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Broken EGR Valve

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The first egr valve i removed broke and stuck in house. housing was easly removed with out removing vert cooler. Sence then i have been air hammer with long chisal bit. I can work then out within before u can get the tool out of the box. I then clean and paint it with anti-seize.

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The air chisel seems to work well around here, especially since housing replacement is no longer allowed by the IH warranty Nazi's. That is correct, IH. Since Ford and IH got into a psssing match about who was responsible for the high cost of warranty on the 6.0 and 6.4, culminating with Ford building their own diesel engine, which in turn meant IH had to close at least 2 engine plants that were no longer required to build engines for FOMOCO, IH has been losing money bigtime, so that is why the Nazis are denying many previously allowed repairs. Posted Image This info came from a source "in the know".

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Stupid is as stupid does but if the damn valve breaks apart and is seized in the housing you have no choice but to replace the housing. If they wanted to solve this problem they should have applied some anti-seize to the bore and valve before assembly. I wonder why the 6.0L valves never seize in the intake. Perhaps they are not as tight of a fit?

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Nope, ever put one in without the O-rings on it, Keith?


Like throwin' a hot dog down a hallway.


So when is the WAN coming down about the housing replacement no longer being allowed?


Are we gonna be able to claim R&R the housing, to air hammer the valve out? I'm not hammering the fucker out on the motor -- What if the valve explodes or the housing breaks anyway? They gonna pay to fish all the pieces out of the intake? Not likely.

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  lraffe1 said:

The first egr valve i removed broke and stuck in house. housing was easly removed with out removing vert cooler. Sence then i have been air hammer with long chisal bit. I can work then out within before u can get the tool out of the box. I then clean and paint it with anti-seize.

No, removal of the cooler is absolutely necessary. Posted Image

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Just a word of caution... lately Ford has been asking for some really goofy shit back... gaskets and seals that you might not expect for them to ask back... that kinda stuff.


I know a guy that was thinking of becoming a warranty nazi.....

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Oh, that's where the stash <<pulls big ass box of hardware out from under toolbox>> of removed shit comes from. I save every goofy fuckin' bracket, clamp, and gasket that they DON'T want back. Anyone need a set of 6.0 head gaskets? 15 or so EGR coolers? How bout 6.0 EGR valves? I got a couple dozen.... LOL. I save all that crap just in case I get in a sticky situation where I gotta monkey-fuck something together temporarily to get the stupid pile of shit out of my bay until the right shit shows up, assuming that isn't a part that is a sonofabitch to change, like an exhaust gasket on the back of a 6.4. Hmm, a CX-2020 instead of a 2056? Lemme slam one of these fuckers in here so I can pull this heap outside. Kerchunk. The fuck out my bay! LOL.


FWIW, I loosen the Vert cooler, and undo the bolts from the lower fitting where it attaches to the horiz. cooler. I loosen all the cooler clamps and slide the cooler up out of the road. If you don't do it this way, it makes it a real sonofabitch to line the bolts up to the housing at the top of the engine when you go to reassemble it.


Once the clamps are loose on the vert cooler, I throw new ones on, it's fairly easy with the cooler just floating around there.


And for the record -- the warranty nazi's don't make the call on if parts go back or not. At least the Dearborn ones don't. There's a different WPEC in the US than in Canada, where WPEC and the warranty claims assessment department are in the same fuckin' building LOL.


And I've come to my senses again, I believe....

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