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I just quit my job of 15 years at the Dealership. I am tried of the bullshit warranty and constant pushing having to turn more hours. I am going to drive a semi for a friend so I hope I can still be a member Keith? I will still do side work on diesel but I have just had it with the auto industry.

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Lots of money to made in the trucking industry, lot of headaches also. I hope it goes well for you. I have often thought of making that switch but I like to sleep too much. My dad retired from driving a big rig after some 30 years or so, he had a million mile safety award to boot.


Well I hope you don't miss the dealer life too much and make a rebound and keep 'er rubber side down. Posted Image

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Funny thing is that with the economy the way it is right now with over 8 million unemployed Americans there really are not many opportunities out there. At least I don't see any at the moment. For the moment I personally cant make any moves and if my wife does not find part time work soon I will need to find a second job which I fear will be difficult. I wish you success.

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Good luck. I hope you find that the grass is greener on the other side.


Its a wierd thing about being a tech. I really don't know of many guys that have made it to retirement. Most end up finding something else to do. Someone with 15 years experience who is a senion master can't be replaced by the kids that are getting into the buisness now and work in quick-lane.

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Jimbo, I am sorry that you have had to consider this leap sideways in your career... but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do..


Just one unasked for word of advice..... way back in the 70s, I had a Mack R700 and tried a year at long haul driving.... Do NOT lose your roots...


Good luck, man...

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Congratulations on finding something else that you want to do. It is too bad that the profession that you have worked at all this time has chewed you up and spit you out. I am struggling with my own moral being at a low point, and I suppose if I had something else that I was interested in I would go do it.


Good luck with your new venture. If nothing else, sometimes trying something new makes you realize how much you liked your old situation.


All the best!

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I will not be selling my tools. I do love to work on things and fix trucks, I will try to do some side work. If this doesn't work out I still have my certification and expericence. I am leaving tommorow morning for south carolina, so I will see how I like it. I love to drive so it shouldn't be that bad. Thanks for all the support guys! Posted Image

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  Hempstead said:

I will not be selling my tools. I do love to work on things and fix trucks, I will try to do some side work. If this doesn't work out I still have my certification and expericence. I am leaving tommorow morning for south carolina, so I will see how I like it. I love to drive so it shouldn't be that bad. Thanks for all the support guys! Posted Image


I'm kinda jealous there Jim, one thing I always wanted to go drive for awhile but the family always discouraged me from doing it.

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I went to Holly Hills and unloaded and then headed west of Nashville Tn and loaded last night and now on the way to Carey Oh today. Load tommorow in Toledo then down to Fort Recovery Oh to onload and then to Sydney Oh back to Joliet Il to unload then home and that will be late Friday night so I got alot of trucking to do. Posted Image

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I will say one things guys hauling tanker is a tough job going through the hills of tennesse. It ain't like hauling a van trailer, this mother is surgeing back and forth and man are there some dumb people out here that pull out in front of ya! Posted Image I have had to blown the train horn a few times. Posted Image

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It is unfortunate to see another experienced tech leave the trade, but how can you blame him. It is a thankless business, no one ever says thanks when you pull their ass out of a fire, but they sure call you an asshole crook when you ask to get paid for fixing their junk. And try to find someone with "the knack" to be a good mechanic. All the training in the world does not make a good tech, you need the knack, and it seems there is not much of it out there anymore. Good luck Jim. I have been doing this for 27 years now, I wish I had the guts to make the move you did.

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  Hempstead said:

I just quit my job of 15 years at the Dealership. I am tried of the bullshit warranty and constant pushing having to turn more hours. I am going to drive a semi for a friend so I hope I can still be a member Keith? I will still do side work on diesel but I have just had it with the auto industry.

I did it start of january and I DO NOT regret it. I could never go back ever since working the way I am now with a lot less stress and a lot more control over how much I make. Good Luck out there.

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