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After Hours stress Relievers

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I am throwing this out there before you folks down south enjoy your July 4th long weekend. Here is a great Canadian drink for you all that is my all time personal favorite and just freakin awesome for relieving the stress. I know Jim loves them too. I think you should all try it especially on your long weekends. Here are a couple of links: http://www.drinksmixer.com/drink1352.html and http://www.facebook.com/home.phpref=logo#/CanadasNationalCocktail?ref=mf .


Things like this are more important to us folks up here than politics. Politics just gets everyone's shit tied in a knot and things like this will definitely help untie that knot. Ennnjjjjooooyyyy!



Warning: After four or five hours of these, your knees will go wobbly.

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  DwayneGorniak said:

.Warning: After four or five hours of these, your knees will go wobbly.

After 4 or 5 of these, Dwaynes knees would go wobbly... he is forever thankful that MJ never heard of Alberta..... (the moustache probably helped, Dwayne).


In Alberta. 4 or 5 Ceasars means it it time for 4 or 5 more Ceasars.... I Saskatchewan, 4 or 5 Ceasars means it is time to put running boards on a sports car....



And then watch your dog run away from home......


For two days....


The essence of Saskahoovia? http://tinyurl.com/myhbde

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  Aaron said:

You posted this in regards to our convo last night, didn't you? Posted Image

Yup Yup. It made me realize just how many folks out there did not know about this wonderful concoction of spice, alcohol and mix that has been a Canadian favorite for a long long time. I bet Jim was weaned from the tit as a baby right onto these.


And Jim, I said "FOUR OR FIVE HOURS" not four or five drinks. Caesars go down like water for me as they do for you. I am always amused with the fact that you find all this funny crap on the internet. Good shit though. Posted Image

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Back when I was at Cummins we had 4 guys go golfing every Sunday as early as we could get tee times and Karl would make up 2 Gallons of these for us to have on the course. Good times but would have to sit at the clubhouse for a while before going home. Usually had lunch and sometimes went back out for 9 more holes.

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