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Keith Browning

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Customer Satisfaction Program 09B08 - injector replacement for certain 2008 and 2009 Super Duty trucks with 6.4L diesel engines. Oh what fun! I attached the first three attachments for your reading pleasure. Have fun! You will love attachment 09B08-3 with the vin list that indicates which injectors need to be replaced. How do they know? Posted Image I see the fuck-up fairy has visited us again.

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just read this on fmcdealer. so premature o-ring failure?? why not just replace the o-rings? who can say injector problems someone does not want to admit too??


seems we will be replacing anything from just 1 to all 8. should not be a tone of vehicles affected tho, that vin list is pretty short


seems the time paid is not "too" bad. I feel it could be better however

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  Keith Browning said:

Alllllllright! I see how it is! We'll see how many oil changes you can do next week!!! Posted Image


lol well its not my fault i'm not certified yet. but..there are some benefits to it too lol. just playin keith. i'd rather do that than do another bus manifold..

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By my math, it looks like 9,980 vin's recalled, and it appearers the average number of injectors for this recall is about 6 per vehicle. It's been a long time since I've done a 6.4 injector, but I think each was around $400... though Ford's cost is probably significantly less. It will be interesting to see what my Ford stock is worth tomorrow.



I sure hope Naivistar is paying for this

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  Keith Browning said:

On top of that I find torquing the fuel lined on the right bank to be challenging. I cant be the only tech that finds this to be true. I hope this doesn't create more problems than it is intended to correct.


Thats a good point. I didn't think of that. It would be disasterous if someone didn't follow the procedure torquing those lines or re-used the fuel lined to the injectors, and caused an internal fuel leak @ 30,000psi. Then they will really have a problem with a over-filled crankcase. Posted Image


The guys at work thought I was a dork for being excited about this recall. I'm not happy about this costing Ford an arm and a leg, but I'm glad that in tough times I am in demand. I will have plenty to do at work for a while. Posted Image

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With the labour allowance that Ford is offering, even in todays depressed market, I can't say that this could be described as "good".


What has me concerned is that they seem to know, BEYOND THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT where the "bad" injectors live.... yet TSBs continue to narrow those things we can do - to the point where the conditions we find aren't "allowed" to happen...

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I wonder who is really going to bear the burden on this one. It is Navistar's engine and Siemens' fuel injectors. Knowing the root cause of the problem leading to this recall would answer that question. I can't see this being a a problem with the external o-rings because I would think the "fix" would simply be new o-rings. No, I'll bet Jim's next paycheck the fuck up fairy had a hand in the production of a run of identifiable injectors as evidenced by the affected VIN#'s and specific cylinders. The varying number of injectors per engine and variations of cylinders probably eliminates the possibility of an installation/assembly issue... remember the injectors that were tested with reversed electrical polarity? This reminds me of the leaking 6.0L injectors that were leaking fuel externally filling crankcases, taking out turbos, causing runaways and melting pistons. Yep, it's deja vu all over again.

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Well, some of the launch was smooth.... kinda...


But deja vu has set in hard.... injectors - over full crankcases.... ermmmm, problems with reflashes..... What next? The end of multistrike (pilot) injections?


Phuque..... are we going to see a small population of trucks get a EBP delete?


At least they don't have an ICPEFGHIJKLMNOpeeee sensor....

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  Keith Browning said:

I wonder who is really going to bear the burden on this one. It is Navistar's engine and Siemens' fuel injectors. Knowing the root cause of the problem leading to this recall would answer that question. I can't see this being a a problem with the external o-rings because I would think the "fix" would simply be new o-rings. No, I'll bet Jim's next paycheck the fuck up fairy had a hand in the production of a run of identifiable injectors as evidenced by the affected VIN#'s and specific cylinders. The varying number of injectors per engine and variations of cylinders probably eliminates the possibility of an installation/assembly issue... remember the injectors that were tested with reversed electrical polarity? This reminds me of the leaking 6.0L injectors that were leaking fuel externally filling crankcases, taking out turbos, causing runaways and melting pistons. Yep, it's deja vu all over again.

Its funny how a lot of the times there is a recall, the blame is placed on another part that is related to the part that is really being recalled. Like this for instance. they are obviously recalling fuel injectors, but they aren't saying that the injectors are the problem. No, it's the 5 cent o-ring mounted on the $300.00 injector. Thats why we are replacing the whole injector. I think it has something to do with legal matters.


You have to give a little credit for documenting which injectors went into which cylinder in what engine that was installed into what truck. Like someone thought there might be an injector problem.

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  Mekanik said:

You have to give a little credit for documenting which injectors went into which cylinder in what engine that was installed into what truck. Like someone thought there might be an injector problem.

It's all evidence that there realy is a Ford BORG! Posted Image

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I was going to say that this must be internal to the injector, because I have never seen anything wrong with external O-rings. Also, everytime I've ever talked to Hotline, they've always stated that the injectors failed internally.

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got one in the other day. no injectors in stock. had to order. parts had to call it in and order per vin. they verfyed how many we needed and said you will see them when they become avaiable. 3days later no injectors.

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  rockbronco said:

got one in the other day. no injectors in stock. had to order. parts had to call it in and order per vin. they verfyed how many we needed and said you will see them when they become avaiable. 3days later no injectors.

I'm not surprised they are out of stock. I added up the injectors required to do just the first 2 of 49 pages, then multiplied that number by 49, which comes out to over 80,000. Note: the first 2 pages have the lowest number of injectors listed, so the actual total required will be quite a bit higher than that. It will take a while to ramp up production to make that many new injectors. I wonder who is going to pay for them? Posted Image
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  • 3 weeks later...

Did my first one today. I've done injectors on these here and there in the past, so no biggy. But scratch another one off the list. This one got all the even ones. Beat the time listed by just a smidge.

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MEEEEEEEE! I finished this one today as a matter of fact. It needed all 8 too. The bad part on this truck was there was a hydraulic pump mounted on a big ass bracket preventing removal of the right valve cover.

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I'm still waiting for my first.


Do we have to replace the 2 seals for the turbo crossover tube above the left valve cover on reassembly, or can we just push the tube back in without leaks?

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  Keith Browning said:

MEEEEEEEE! I finished this one today as a matter of fact. It needed all 8 too. The bad part on this truck was there was a hydraulic pump mounted on a big ass bracket preventing removal of the right valve cover.

Nice!!! How much fun did you have, "finessing" the right valve cover off, so as not to disturb that cheesy plastic heater tube? Fortunately for me, I had a "reliable source" forewarn me of this prior to carrying this out. Apparently, if you break this tube, you're pulling the power steering pump pulley off IN-VEHICLE to access and replace the tube. Anyone suffer from this misfortune yet?
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