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More bailout news..

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Jim Warman

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  • 2 weeks later...

The bailout?


Let's start with the "traditional" car companies... the Detroit three..... $400 turn signal switches... $12 caliper bolts (the little ones on the back of older SDs)... $30 brake adjuster hole plugs... These would be the car companies that spend each and every day raping their customers....


These companies should be rich beyond our wildest inmaginations, cash reserves to rival the US treasury and the Canadian treasury combined...


Sadly, both management and trade unions have been busy raping the companies for decades...


Managers getting multi-million dollar bonus packages.... all the while, their house of cards is getting shakier and shakier...


Unions being awarded contracts written in hell... remuneration packages that have an employee cost the company over $60 per hour each for putting tab A in slot B..... (can anyone say "DING! Fries are done..."?). And the managers give themselves another million dollar pat on the back for averting a strike....


In the late 60s, the Japs made some overtures in North America... more amusing than anything else, who was going to buy a car with a name like "Cedric" or "Bluebird" or the mighty sports car "FairLady"? But the Japanese went home and did their homework and came back with the Civic, the Camry and the Prelude... For some reason, they weren't taken seriously enough then, either...


So - what happened... how could these three companies suddenly come to the realization in a very few very short years that they suddenly don't have any money left?


I think the first thing we need to see is why management got paid bonuses for running a company into the ground... why would any of us want to lend these people OUR money when it looks like they couldn't look after their own...


No, I'm not saying let them drown in the dark... but I am saying they cannot be trusted....


At the same time, politicians are too busy being politicians (and isn't it funny that our countries are nothing more than businesses with us as both shareholder and employee) to be business people.... But we are, apparently going to trust politicians to oversee how untrustworthy people are going to use the money... OUR money.... that we lend them.


We need not look any further than the savings and loan bailout.


Quite frankly, I am scared shitless... these guys couldn't organize a blow job at a queers convention.... We can't simply "do nothing".... but I get the feeling we are handing the keys for the henhouse to the fox....


I have to go now.... I'm going to the store to stock up on vaseline....

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Corporations are penny stupid and dollar smart as im finding out in my new industry. Case in point (and im not going to bite the hand that feeds me), the union maintainence engineers for the major hotel chains have us fix their kitchen equipment. They are SUPPOST to hire onion companies but they are so sick of being charged for guesswork(a whole nother topic). We constantly, constantly constantly tell them how to maintain the $40,000 equipment, so they wouldnt call us every week. We tell people all the way up to the top because we dont want to look like we dunno what to do. We wanted to give them $1,000 filter machine to save their $40,000 steamer....they opted for brand new steamers at $80,000 a set. I'll be fixing that in 6months again for the same issue. It's a huge circle of stupidity.


And the guy's that we know say everyday....their corporations are penny dumb but dollar smart.


P.S. (in the backround i always hear them saying "its not my job to do that, call someone else to do it."

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