and mod-motors in general) I'll be more than happy to fly through. I was short blocking those (3-valves) things in 8-9 hours at one point, haha! Those were GREAT jobs for me, that was paycheck city, sometimes I'd get 2 in a week and they usually paid out about 22 hours after it was all said & done.



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3-valve 5.4's (and mod-motors in general) I'll be more than happy to fly through

For me it was the torque shift recalls. I could do 3 in a day and that equalled 19.2 hours a day.
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