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So, I had to laugh at this.

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Guy across from me is doing a LOF on a 7.3 Super Duty.


I happen to wander by, and this is the plate.

Posted Image


So I laugh a little.


It's about break time, so I grab a coffee and wander outside, to see the back of the truck, and there's this:

Posted Image


I laughed. A lot.

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Jeff.... I would bet that she has more hair on her balls that you have on yours....


A little more refined is one of our locals... A bumper sticker that reads "Silly boys - trucks are for girls....".


I just got back from Edmonton. I was supposed to be back yesterday... Ask me about my trip - I fucking dare you......

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OK... So Mamma has kidney stones.... we are going to Edmonchuk and we are going to get these things zapped... we are going to Edmonchuck a day early beacuse they scheduled the procedure for about 7:30 AYEM. Momma didn't think they had a 7:30 AYEM any more.


Remember, we have 2 doggies and two kitties at home... I am told arrangements have been made (are you sure you guys are up for this?).


Sunday night, we get to the hotel.... I'm not a credit card kinda guy and I pay for the room with my Interact.... and they tack $250 on to the bill in case I decide that, after about a year free of the weed, I will decide to regress... in their dingy, dirty hotel room.


Already I ain't happy.... I'm in a city (steerike one!!!!). I had to front an extra $250 because I quit smoking (steerike tooooooo!!!!). FWIW, I got the 250 back the next AM - and NOBODY went to see if I actually fucked up their precious room. If you aren't going to go look (sniff), why fucking bother?????


OK... so we head for the hospital.... I leave my loving bride in their capable hands... hey - we ARE talking medical PROFESSIONALS here, right?


Not bad... it's a couple of hour procedure, degroggify in the recovery room and fuck off home, darlin'.... You are outta here by lunch.....


OOOOOOOOOhhhhh! Yeah, we know your records say your ticker acts a bit funky, but your ticker is acting a bit funky (fuck off and quit distracting uswith details) and we didn't expect that a ticker that acts funky would act funky in front of us. FWIW, this isalotlike telling the dognot to shed on the couch (bad boy - losing hair without being told to).


So.... now we are going to stay an extra day.... It is Debbi's friends that are looking after our petting zoo. I don't have friends....I have drinking buddies....


She is doped up and cannot remember what planet we are living on.... let alone the number of her friends..... I phone our son to look after the dogs and he is...... in Edmonton.


I phone my best drinking buddy and he is "unhandy"...


So...it is noon today before we are sure that Debb will be released.... I'm already pissed at the hotel and spent the night on a strange couch...


Debbi has a stent in a bad place....there was a string attached to the stent.... but it "got lost" and they had to make sure the stent was "still there". To make the trip home "a little nicer" they gave a wee bit more demerol (it'll peak in about an hour said the nurse) than normal.


But the crowning touch? They couldn't reach the kidney stones.... They are still where they were.... Nothing in our lives has changed other than we lost two days and I bought a 30mm combo wrench....


None of us think that "we" are idiots..... perhaps we aren't the best judges of that....

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Gee Jim, sorry to hear about your, and particularly your Wife's ordeal. I hear kidney stones are a real blast and I wish her a speedy passing!



Now tell u more about this 30mm combo wrench.... Posted Image You're not going to beat the stones out of her are ya? Just trying to figure out how the wrench fits into the situation. Posted Image

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The 30mm wrench is a "my treat".... when momma get's to feelin' down, at least one new purse area pair of shoes get's added to the pile (she appears to be in some kind of contest with Imelda Marcos... there is google for you young 'uns).


I'm not at work today, even though I should be... I have developed some kind of respiratory thing. Since I just spent two days hanging around in a building full of sick people,I cannot be sure if this is something I was goingtoget anyway - or if it is something I decided to bring home so I could "enjoy" it at liesure...


All the same,if I am going to play hooky,it would be nice if I felt good enough to at least do some yard work....

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  flmmaz said:

He was in the big city and did a little shoppin!

Shit for the scooter... tools.... liquor.... cowboy boots - these are the things shopping trips are made of.... Don't ever buy a present for your wife.... it will be the wrong colour/size/thing and she will surely think you are trying to cover up some indescretion....


I prefer to think that I visit the "hardware boutique".

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  Keith Browning said:

Just trying to figure out how the wrench fits into the situation. Posted Image


Maybe they have a Strap-on Tool truck for doctors and Jim just wore his Diesel Doctors outfit and got in incognito. Surgical Steel 30mm wrench, must be used on some tough "nuts" Posted Image


Just kidding!!!! No really, I hope that your loving bride is ok Jim.

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