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04 f-250 spitting coolant

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I have an 04 f250 that is spewing coolant out of the degas bottle cap.It first came with the complaint of using coolant.The customer stated he didnt have heat so topped it off.After inspectinmg egr valve and intake manifold noticed it was alittle damp and smelled like coolant so replaced the egr cooler and oil cooler. After that the service writer comes out to me and says o i forgot to tell ya he said it was coming out of the cap too so he replaced the cap. I said hmmm ok so i test drove and sure enough it was still coming out of the cap.The customer bought the cap himself, so that had me thinking so i switched it with a known good cap drove for like 30 miles and nothing was coming out seemed alright.So returned to customer.So he calls back first thing this morning and says its doing it again.This kid is running a 140hp programmer and has a straight pipe exhaust.Could this possibly be head gaskets??? I did a test for combustion gases in the cooling system but passed any help always appreciated

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sounds like a good candidate for head gaskets. would definately suggest head studs on that one if the customer wants to use the truck for any amount time. check the cooling fan and a plugged off ran have seen that a few times as well, but the chip makes me want to say head gaskets.

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With the chip, I'm in the head gasket camp.


Is it an SCT tuner? I had a truck with an SCT on a 6.0 last week and the thing was a fuckin ANIMAL.


Have you diagnosed using TSB 08-11-3 and measured the pressure in the cooling system?


If you follow the TSB, I bet you'll end up going down the "Replace Head Gaskets" branch of the flowchart.

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Updated cap? Really? Is this one made with components that aren't compatible with coolant too? Posted Image


Lemme guess, this one is in the shape of a funnel that catches coolant as it is expelled from the system and allows it to drain back into the degas bottle. Now that is ingenuity! Posted Image


Seriously, updated cap?


Just waiting for the coffee to take affect.

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  Keith Browning said:

Updated cap? Really? Is this one made with components that aren't compatible with coolant too? Posted Image


Seriously, updated cap?


Just waiting for the coffee to take affect.




Thats the condensed version of the SSM

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correct if im wrong but im not getting any smoke out of the tailpipe so im guessing since the comustion pressure is greater than the cooling pressure that is why its pushing out the cap????

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I put the updated cap on one I just did heads on, and MAN does that mother ever click when it's tight. Sounds STOUT when it clicks...that's probably the only upgrade. "It clicks louder, therefore it must be better."


I will agree with it looking beefed up though.


And with that tuner, I am still betting heads/gaskets.

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correct if im wrong but im not getting any smoke out of the tailpipe so im guessing since the comustion pressure is greater than the cooling pressure that is why its pushing out the cap????

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Compression pressure will FAR exceed cooling system pressure holding capability, especially if the cap is working right.


Hell, truck with that tuner on it will likely make BOOST ONLY enough pressure to blow the cap. With NO compression pressure added.


Same reason why when an oil cooler goes for a poop, you get oil in the coolant more so than you do coolant in the oil. Pressure flows high to low.

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got the heads off today and sure enough there is black soot in various spots where the gasket seals around the cylinder on the gasket(where the blue goo is).looks burnt

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yes he is planning on keeping the tuner and yes its warranty.The truck has 97,000 miles on it and the kid just bought it from us used.I tried to explain to them that if the truck made it 97000 without headgaskets and this kid has the truck for 3 weeks puts a tuner and a straight pipe on it and all of a sudden it needs headgaskets????? there is a somthing wrong there!

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now if the egr cooler was shot, would that be spewing out of the degas bottle or is coolant pressure higher than the incoming exh pressure from the egr?

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Usually if the Egr cooler is leaking you will notice excessive white smoke from the exhaust and/or coolant dripping from the muffler. Sometimes they have such a slight leak that these concerns aren't obvious and can only be found with a failed vacuum test with a radkit. Follow the coolant loss tsb and do the radkit test cold AND HOT as sometimes they only leak hot. If it the cooling system wont hold 20 inches of vacuum for 15 min, then do the off vehicle pressure test. You may have to simultaneously heat it with a propane torch to make the leak occur. If you need to do the off vehicle test make sure you first do a road test to monitor the ect and eot pids as you may also need an oil cooler. The tsb has a nice flow chart for all of this.

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