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FSAs in other languages

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Stop throwing things at me! Posted Image


Just because I fix short buses, doesn't mean I RIDE the short buses.


Just because my knuckles drag on the floor....


Went to a wedding on the weekend, and we were doing the macho, crushing beer cans thing out in the parking lot while we were getting photos taken. I grab a can, crush it up into a ball with one hand, and the bridesmaid that I'm paired with looks over at me and goes "Wow, you have really big hands!" and I don't even think about it, and I reply, half lit, with "Yeah, they come with the D---, It's a set!"


(Censored, at work. Think Richard Nixon.)

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  Aaron said:

Went to a wedding on the weekend, and we were doing the macho, crushing beer cans thing out in the parking lot while we were getting photos taken. I grab a can, crush it up into a ball with one hand, and the bridesmaid that I'm paired with looks over at me and goes "Wow, you have really big hands!" and I don't even think about it, and I reply, half lit, with "Yeah, they come with the D---, It's a set!"


(Censored, at work. Think Richard Nixon.)

And your complaining that your not a Redneck???? What's that thing Larry the cable guy says???? GETER DONE!!!! Posted Image

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  Jim Warman said:

Let me guess..... the only protective gear you wear is a purple helmet????

Posted Image


I do have a picture of myself with a surgical glove stretched over my head somewhere, though. Posted Image

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This is THE Kenny. He is unique.... he is fun (in a disgusting sort of way)... he is undeniable..... Like air, the sky being blue and the cosmos.... there is no why.



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Larry, I am an anal SOB..... If you injure yourself on the job on my watch, I will fucking kill you. I try to ensure that the guys have fun when fun can be had...... But I do have my own vision... And that vision includes having guys go home safely at the end of the day.


I'm an asshole.... there should be no surprise there.

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  Keith Browning said:

I apologize for bringing this back on-topic but did anybody ever find out if there are translated versions of these documents?

I tried calling the 1-800 numbers and the exact words from the person on the other line were, "there IS a way to obtain it, but I can't find anyone who knows how....."
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No offense taken Larry.... or did the "if you hurt yourself I'll kill you" reference go unnoticed? Posted Image


There are people in Canada that seek employment only so that can "injure" themselves and then milk the system.


As for publications in other languages, one might approach Ford directly. The list of countries in the drop down list on the Stars2 log in page is pretty eclectic.... 15 countries and growing. Let us not forget that Canada offers up "franglais".

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  Jim Warman said:

There are people in Canada that seek employment only so that can "injure" themselves and then milk the system.

And these are the very kind of people that light a fire under my ass. My ex-wife used to have a "cushy" Government job, and one time slipped on a paper clip that resulted in her being transported by ambulance to the local emergency. I'll never forget the "call" I received at work, only to find out that she didn't get one scratch on her body. She filed a WSIB claim in which she received over $4Gs, after which she spent it all away shortly. She managed to be off work for more than 6 months........and then had to repay the $4Gs.


Originally Posted By: Jim Warman
As for publications in other languages, one might approach Ford directly. The list of countries in the drop down list on the Stars2 log in page is pretty eclectic.... 15 countries and growing. Let us not forget that Canada offers up "franglais".
Yes, I have figured out how to change the entire text of the workshop manual and the PC/ED to Mexican Spanish. That still doesn't help me with FSAs, unfortunately.
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  Jim Warman said:

There are people in Canada that seek employment only so that can "injure" themselves and then milk the system.



Usually we call these people unwed mothers that get pregnant and live off of my hard earned $$$$ It kills me to see these "people" that are driving the high $ SUV's and live in shacks and don't work. How do they do it get pregnant and get the government to pay their rent/mortgage, utilities and most of the rest of the bills. We pay these on regular basis, because we work our asses off until we can get a little bit ahead. Right now its tough in Michigan and most of the country to get anywhere. Now the goverment will give the section 8's a mortgage and not refi the hard working people that want and do the right thing a break(we need at least a 700 credit score to get anything on credit). As for workmans comp....They need to be harder on the claims and follow them real close. If they cant do their job they need to be put somewhere to be a productive part of the system. There is no excuse!!!!!


Sorry... I thought that Enigma might be able to help.

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