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Flagging a 6.4 Cab On Engine R&I

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I'm finishing up a 6.4 that I needed to replace headgaskets, front cover, turbos, oil cooler, and t-stat housing. Of course the jack ass body builder welded the friggin ladder rack on so no way to do cab off. Anyway, I don't know how to flag it to get something half-way decent on it Posted Image. Any suggestions?

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Would have hacked the fuckin' ladder rack off with a sawzall, and turfed it in the back when I was done. Just suits my mood lately.


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  Keith Browning said:

The only suggestion I have is to look through the labor time guide to make sure you don't miss anything. I am curious as to how long it took you though.

I started tearing it down last week on monday 2/23. Its running right now as I type this message. I would have had it running sooner but I sent the heads out for pressure testing, and waited today for about 2.5 hours for some parts. Not bad considering the last job I did took me about 3-4 weeks of off and on working on it.

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I'm just curious as to why some people are doing headgaskets on 6.4's. Myself or no one else in the shop have ran into headgasket problems on the 6.4s. I personally have done a short block, hp pumps and gaskets, egr coolers, front covers, fan clutches, turbos and etc but never ran into headgasket problems.

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Performed pinpoint test for coolant loss as per WSM. All passed except the combustion gas in cooling system aka block test. Pulled both EGR coolers and heated and air pressure tested-no leaks. As per hotline, replace headgaskets. There must be something wrong with the headgaskets because Ford did update them to a much thicker multi-layer metal gasket with black sealing surfaces.

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Pretty much all of the head gasket replacements I've heard anything about have been "As Per Hotline". Aside from the heads with the sticky valves, or any other issues, aside from genuine "head gasket" issues.


As Per Hotline, as in my signature Posted Image

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Well I figure it must have been the headgaskets because if there were combustion gases in the cooling system and the EGR coolers were fine, than what else can it be? Anyway, I flagged the thing and managed 40.9 hours with lots of MT/Labor Op combos. They sent it to the Warranty guy in Dearborn to see if it will fly. Im crossing my fingers. It's definately justified in my opinion. It was a really long story. Posted Image

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We have a tech at the shop that just pulled heads on a 6.4 for venting from degas. What we found was amazing and I will have to try and get pics up. On one side there is a circular crack in the head just next to one of the cylinders. There is also a small hole in the head along the sealing ring. There is a hole in the head on the other side also along the sealing ring. Its the strangest thing... I will try and get some pictures of what I am talking about.

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  robp823 said:

what are you using to test for combustion gases in cooling system??

Using a run of the mill block tester with blue combustion testing fluid. I was pulled in to the office today and advised that I am only going to get 33.5 hours for the job. Posted Image Im definately taking it in the cheeks on this one.

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This post has made me think about something we may find useful and efficient.


a labor op Forum for things such as this engine R&I cab on vs cab off, head gaskets cab on vs cab off etc.


A basic listing of proven winners that we can use for quick reference and add or subtract as required?

What do you think Keith?

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  cbriggs said:

I had cab off of a flat deck with spare tire rack over cab. Warranty paid 3.5 mt to remove and reweld spare tire carrier for cab removal.

You seriously cut and re-welded the spare tire carrier?


I had one that I unbolted and mover the ladder rack on. The time was totally legit, and I was a little dis-appointed that I had to fight WPI to get the time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  BustedKnucklez said:

Well I figure it must have been the headgaskets because if there were combustion gases in the cooling system and the EGR coolers were fine, than what else can it be?

Glow plug sleeve, cranked head, cracked case. Also, the EGR coolers sometimes only leak when REALLY hot.

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